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TC53: 4 boxes


53/1/A: Social Service Questionnaire March 1942

Typed and handwritten replies to a 6 point questionnaire about social services ie old age pensions, sickness and unemployment benefits and opinions about post-war developments. 50 replies from areas of London 6.3.42 (EG, PJ, LB)

Tabulated results of questionnaire

Summary by DB 6.3.42

53/1/B: Reactions to Beveridge Report 1942

Handwritten and typed indirects and informal interviews. Approx 80 general reactions to publication of the Beveridge Report, December 1942, from Bookham, Kilburn, Streatham, Bolton. (CG, FHB)

53/1/C: Miscellaneous Reactions to Beveridge 1942-44

Handwritten social service questionnaire about welfare benefits, analysis and replies integrated, 6.3.42 (DB)

Typed report on post-war securities, M-O bulletin about social security aspirations, December 1942

Typed indirects about voluntary social service from volunteer panellists, undated

Handwritten informals, reactions to the Beveridge Report from Epsom 1.1.43

Typed news extract about meetings held by Fire Brigades Union to discuss Beveridge Plan 2.3.43

Handwritten note on reactions to Beveridge report 16.12.42

Handwritten report on Labour Party open meeting about Beveridge Report 17.1.43 (FR)

Press cutting; report on BMA discussions about State Health Service Daily Herald 22.9.43

Handwritten indirects about BMA meetings 6.12.44 (NA)

Handwritten questionnaire devised and carried out by volunteer observer 9.12.42

53/1/D, E: Comments on Beveridge Report

Handwritten and typed indirects relating to the Beveridge report. Approx 300 from various areas, December 1942

53/1/F: Diary Extracts

Typed diary extracts relating to Beveridge report from volunteer observers. Approx 100, December 1942

53/1/G: Press and Publications on Beveridge

Press cutting, Article on employment policies News Chronicle February 1943

Press cutting, Report of debate on Beveridge report at Reading Forum Berkshire Chronicle 3.2.43

Press cutting, letter giving details of insurance benefits and opinion of Beveridge report; publication unknown 26.1.43

Press cutting, report on Brains Trust on Beveridge at Andover. Undated, publication unknown

Press cutting, "Plain Speaking about the Beveridge Plan", Evesham Journal 1.3.43

Press cutting of article, "Back Beveridge" and "A Poser for Beveridge", Forward 6.2.43

Pamphlet, A Plain Account of the Beveridge Plan, by Ronald Davison, Longmans 1943

Programme and tickets for a demonstration in support of the Beveridge proposals, Reading 14.3.43

Handbill for three meetings on the Beveridge report sponsored by the Workers' Educational Association in Northallerton 17.2.43

Handbill for six lectures by Frank Pakenham MP entitled "Freedom Under Planning" Oxford 1.3.43

Handbill for Beveridge Brains Trust, Andover 8.1.43

Handbill for discussion groups on Beveridge at University Union, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 29.1.43

Ticket for lunch hour meeting arranged by Liberal Party, speaker Sir William Beveridge. Caxton Hall London 3.3.43

Delegate's credential to Regional Conference on Beveridge report held by the Labour Party in Birmingham 27.2.43

Duplicated handbill advertising discussion of points in the Beveridge report directly affecting women at a meeting of the National Council for Women, Newcastle 26.2.43

Handbill for meeting on social and economic reconstruction, League of Nations Union, London 9.2.43

53/1/H: Voluntary Social Services Enquiry 1947: Planning Material

Reprint of Times leader, "Voluntary Service" 28.2.47

Typed letter from Secretary of Voluntary Social Services Inquiry to M-O 15.4.47

Typed memo on conversation with Lord Beveridge relating to his expectations of the survey 12.5.47 (TH)

Typed draft memo from AF Wells on information to be required of M-O, undated

Printed document setting out principles of the Voluntary Social Services Inquiry and list of Assessors 27.2.47

Typed letter to Secretary of Voluntary Social Services Inquiry from M-O (two drafts) 30.7.47

Typed note on information to be sought from survey undated

Typed draft of outline for proposed survey 20.5.47 (BW)

Typed first draft of 16 point pilot questionnaire for Beveridge survey including questions on National Insurance, Friendly Societies, voluntary work and who should direct it, and holidays 15.5.47 (BW)

