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Mass-Observation Archive: Topic Collections

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ROYALTY 1942 - 64

TC 69: 17 Boxes


By far the largest part of this collection comprises material generated by the Mass-Observation study of the Coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953, although a small amount of material pre-dating and post-dating this event is included. In addition to documents arising from this, and other Mass-Observation surveys, the collection also contains a number of boxes of newspaper cuttings, again, mostly relating to the Coronation of 1953. These cuttings have not been individually listed below, but many have been organised into files relating to particular themes.

Although a proposed book on the 1953 Coronation never materialised at the time, the material was used for later publications, notably Long to Reign Over Us by Leonard Harris (1966) and Crown and People by Philip Ziegler (1978), and the chapter on 'Royal Occasions' in Tom Harrisson's 1961 book Britain Revisited.

The M-O Coronation survey of 1953 was organised by Mollie Tarrant and Len England, at the Mass-Observation offices in London, which was the focus of the study. Investigators undertook a series of observations of Coronation activities from early Spring until Autumn 1953. The material has therefore been sorted with the aim of reflecting the 'shape' of the original study, by arrangement as far as possible in a chronological sequence, grouped into a 'pre-Coronation' period (from around April through to 1 June 1953), 'Coronation Day' material, and a 'post-Coronation' period (mainly June-July 1953). The Royalty Topic Collection, unusually, also includes Directive replies from M-O panel members, responses to the special Coronation Directive of March 1953, which requested accounts of Coronation Day activities and general feelings about the Coronation and royalty. Panel contributions also include accounts of local pre-Coronation activities, and a series of 'Hour-by-Hour' diaries (recorded on specially produced forms) from April - June 1953. Mass-Observation also appealed for accounts of Coronation Day activities from the general public, which produced a small number of accounts from around the UK.

Some of the collection has, however, been arranged by different criteria, thematically rather than chronologically, reflecting material gathered throughout the period of the survey. A number of 'groups' of material have been arranged in this way, firstly a collection of schoolchildren's essays, written between March and mid-June and sent to Mass-Observation by schoolteachers who were members of the panel. A series of surveys which took place over the period April - October 1953, including regular checks on Coronation items in shop windows in a number of London streets, has also been kept separately from the chronologically sorted material. A similar approach has been adopted with material arising out of various questionnaires and surveys undertaken by M-O during the year.

The sequence of these surveys was:

February Survey 166 National sample, included Coronation question

May Survey 175 National sample, included Coronation question. Survey 167B Fulham pre-Coronation Survey

June Survey 167 Coronation panel directive. Survey 167B Fulham post-Coronation survey

October Survey 191 National sample, included Coronation question

The collection contains two further groups of material relating to the 1953 Coronation, (i) observations accounts and survey material focused upon Fulham in London, which was used as a kind of special study area by Mass-Observation investigators, and (ii) a box of printed material and ephemera related to the Coronation, which was collected by investigators or sent to Mass-Observation by panel members or the general public.

Aside from the 1953 Coronation, there is a small amount of material dealing with opinions about Royalty and Royal events between 1942 and 1964, including some wartime material, the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Lt Philip Mountbatten, and the 'Townsend Affair' of 1955. Also included are the remnants of various surveys undertaken during the 1950s and early 1960s which were concerned with, or included questions on, the Royal family, some of which provided source material for Long to Reign Over Us, mentioned above. The collection also contains draft versions and notes for the chapter in Britain Revisited, also mentioned above, which drew heavily upon material collected for the 1953 survey.

A note on the use of the word 'page':

Researchers should be aware that throughout this handlist the word 'page' is used to describe a sheet of paper, whether it be a small slip or a foolscap sheet. One sheet of paper is one 'page', whether both sides have been used or not. This is in order to ensure ease in accounting for individual items within the collection.

Rob Skinner

July 1998

Box 1: Coronation 1953 - Organisation of Study

69/1/A: M-O internal memos and plans for Coronation survey

3 pages Ts outline for book on Coronation (MT) [probably early 1953]

4 pages Ts memo and instructions on Observation [2 copies], Mar 1953 (MT)

2 pages Ts memo, instructions for observations on Coronation Day

4 pages [incomplete] instructions on interviewing

3 pages Ts memo [and draft copy], 1 page Ms plans for coronation survey, 5.3.53

3 pages Ts plans for survey of Coronation decorations

2 pages Ts progress report on Coronation survey, 12.5.53

1 page Ts list of non-qq work on Coronation

8 pages Ts observation directive for Coronation Day and draft versions, 29.5.53

3 pages notes, plans for and progress of Coronation survey [MT?]

