Computer Science Reports 1987-2006. In more recent times, preprints, doctoral theses etc. have mostly been disseminated through open-access repositories (such as arXiv) or the 名媛直播 institutional repository (Sussex Research Online).
Report | Authors | Title | Date |
2006:01 | Teller, David | OpenBerg e-book reader: Design and rationale | March 2006 |
2005:07 | Chadha, Rohit, Damiano Macedonio and Vladimiro Sassone | A hybrid intuitionistic logic: Semantics and decidability | November 2005 |
2005:06 | Hym, Samuel and Matthew Hennessy | Adding recursion to Dpi | October 2005 |
2005:05 | Schwinghammer, Jan | A typed semantics for languages with higher-order store and subtyping | June 2005 |
2005:04 | Teller, David | A pi-calculus with limited resources, garbage-collection and guarantees | May 2005 |
2005:03 | Ciaffaglione, Alberto, Matthew Hennessy and Julian Rathke | Proof methodologies for behavioural equivalence in distributed pi-calculus | April 2005 |
2005:02 | Conforti, Giovanni, Damiano Macedonio and Vladimiro Sassone | BiLog: Spatial logics for bigraphs | April 2005 |
2005:01 | Francalanza, Adrian and Matthew Hennessy | Location and link failure in a distributed pi-calculus | February 2005 |
2004:04 | Chadha, Rohit, Damiano Macedonio and Vladimiro Sassone | A distributed Kripke semantics | December 2004 |
2004:03 | Reus, Bernhard, Jan Schwinghammer | Denotational semantics for Abadi and Leino's logic of objects | December 2004 |
2004:02 | Gorla, Daniele, Matthew Hennessy and Vladimiro Sassone | Security policies as membranes in systems for global computing | July 2004 |
2004:01 | Owen, Tim, Ian Wakeman and Julian Rathke | JPolicy: A Java extension for dynamic access control | January 2004 |
2003:02 | Hennessy, Matthew, Julian Rathke and Nobuko Yoshida | SafeDpi: A language for controlling mobile code | October 2003 |
2003:01 | Merro, Massimo and Francesco Zappa Nardelli | Bisimulation proof methods for mobile ambients | January 2003 |
2002:04 | Jeffrey, Alan and Julian Rathke | Contextual equivalence for higher-order pi-calculus revisited | November 2002 |
2002:03 | Jeffrey, Alan and Julian Rathke | A fully abstract may testing semantics for concurrent objects | November 2002 |
2002:02 | Jeffrey, Alan and Julian Rathke | A theory of bisimulation for a fragment of concurrent ML with local names | November 2002 |
2002:01 | Hennessy, Matthew, Massimo Merro and Julian Rathke | Towards a behavioural theory of access and mobility control in distributed systems | October 2002 |
2001:07 | Feng, Jianfeng and Feng Liu | Discriminating between input signals via single neuron activity | November 2001 |
2001:06 | Merro, Massimo and Davide Sangiorgi | On asynchrony in name-passing calculi | October 2001 |
2001:05 | Merro, Massimo and Matthew Hennessy | Bisimulation congruences in safe ambients | July 2001 |
2001:04 | Stevens, Andrew and Des Watson | The effect of Java exceptions on code optimizations | March 2001 |
2001:03 | Merro, Massimo, Josva Kleist and Uwe Nestmann | Local pi-calculus at work: Mobile objects as mobile processes | February 2001 |
2001:02 | Hennessy, Matthew and Julian Rathke | Typed behavioural equivalences for processes in the presence of subytping | March 2001 |
2001:01 | Newsome, Matt and Des Watson | Proxy compilation | January 2001 |
2000:05 | Hennessy, Matthew | The security picalculus and non-interference | November 2000 |
2000:04 | Lin, Huimin and Wang Yi | A complete axiomatisation for timed automata | October 2000 |
2000:03 | Hennessy, Matthew and James Riely | Information flow vs. resource access in the asynchronous pi-calculus | April 2000 |
2000:02 | Jeffrey, Alan and Julian Rathke | Towards a theory of bisimulation for local names | January 2000 |
2000:01 | Rathke, Julian | Symbolic techniques for value-passing calculi | January 2000 |
1999:02 | Yoshida, Nobuko | Assigning types to processes | November 1999 |
1999:01 | Yoshida, Nobuko | Subtyping and locality in distributed higher order processes | May 1999 |
1998:05 | Yoshida, Nobuko | Minimality and separation results on asynchronous mobile processes | September 1998 |