Duplicated copies of above questionnaire with instructions to observers, undated

Typed list of M-O material suitable for reference and use in survey 15.5.47 (BW)

Typed copy of survey document including general objects of survey, method of approach, reports to be submitted and directions to observers, August 1947

Pencilled draft of list of previous M-O studies providing background to Beveridge survey 24.7.47

Typed copy of above list

Miscellaneous and very rough pencilled drafts of material in this file

53/1/I: Planning Material (continued)

Typed papers from Voluntary Social Services Inquiry

Memorandum from Inquiry Chairman with suggested arrangement of material

Typed outline of background to survey and draft procedures including a first draft for a questionnaire and a list of material to be drawn on 24.7.47 (BW)

Typed instructions to MT with additions to pilot questionnaire 6.6.47 (BW)


53/2/A: Non-membership of groups

Typed guidelines to observers with suggested approaches to interviews and 5 point questionnaire, if required by observer 27.7.47

Handwritten replies to non-membership survey from Bethnal Green, Bolton and Tottenham; Approx 150 replies 30.7.47 (DH, CHL, BL, HPD, KB, JS, VB)

Typed analysis of replies to non-membership survey 21.8.47 (KB)

Tabulated analysis sheets 20.8.47 (KB)

53/2/B: Voluntary organisations: publicity material

Leaflet issued by the Officers' Association, Officers' Benevolent Dept of the British Legion, dealing with areas of activity, subscription rates etc

Membership card of St Philip's Youth Club, Tottenham

Printed card, Bolton Art Circle Summer Programme 1947

Booklet issued by Independent Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Friendly Society, dealing with scales of subscriptions, benefits and charitable contributions

Printed booklet published by Rotary International. Standard club constitution and bye-laws for Rotary Clubs. July 1939 edition

Printed pamphlet, First Annual Report of the Burlington Hall Neighbourhood Centre, Aston, Birmingham. 1944-45

Printed programme of activities at Burlington Hall Neighbourhood Centre. Winter Session 1945-46

Copy of Outlook, magazine of the Brotherhood Movement, Christian men's and women's groups, No 329 June 1947

Printed copy of Presidential address delivered at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Guild of Co-operators 5.4.47

Printed leaflet, "Why You Should Become A Forester", issued by the Ancient Order of Foresters' Friendly Society

Printed invitation form (uncompleted) to a series of talks given by London Co-op Society in association with "Learning for Living". Undated

Printed leaflets (2) publicising WVS scheme to create gardens for prefabs, with photographs. One large, one smaller, wording identical 1947

Pamphlet," The Fuel Crisis: The Facts" published by the Labour Party March 1947

Pamphlet "Labour's Economic Plan". Transcript of speech given by Herbert Morrison at Annual Conference of Labour Party 13.6.46

Pamphlet "Financing Labour's Plan", transcript of speech given at Labour Party Annual Conference by Hugh Dalton, Chancellor of the Exchequer 14.6.46

Pamphlet, "Politics and Bread", published by the Co-operative Party, undated

Printed programme for St John's Ambulance Brigade Sport's Day 12.7.47

Pamphlet, "Cards on the Table", an interpretation of Labour's foreign policy published by the Labour Party. Undated

Pamphlet, "Labour for Higher Production" 1947

Handbill for house to house distribution, Labour Party recruitment publicity after 1945 election

Pamphlet," You Voted Left, You Did Right", Labour Party, publicity material 1945, post election

Duplicated handbill advertising meeting of St Philip's Youth Club to discuss forthcoming activities 12.5.47

53/2/C: Voluntary Organisations: London, Bethnal Green

Handwritten report of meeting of the Central London Fabian Society 23.7.47. (FL)

Handwritten report on activities and organisation of the Variety Artist's Benevolent Fund 20.8.47 (BL)

Handwritten report of interview with Secretary of Oxford House Settlement, Bethnal Green. Undated (AHL)

Handwritten report of interview with head of Oxford House 6.8.47 (BS)

Printed booklet, Annual Report of Oxford House 1946

Handwritten report of interview with head of Bethnal Green Medical Mission. Undated (AHL)

Pamphlet, "The Further History of the Bethnal Green and East London Housing Association Ltd" October 1936