5 sheets Ts notes, misc. plans for Coronation survey

Brown folder, table of planned staff activities, Coronation survey

2 pages Ts, 1 page Ms lists of Coronation survey material

4 pages Ms notes, progress of surveys in various London streets

3 pages Ms misc. notes

69/1/B: Coronation Surveys and Questionnaires

1 page Ts list, Coronation Questions put to National Samples

2 pages Ts pre-Coronation qq, Fulham, London, May 1953

1 page Ts post-Coronation qq, Fulham, London, Jun 1953

1 page Ts leaflet, public request for accounts of Coronation Day [and draft copy]

2 pages Ts Coronation directive to panel, May 1953 [and draft of letter]

69/1/C: Correspondence with other organisations regarding the Coronation

Postcard and Ts letter from Mayor of Fulham, 4.6.53; 9.6.53

Ts letter, Bradford City Librarian, 1.6.53

Ts letter from Fulham Borough Librarian, 1.6.53

Ts letter from Birmingham City Librarian, 1.6.53

2 Ts letters, postal order counterfoil, notice of meeting, The Folk-Lore Society, May 1953

16 pages Ts press releases, plans for the Coronation, BBC, London, Feb-May 1953

5 Ts letters to BBC TV, Alexandra Palace, London, May-Jul 1953 (LE)

Ts letter from Head of Talks, BBC TV, Alexandra Palace, London, 7.5.53

Ts letter to Press and Publications Officer, London Transport Executive, 12.5.53 (LE)

Ts letter to Public Relations Officer, Metropolitan Police, Scotland Yard, London, 12.5.53 (LE)

Ts letter to Town Clerk, Barking, London, 15.5.53 (MT)

Ts letter to BBC Radio, 16.10.53

Ts letter to Broadbent and Turner Ltd, Warrington, Cheshire, 7.5.53 (MT)

Ts letter from Cardiff City Librarian, 30.5.53

4 Ts letters, correspondence with Daily Mirror, Jun-Sep 1953 (MT, LE)

2 Ts letters, correspondence with Hancock and Wood Ltd, Warrington, Cheshire, Apr 1953 (MT)

Ts letter and 15 Ts pages, press releases, London Transport Executive, May 1953

5 Ts letters, correspondence with Public Relations Officer, Ministry of Works, May-Sep 1953 (MT)

6 Ts letters, correspondence with News Chronicle, May-Aug 1953 (MT)

2 Ts letters, correspondence with Governor, HM Prison, Nottingham, Oct 1953 (MT)

5 Ts letters, correspondence with Display Manager, Selfridges, London, Jun-Aug 1953 (MT)

Ts letters from The Times, 25.6.53

Ts letter to Secretary, Westminster Chamber of Commerce, 18.5.53 (MT)

69/1/D: Correspondence with Picture Post

3 pages p-copy article from Picture Post, 6.6.53

2 pages Ts list of qq respondents co-operating with Picture Post Article

6 permission forms

Ms and Ts letters, correspondence with qq respondent, Kent, May 1953

Ms and Ts letters, correspondence with qq respondent, Wiltshire, May 1953

2 Ts letters, correspondence with Picture Post, Apr 1953 (LE)

Ts letter to Picture Post, 11.4.53 and 2 pages Ts quotations regarding Coronation Day plans, 30.4.52

9 Ts letters to qq respondents, Apr 1953 (LE)

69/1/E: General Correspondence A-R

38 letters/series of correspondence with panel members/public, 1952-54

69/1/F: General Correspondence S-Z

34 letters/series of correspondence with panel members/public, 1952-54

Box 2: Coronation 1953 - Analysis of National Surveys

69/2/A: General Analysis of Survey Material

1 pages Ts list of "Coronation Questions put to National Sample"

49 pages Ms report on responses to question 'How do you feel about the Coronation?"

3 pages Ms letter and tables: "Reasons for Approval and Disapproval [of Coronation]"

6 pages Ms notes, survey analysis

4 Ts and Ms letters, correspondence with author of above report (PV)

4 pages Ms letter and notes, 3.9.53

6 pages Ms misc. notes on Coronation surveys

6 pages Ts and Ms code sheets, "Plans for Coronation Day", Oct 1953

3 pages Ts code sheets, "Plans for Coronation Day", Oct 1953

3 pages Ts code sheets, national samples, Oct 1953

3 pages Ms code sheets, national samples

7 pages Ts panel directive and code sheets for responses to part A of directive

6 pages Ts code list, survey 167 (panel)

5 pages Ts code list, survey 167 (panel) [draft]

10 pages Ms and Ts misc. code sheets [drafts]