1998:04 | Riely, James and Matthew Hennessy | Trust and partial typing in open systems of mobile agents | July 1998 |
1998:03 | Hennessy, Matthew and James Riely | Type-safe execution of mobile agents in anonymous networks | May 1998 |
1998:02 | Hennessy, Matthew and James Riely | Resource access control in systems of mobile agents | February 1998 |
1998:01 | Pavlovic, Dusko | Guarded induction on final coalgebras | January 1998 |
1997:05 | Pavlovic, Dusko and Martin Escardo | Calculus in coinductive form | December 1997 |
1997:03 | Ferreira, William | On testing the observable actions of processes | October 1997 |
1997:02 | Riely, James and Matthew Hennessy | Distributed processes and location failures | April 1997 |
1997:01 | Hartonas, Takis and Matthew Hennessy | Full abstractness for a functional/concurrent language with higher-order value-passing | February 1997 |
1996:07 | Abramsky, S. and D. Pavlovic | Specifying interaction categories | July 1996 |
1996:06 | Pavlovic, Dusko | Categorical logic of names and abstraction in action calculi | June 1996 |
1996:05 | Rathke, Julian and Matthew Hennessy | Local model checking for a value-based modal mu-calculus | June 1996 |
1996:04 | Hennessy, Matthew | A fully abstract denotational semantics for the pi-calculus | May 1996 |
1996:03 | Jeffrey, Alan | Semantics for core Concurrent ML using computation types | May 1996 |
1996:02 | Ferreira, W., M. Hennessy and A.S.A. Jeffrey | Combining the typed pi-calculus with CCS | May 1996 |
1995:06 | Hennessy, M. and H. Lin | Unique fixpoint induction for message-passing process calculi | December 1995 |
1995:05 | Ferreira, W., M. Hennessy and A. Jeffrey | A theory of weak bisimulation for core CML | September 1995 |
1995:03 | Hennessy, M. and J. Rathke | Weak bisimulations for a calculus of broadcasting | March 1995 |
1995:02 | Ferreira, W. and M. Hennessy | Towards a semantic theory of CML | February 1995 |
1995:01 | Hennessy, M. and J. Rathke | Strong bisimulations for a calculus of broadcasting systems | January 1994 |
1994:09 | Kiehn, Astrid and Matthew Hennessy | On the decidability of non-interleaving process equivalences | September 1994 |
1994:08 | Ingolfsdottir, Anna | Semantic models for communicating processes with value-passing | June 1994 |
1994:07 | Lin, Huimin | Symbolic bisimulations and proof systems for the pi-calculus | June 1994 |
1994:06 | Robinson, Edmund | Variations on algebra: Monadicity and generalisations of equational theories | April 1994 |
1994:05 | Murphy, David | Two papers concerning categories in concurrency theory | April 1994 |
1994:04 | Aceto, Luca and Alan Jeffrey | A complete axiomatization for timed bisimulation for a class of timed regular behaviours | March 1994 |
1994:03 | Brown, Carolyn and Doug Gurr | Temporal logic and categories of Petri nets | March 1994 |
1994:02 | Liu, Xinxin | Characterizing bisimulation congruence in the pi-calculus | January 1994 |
1994:01 | Aceto, Luca | Deriving complete inference systems for a class of GSOS languages generating regular behaviours | January 1994 |
1993:13 | Jeffrey, Alan | A typed prioritized process algebra | December 1993 |
1993:12 | Jeffrey, Alan | A fully abstract semantics for concurrent graph reduction | December 1993 |
1993:11 | Jeffrey, Alan, Steve Schneider and Frits Vaandrager | A comparison of additivity axioms in timed transition systems | December 1993 |
1993:10 | Liu, Xinxin | On decidability and small model property of process equations | October 1993 |
1993:09 | Aceto, Luca and David Murphy | Timing and causality in process algebra | August 1993 |
1993:08 | Lin, Huimin | A verification tool for value-passing processes | April 1993 |
1993:07 | Regan, Tim | Process algebra for timed systems | September 1991 |
1993:06 | Aceto, Luca | GSOS and finite labelled transition systems | March 1993 |
1993:05 | Hennessy, M. and H. Lin | Proof systems for message-passing process algebras | February 1993 |
1993:04 | Lin, Huimin | PAM: A Process Algebra Manipulator (version 1.0) | February 1993 |
1993:03 | Hennessy, M. and X. Liu | A modal logic for message passing processes | January 1993 |