Brochure publicising appeal by above Association to convert blitzed buildings into flats. 1944

Handwritten report including interviews with members of Bethnal Green Allotment and Gardens Association 5.8.47 (HPD)

Handwritten interview with RC priest involved in Workers' Educational Association activities in Bethnal Green 15.8.47 (HPD)

Handwritten interview with Secretary of Bethnal Green Branch of Co-op Mixed Guilds 5.8.47 (HPD)

Duplicated copy of report No 39 of the Association for Planning and Regional Reconstruction, "A Profile of Bethnal Green" February 1946

Handwritten list of voluntary organisations active in Bethnal Green 29.7.47 (MM)

Printed handbill describing the work of the 'Christian Community' in Bethnal Green since 1685 and soliciting donations 17.11.43 (two copies)

Printed handbill similar to above 15.6.44

Large printed and illustrated brochure, "The Story of the Christian Community" published 1935

53/2/D: Voluntary Organisations: Bethnal Green (cont)

Typed and handwritten list of officers and members of LCC Bethnal Green Youth Committee

Printed booklet, "Bethnal Green's Ordeal", a description of the work of Civil Defence Volunteers during 1939 to 1945, published February 1946

Issue No 8 of Bethnal Green Citizen monthly newspaper published by Political Committee of London Co-op Society August 1947

Press cutting about exhibition of work by Bethnal Green Men's Institute Hackney Gazette 9.6.47

Printed letter fundraising for University House Club in Bethnal Green. Undated

Handwritten report of meeting interested in setting up boys club on a LCC housing estate in Bethnal Green 12.8.47 (HPD)

Handwritten report on adult education in Bethnal Green undated (HPD)

Handwritten report on Bethnal Green Allotments and Gardens Association. Includes interview with Secretary and informal conversation with members 5.8.47 (HPD)

Handwritten report on 'settlements' in Bethnal Green 11.7.47 (IPS)

Handwritten interview with Chairman of Bethnal Green British Legion HQ. Undated (AJL)

Handwritten list of churches in Bethnal Green. Undated (AJL)

Handwritten reports of interviews with members of voluntary groups including WVS, Housing Associations, Enterprise Club and Institute and Rotary Club 23.7.47 (DH)

53/2/E: Voluntary Groups: Tottenham

Typed list of voluntary groups in Tottenham, also duplicated copy 19.4.47

Typed and handwritten reports of interviews with officers and members of voluntary groups, and reports of meetings attended by observers

Traders' Hall OAP Club; meeting report 24.7.47 (DH)

North Tottenham OAP Club; interviews 27.7.47 (DH)

OAP Club, Tottenham Public Library; meeting report 30.7.47 (BL)

Crowland Social and Literary Club; interviews 22.7.47 (BS)

Tottenham Liberal and Radical Working Men's Club; interview 27.7.47 (HPD)

Workers' Educational Association; interview 3.8.47 (KB)

Hermitage Players; interview 23.7.47 (BS)

Shop-Keepers' Association; interview 25.7.47 (KB)

Women's Officer, Tottenham Employment Exchange; interview 21.7.47 (BL)

Congregational Church; interview 23.7.47 (BS)

Warmington House Women's Guild; meeting report 29.7.47 (DH)

Congregational Young People's Fellowship; interview 25.7.47 (BS)

Coleraine Labour Party, Women's Section; meeting report 30.7.47 (KB)

British Legion Women's Section; interview 25.7.47 (LB)

Toc H; interview undated (AJL)

Pleasant Sunday Afternoon (Christian brotherhood and sisterhood groups); interview 23.7.47 (IPS)

Invalid Children's Aid Association; interview 23.7.47 (DH)

Evening Institute (run by Education Authority); interview 24.7.47 (HPD)

British Legion; interview 22.7.47 (AJL)

White Hart Lane Tenants' Association; interviews 14.8.47 (KB)

53/2/F: Voluntary Groups: Tottenham (cont)

Further typed and handwritten report of interviews and observations of meetings as in previous file

Co-op Women's Guild, S Tottenham; meeting report 22.7.47 (BS)

Liberal and Radical Working Men's Club; interview 29.7.47 (HPD)