69/2/B: Survey 166 (February 1953) - General Material

17 Ms and Ts pages, report on Coronation question "How do you think you will spend Coronation Day?"

20 pages Ms pilot interviews

6 pages misc. analysis sheets

5 pages Ms and Ts misc. notes

2 pages Ts code sheets

69/2/C: Survey 166 (February 1953) - Code Sheets and Tables

18 pages Ts code sheets

13 pages Ts code sheets, with amendments [3 copies]

5 sheets of tabulated survey data

69/2/D: Survey 166 (February 1953) - Interview Forms

These remaining forms are a small sample of the total survey

10 completed interview forms (and 1 blank), Men

15 completed interview forms (and 1 blank), Women

69/2/E: Survey 175 (May 1953)

3 pages Ts draft qq for Ferranti [includes Coronation Question], 13.5.53

2 completed interview forms, May 1953

2 pages Ts, 3 pages Ms code sheet, analysis of survey question "What difference does it make to peoples' lives to live in a country which has a King or Queen?"

2 pages Ts, 2 pages Ms code sheet, analysis of survey question "What would you say is the meaning and purpose of the Coronation?"

18 completed Machine Analysis sheets

3 pages Ms notes, interview responses, meaning and purpose of Coronation, no date, no location

69/2/F: Survey 191 (October 1953)

5 pages Ts code sheets

11 pages Ts code sheets [draft?]

12 completed Tabulation Sheets

2 pages Ms misc. notes

5 sheets of tabulated survey data

Box 3: Coronation 1953 - Children's Essays

Hand-written essays sent in by teachers who mostly appear to be regular members of the M-O panel. The batch letters correspond to the analysis sheets in 69/3/E.

69/3/A: Essays

Batch A: 44 essays, girls 13-14 years, "How I spent Coronation day", West London Grammar School, 10.6.53

Batch B: 31 essays and note from teacher, girls 13-14 years, "What I did on Coronation Day", West Kirby Girls' Grammar School, 5-7.6.53

Batch C: 32 essays and note from teacher, girls 13-16 years, "How do you feel about the Coronation?", "How do you think you will spend Coronation Day?", "Have you bought any Coronation souvenirs?", "Are you keeping a Coronation scrapbook?", West Kirby Girls' Grammar School, 5.5.53

Batch D: 16 essays, sex/school unknown, 14-16 years, "The Coronation", 19.3.53

69/3/B: Essays

Batch E: 45 essays, [boys?] 12-14 years, "How I feel about the Coronation", "What I shall do on Coronation Day", Bury St. Edmunds, 27-28.3.53

Batch F: 27 essays, girls 14-16 years, "What are your views on the Coronation?", "What do you think you will be doing on Coronation Day?", West London Grammar School, 20.3.53

Batch G: 28 essays, girls 13-14 years, "What do you think about the Coronation?", West London Grammar School, 20.3.53

Batch H: 9 essays, girls 11-12 years, "The Coronation", Enfield County Grammar School, 8.5.53

69/3/C: Essays

Batch I: 31 essays, girls 13-14 years, "What I think about the Coronation", "How I intend to spend Coronation day", West London Grammar School, 20.3.53

Batch J: 50 essays and note from teacher, boys and girls 11 years, "The Coronation", Middlesbrough (B) Junior, 1953

Batch K: 10 essays, girls 15-18 years, "The Coronation", Enfield County Grammar School, 1953

Batch L: 23 essays, girls 12-13 years, "What do you think of the Coronation?", "What will you do on Coronation Day?", West London Grammar School, 23.3.53

Batch M: 26 essays, girls 12-13 years, "How I will spend Coronation Day", "What I think of the Coronation", West London Grammar School, 22.4.53

69/3/D: Essays

Batch N(1): 5 essays, girls 13-14 years, "The Coronation", Enfield County Grammar School, 10-14.5.53

Batch N(2): 37 essays and note from teacher, girls and boys 8-9 years, "About the Coronation", Northumberland Heath Junior, Erith, Kent, March 1953

Batch O: 9 essays and note from teacher, girls and boys 6 years, "The Coronation", unnamed junior school, Sheffield, 5.6.53

Batch P: 36 essays, girls and boys 8-9 years, "How I think I shall spend Coronation Day", unnamed junior school, Finsbury, 4.5.53

6 essays and note from teacher, girls 15-16 years, "How do you feel about the Coronation?", "How do you think you will spend Coronation Day?", "Have you bought any Coronation souvenirs - if so, what?", "Are you keeping a Coronation scrapbook?", West Kirby Girls' Grammar School, 29.4.53

19 essays and note from teacher, girls and boys 9-10 years, "Coronation Day", Northumberland Heath Junior School, Erith, Kent, 9.3.53