1993:02 | Hennessy, M. | Timed process algebras: A tutorial | January 1993 |
1993:01 | Aceto, Luca | On "Axiomatising Finite Concurrent Processes" | January 1993 |
1992:07 | Jung, Achim and Allen Stoughton | Studying the fully abstract model of PCF within its continuous function | December 1992 |
1992:06 | Hennessy, M. | A fully abstract denotational model for higher-order processes | November 1992 |
1992:05 | Robinson, Edmund | Parametricity as isomorphism | August 1992 |
1992:04 | Robinson, Edmund | Notes on the second-order lambda calculus | August 1992 |
1992:03 | Jeffrey, Alan | A chemical abstract machine for graph reduction | August 1992 |
1992:02 | Jeffrey, Alan | CSP is completely expressive | August 1992 |
1992:01 | Hennessy, M. and H. Lin | Symbolic bisimulations | April 1992 |
1991:13 | Boudol, G., I. Castellani, M. Hennessy and A. Kiehn | A theory of processes with localities | December 1991 |
1991:12 | Freyd, Peter J., Edmund P. Robinson and Giuseppe Rosolini | Functorial parametricity | November 1991 |
1991:11 | Hennessy, M. | Concurrent testing of processes | October 1991 |
1991:10 | Iossif, Michael and Yoshindo Suzuki | Coding systems and recursive manifolds | October 1991 |
1991:09 | Lin, Huimin | PAM user manual (version 0.6) | September 1991 |
1991:08 | Hennessy, M. | A model for the pi-calculus | September 1991 |
1991:07 | Hennessy, M. and A. Ingolfsdottir | Communicating processes with value-passing and assignments | June 1991 |
1991:06 | Hennessy, M. | A proof system for weak ST-Bisimulation over a finite process algebra | June 1991 |
1991:05 | Hennessy, Matthew and Tim Regan | A process algebra for timed systems | April 1991 |
1991:04 | Boudol, G., I. Castellani, M. Hennessy and A. Kiehn | Observing localities | March 1991 |
1991:03 | Aceto, Luca | Action Refinement in Process Algebra | October 1990 |
1991:02 | Lin, Huimin | PAM: A Process Algebra Manipulator (replaced by 1993:04) | February 1991 |
1991:01 | Steffen, Bernhard and Anna Ingolfsdottir | Characteristic formulae for processes with divergence | January 1991 |
1990:05 | Arun-Kumar, S. and Matthew Hennessy | An efficiency preorder for processes | July 1990 |
1990:04 | Oliveira, Pedro P.B. de | Parallel generation of combinations | July 1990 |
1990:03 | Aceto, Luca | A theory of testing for ACP | May 1990 |
1990:02 | Hennessy, Matthew and T. Regan | A temporal process algebra | April 1990 |
1990:01 | Aceto, Luca | Full abstraction for series-parallel pomsets (withdrawn) | March 1990 |
1989:07 | Kiehn, Astrid | Distributed bisimulations for finite CCS | December 1989 |
1989:06 | Aceto, Luca | On relating concurrency and nondeterminism | October 1989 |
1989:05 | Hennessy, Matthew | A proof system for communicating processes with value-passing | August 1989 |
1989:04 | Hennessy, Matthew and Rance Cleaveland | Testing equivalence as a bisimulation equivalence | June 1989 |
1989:03 | Hennessy, Matthew and Anna Ingolfsdottir | A theory of communicating processes with value-passing | March 1989 |
1989:02 | Cleaveland, Rance | Tableau-based model checking in the propositional mu-calculus | March 1989 |
1989:01 | Wraith, Gavin | Categorical datatypes | January 1989 |
1988:06 | Aceto, Luca and Matthew Hennessy | Termination, deadlock and divergence | December 1988 |
1988:05 | Hennessy, Matthew | Observing processes | December 1988 |
1988:04 | Hennessy, Matthew | Behaviour equivalences: An approach to the semantics of processes | August 1988 |
1988:03 | Aceto, Luca and Matthew Hennessy | Towards action-refinement in process algebras | April 1988 |
1988:02 | Cleaveland, Rance and Matthew Hennessy | Priorities in process algebras | March 1988 |
1988:01 | Bednarczyk, Marek A. | Categories of asynchronous systems | January 1988 |
1987:05 | Castellani, Illaria and Matthew Hennessy | Distributed bisimulations | July 1987 |
1987:04 | Hennessy, Matthew | Axiomatising finite concurrent processes | July 1987 |
1987:03 | Williams, Peter M. | Averaging and eliciting expert opinion | August 1987 |
1987:02 | Pitts, Andrew M. | Polymorphism is set theoretic, constructively | July 1987 |
1987:01 | Stoughton, Allen | Substitution revisited | April 1987 |