North Tottenham Labour Ward Association; interviews 29.7.47 (HPD)

Congregational Church Guild; interviews 25.7.47 (BS)

Workers' Educational Association 14.8.47 (KB)

British Legion Members; interview. Undated (AJL)

Coleraine Women's Section of Labour Party; interviews 23.7.47 (KB)

South Tottenham Unionist Association (Women's Section); interview 26.7.47 (KB)

Borough Public Relations and Information Office; interview 18.7.47 (BL)

Press notice issued by above office, July 1947

Mayor of Tottenham's secretary (charity work); interview 21.7.47 (BL)

Girl Guides and Rangers; interview 28.7.47 (LB)

St John's Ambulance Brigade; interview 23.7.47 (IPS)

Conservative Club; interview 22.7.47 (DH)

Warmington House Women's Guild; interview 21.7.47 (LB)

North Tottenham Labour Party, Park Ward Association; interview 21.7.47 (HPD)

Tottenham gardening group (not specified); interview (AJL)

Typed report and analysis of visits to groups in Tottenham, undated M-O

Typed list of names and addresses supplied by the Labour Party 15.9.47

Printed Annual Report of Tottenham Invalid Children's Aid Association, 1946

Printed rules of Creighton Road Allotments' Association, Tottenham, drawn up 1930

Handwritten analysis of social groups in Tottenham, undated

53/2/G: Voluntary Groups: Tottenham; Industrial Welfare and Youth Clubs

Handwritten interview with production manager of Rego Clothiers Ltd about welfare provision in the factory 27.7.47 (BL)

Typed copy of rules of the Rego Cutters Mutual Sick Society

Handwritten interview with manager of Klinger Manufacturing Co about their plans to set up a factory day nursery 23.7.47 (BL)

Printed handbill publicising Klinger's Workers' outing 18.7.47

Typed report on types of youth club in Tottenham 24.8.47 (HPD)

Handwritten interview with warden of Youth Club run by Tottenham Youth Committee 23.7.47 (HPD)

Handwritten interview with leader of a church boys' club 25.7.47

Handwritten interview with secretary of a mixed youth club 24.7.47 (IPS)

Handwritten interview with secretary of a mixed church youth club 30.7.47

Handwritten interview with committee member of a church youth club 30.7.47 (IPS)

Handwritten selection of indirects on the subject of state help for youth clubs and other problems, undated (HPD)

Handwritten report of visit to voluntary youth club 28.7.47 (HPD)

Handwritten selection of observations and indirects relating to youth clubs in Tottenham 29.7.47 (HPD)

Typed conclusions from a detailed study of 78 youth organisations in Tottenham 3.9.47

Handwritten analysis of attitudes of members of youth organisations; some tabulations 21.8.47 (HPD)

53/2/H: Voluntary Organisations: Bolton

Handwritten and typed observations and interviews with members of voluntary groups active in Bolton

Bolton Girls' Recreational Club, observations of garden party, August 1947

Bolton Art Circle, interview. Undated

Bolton Lads' Club; interview. Undated

Girls' Recreational Club; interview. Undated

Reform Club, Bolton; interview. Undated

Christian Alliance of Women and Girls; interview. Undated

Bolton Rotary Club; interview. Undated

Youth Hostels Association; interview. Undated

Bolton Guild of Help; interview. Undated

Queen Street Mission Bolton, with printed Annual Report for 1946

Bolton Women Citizens' Association; interview. Undated

Weavers' Association, Bolton. Undated

OAP Association; interview and meeting report. Undated

Bolton Choral Union; interview. Undated

Old People's Welfare Council and Over 60 Clubs; interview. Undated

Bolton and District OAP Association; meeting agenda. Undated

Handwritten list of organisations and their addresses in Bolton. Undated

Handwritten replies to two questions about the future of voluntary organisations. Undated

53/2/I: Voluntary Groups, Other areas: Background Statistics

Handwritten report on Burlington Hall Neighbourhood Centre Aston, Birmingham 22.11.46 (MM)

Typed report on Engineers Study Group, London 28.5.47 (PH)

Handwritten report of visit to a Loan Club meeting in an Ealing pub 1.8.47 (HPD)

