
RESOLVED - Turnitin Service Incident - 28 October 2024

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UPDATE: 29 Oct 2024 - 9:26am

Incident resolved by Turnitin


We’ve fixed it!

Due to an unexpected service incident, users of Turnitin, Turnitin UK, and iThenticate V1 may have experienced intermittent slowness when accessing the service. This resulted in errors when logging in, submitting, and accessing reports. Users accessing the service via an integration may also have been affected.

We are pleased to advise that service has been restored.

The incident occurred between the following times:

PDT: October 28th 07:30 - October 28th 12:05
GMT: October 28th 14:30 - October 28th 19:05
AEST: October 29th 01:30 - October 29th 06:05

We regret any inconvenience this may have caused if today’s incident impacted you.


Time posted


Oct 28, 12:15 PDT

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