
UPDATED 2 June, 14:00: Turnitin issues

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UPDATE: 2 Jun 2020 - 1:59pm

From approximately mid-day on Saturday 30 May to approximately 4:30pm Monday 1 June, there was a problem with displaying successful submissions to Turnitin, on either the Canvas Gradebook or Sussex Direct.  Turnitin have reported that they have fixed the fault, and IT Services and Technology Enhanced Learning are now working to update all student records that were affected.

The problem did not prevent work from being submitted to Turnitin.  If you submitted work, ITS and your school can see it, along with the exact time that you uploaded your work.

The problem is only with how the information is displayed in Canvas and Sussex Direct, and we are working to resolve this.

For assignments (including replacement exams) with a due date or late period that has not yet passed, students can see their submission details on the Assignment page.  However, if the late period has now passed then you will not be able to check your submission until this issue is resolved.

We realise that this has caused a great deal of stress and worry at an already difficult time, and we’re very sorry if you have been affected.

We will publish further news as soon as there is an update about this issue.

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