Typed report of Edgeware Rotary Club Weekly Luncheon 6.8.47

Letter and information about Western area of Toc H 18.8.47

Typed report on Colliery Institute in Wales 30.7.47

Handwritten background statistics on Bethnal Green 6.7.47 (MM)

Handwritten lists of background statistics on Tottenham 21.8.47 (BL)

Typed guide for observers about aims and suggested methods for organisation visits. Undated

Handwritten rough analysis of organisation members by sex, age, background etc

Handwritten rough outline of report to Beveridge Voluntary Social Services Inquiry on voluntary groups. August 1947

Typed informal from charity official about appeals 23.8.47 (KB)

See also 66/1/B for similar material on voluntary groups in Aston and other areas of Birmingham


53/3/A: Human Needs in Planning

Typed papers from the Conference of the British Social Hygiene Council 1947, "The Family at Work and Play"

"The Family and the Nation", Gilbert McAllister MP

"The Family at Home", R Nicholas

"The Family at School", R. Weatherall and Lady Simon

"The Family Growing Up", Marjorie Hume

"Problem Homes", C. Fraser Brocklington

"The Family at Work", Sir Thomas Thomas and Marjorie Reeves

"The Family at Play", F.S. Milligan, A.S. Blofeld, Bill Butlin, and Major Eyre Carter

Typed copy of a paper given at RIBA Conference, January 1946 "The Spheres of Influence of Institutions in Urban Areas", Ruth Glass

53/3/B: Proposals for new Social Services

Replies from volunteers to question 4 of May Directive 1947 on attitudes to voluntary social services. Approx 100 replies , typed and handwritten

Typed analysis of Directive replies. Undated

53/3/C: Social Services Surveys of Dunster and Luccombe 1947

Handwritten report, "Background to Dunster", undated (LB)

Typed report on Dunster Social Services, 33 pages 16.8.47 (LB)

Handwritten informals on the extent of helpfulness among village people; undated (LB)

Handwritten observations on Dunster Girl Guide group undated (LB)

Typed notice of Guide meeting 13.8.47

Printed handbill for Guide rally 4.6.47

Typed copy of programme of meetings held by Dunster Women's Institute from January to June 1947

Printed handbill for Dunster Summer Horticultural Show 16.8.47

Press cutting; adverts for Exford Horse Show and British Field Sports Society. Somerset Free Press 9.8.47

Press cutting, Dunster local football fixtures. Undated

Report of charity fete at Dunster Castle Somerset Free Press 9.8.47

Press cutting, report of local charity and sporting activities Somerset Free Press 8.8.47

Handwritten report on Luccombe Social Services 24.6.47 (VT)

Handwritten report on Luccombe, voluntary groups and holidays 3.7.47 (BS)

53/3/D: Holidays

Handwritten overheard about holiday camps 8.7.47 (MS, GL)

Typed 9 page report on holidays (M-O) 1947

53/3/E: The Terminology Test

Handwritten replies to a 7 point questionnaire asking for definitions of terms eg charity, social service, voluntary work. Approximately 60 replies from Euston and Hammersmith 24.11.47 (BS, IPS, LB)

Handwritten rough notes for analysis of questionnaire

53/3/F: Introduction to Friendly Societies

Typed copy of "Introductory Memorandum on Friendly Societies", memo No 3 of the Voluntary Social Services Inquiry by AF Wells. 43 pages including tables and reading list 30.4.47

Typed copy of "A note on other bodies registered under the Friendly Societies Act", memo 3a of the Voluntary Social Services Inquiry by AF Wells. Dealing with cattle insurance societies, shop clubs and working men's clubs. 14 pages 9.5.47

Typed copy of points from an address given by Lord Beveridge on the Friendly Societies movement at the AGM of National Deposit Friendly Society 2.6.47

53/3/G: Friendly Societies Questionnaire 1947

Typed copy of a 6 point questionnaire about membership of Friendly Societies. Undated

Typed and handwritten replies to above questionnaire from various areas of London and Bolton. Approx 200 replies. August and September 1947 (IPS, HPD, DH, JG, BS, ML, VB, KB)

53/3/H: Friendly Societies: Interviews

Handwritten interviews with members and officers of Friendly Societies. 17 informal interviews from Tottenham, Bethnal Green, Bolton. July and August 1947 (HPD, MM, JG, BS, IPS, KB, BL)

Handwritten replies to interviews with Friendly Society members about their attitudes to Trade Unions, from Bolton, Bethnal Green and Tottenham. July and August 1947 (RL, IPS, KB)

Handwritten replies by Society members to questions about their social involvement with their Society. Approx 50 replies from various areas, September to October 1947 (IPS, NT, RHC)

Interview with solicitor about Friendly Societies in a small Welsh mining community 25.6.47 (JG)

53/3/I: Friendly Societies: General and Analytical Material

Typed guide to observers on the general objects of the survey . Undated

Typed and handwritten report on attitudes among the general public towards Friendly Societies, includes some tabulations, 30 pages . Undated

Handwritten note on why people join Friendly Societies

Handwritten informal quotations on the subject of Friendly Societies . Undated

Handwritten tabulated breakdown of attitudes to Friendly Societies (IPS)

Handwritten tabulation of Tottenham figures 12.8.47 (HPD)

Typed description of a Thrift Society signboard 2.7.47 (MS, GL)

Printed Annual report of National Deposit Friendly Society for 1946

Printed press statement on Lord Beveridge's third report," Voluntary Action", issued by National Deposit Friendly Society. October 1948

Printed booklet, "The Way Ahead - The Strange Case of the Friendly Societies", published by the National Conference of Friendly Societies, June 1946

Handwritten tabulation of results to a questionnaire from Aston 23.8.47 (LB)

Handwritten notes on opinions about various individual Friendly Societies, undated


53/4/A, B, C: Attitudes Questionnaire 1947

Typed copy of 13 point questionnaire, with suggested categories for replies, on attitudes to social relations including questions on Trade Unions, Friendly Societies, Co-ops, hospitals, charities, youth clubs, OAPs , voluntary organisations and future proposals for social services, Undated

Handwritten replies to above questionnaire. Approx 300 replies from Bethnal Green, Aston, Bolton and Tottenham. July to August 1947 (RL, MM, KB, BS, HPD, VB, DH, BL, AHL)

53/4/D: Analyses of Attitudes Questionnaire

Handwritten rough notes for analysis of attitudes questionnaire, undated

Tabulated analysis sheets for attitudes questionnaire undated (KB, HPD, WLM)

53/4/E: Voluntary Work Questionnaire 1947

Typed note with guidance to observers

Handwritten draft of 13 point questionnaire

Typed and handwritten replies to a 13 point questionnaire about involvement or otherwise in voluntary work and opinions about services which are or should be available. Approx 100 replies from York, Tottenham, Bethnal Green, Kensington, New Earswick (N.Yorks). June to July 1947 (VB, KB, DH, BS, IPS, AHL)

53/4/F: Voluntary Work Questionnaire (cont)

Handwritten questionnaire replies as above. Approx 80 from Aston, Bolton, Carhampton, Watchet, Tottenham, June to July 1947 (J0, ADH, BS, LB, DH)

Handwritten informals on voluntary organisations. Approx 30 from Westbourne Grove, London. June 1947 (LB)

53/4/G: Voluntary Work Questionnaire: Analyses and Reports

Handwritten general impressions of replies to questionnaire

Typed programme of work for observers 29.5.47 (BW)

Typed note on suggestions for new social services, undated

Typed report on "Beveridge 2 informals" about voluntary social services; incomplete draft copy

Final copy of above report

Typed analysis of the Voluntary Work Questionnaire replies, annotated in pencil

Second typed copy of above, incomplete

Handwritten drafts of above analysis

Handwritten quotations extracted from informals about voluntary social services

Handwritten tables of official viewpoints on attitudes to voluntary social services by members and officers of named organisations, undated (BL)

53/4/H: Beveridge Survey 1947: Supplementary Material

Typed list of organisations consulted or investigated during survey

Typed report, "People and the Co-op " 1.9.47 (M-O)

Pamphlet, "State and Municipal Trading", published by the Co-operative Union Ltd; undated

Pamphlet, "A Guide to the National Insurance Act", published by the Labour Party 1946

Typed report on the legal status and classification of Friendly Societies, undated (KB)

Collection of press cuttings broadly related to mutual aid, May to July 1947.

Mass-Observation Studies 1937-55

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