27 essays, girls and boys [6 years?], unnamed school, 17.5.53

3 essays, girls 17 years, "Procession on the TV", "Television in the Abbey", "Seeing the Coronation"

1 essay, boy, 9 years, "My First Coronation", Newport, Monmouthshire

1 essay, boy, 14 years, "The Coronation", Newport, Monmouthshire

69/3/E: Analysis of Children's Essays

3 pages Ts "Summary of points contained in essays on the subject of the Coronation, by girls at Enfield County School (Grammar)"

4 pages Ms analysis notes

Analysis sheets for Batches A-P

Box 4: Coronation 1953 - Observations of Shops, Coronation Decorations and Posters, April-October 1953

69/4/A: Shop Checks 1, Regent Street

Material arising from regular checks of the proportion/nature of Coronation-related items in shop windows, some recorded on specially produced "Shop Check" forms

9 Shop Check forms, Regent Street (L-hand side going North), Apr-Oct 1953, (PV)

4 Shop Check forms, Regent Street (R-hand side going North), Jun-Sept 1953, (AS)

4 pages Ms analysis notes, Regent Street, Whitechapel Road, Fulham [?] Road, Kensington High Street, 1.6.53

13 pages Ms analysis notes, Regent Street, Apr-Oct 1953

14 pages Ms analysis notes, Regent Street (L-hand side), Apr-Oct 1953

3 pages Ts notes, Regent Street, 4.8.53, (PV)

5 pages Ts notes, Regent Street, 18.8.53, (PV)

4 pages Ts notes, Regent Street, 1.9.53, (PV)

4 pages Ts notes, Regent Street, 29.9.53, (PV)

3 sheets Ms notes, Regent Street, r-hand side, 7.4.53, 19.5.53

5 pages Ts notes, Regent Street (R-hand side), 7.4.53, [PV ?]

5 pages Ts notes, Regent Street (R-hand side), 21.4.53, [PV ?]

2 pages Ts report, Regent Street, 7.4-29.9.53, (AS)

1 page Ts, 2 pages Ms notes, Regent Street (R-hand side), 30.10.53, (AS)

6 pages Ts notes, Regent Street (R-hand side), 5.5.53, (PV)

2 pages Ts notes, Regent Street, 5.5.53, 21.5.53, (PV)

9 pages Ts notes, Regent Street (L-hand side), 19.5.53, (PV)

69/4/B: Shop Checks 2, Whitechapel and Fulham

See note for 69/4/A above.

7 Shop Check forms (some adapted 'Overheards' forms), Mile End Road, Apr-Oct 1953, (AS)

9 pages Ms analysis notes, Whitechapel, Apr-Oct 1953

4 Shop Check forms, Fulham, North End Road, 7.4.53, (MT)

2 pages Ts notes, Fulham Shop Checks, 7.5.53, (MT)

1 page Ts, 2 pages Ms notes, Fulham, North End Road, [April 1953 ?], (AS)

69/4/C: Shop Checks 3, Kensington High Street

See note for 69/4/A above.

2 pages Ts notes, WH Smith Stall [Underground station ?], 7.4.53, (MT)

5 pages Ms notes, Kensington High Street, April-May 1953

1 page Ms notes, no date, no location

3 pages Ms notes, Kensington High Street (N-side, East-to-West), 7.4.53

3 pages Ms notes, Kensington High Street (S-side, West-to-East), 7.4.53

6 pages Ms notes, Kensington High Street, 21.4.53

9 pages Ms notes, Kensington High Street, 5.5.53

5 pages Ms notes, Kensington High Street, (N-side, East-to-West), 19.5.53

6 pages Ms notes, Kensington High Street (S-side, West-to-East), 19.5.53

2 pages Ms notes, Kensington High Street, 4.8.53

2 pages Ms notes, Kensington High Street, 19.8.53

10 pages Ms analysis notes, Kensington High Street, Apr-Oct 1953

4 Shop Check forms, Kensington High Street, Sept-Oct 1953, (IH)

5 Shop Check forms, Kensington High Street, Apr-May 1953, (IH)

69/4/D: Shop Checks 4, Norbury, Fortune Green Road, General Analysis

See note for 69/4/A above.

2 pages Ts notes, shop displays, Chiswick 1.3.53; Ealing, 20.3.53 (AS, PV)

6 pages Ts draft report, "Coronation in shops" [post-Coronation] (PV)

15 pages Ms analysis notes, Norbury, Apr-Sept 1953

4 Shop Check forms, Norbury, 7.4.53-19.5.53

1 page Ms, 5 pages Ts, Comments on Shops, Norbury, Apr-May 1953

14 pages Ms analysis notes, Fortune Green Road, Apr-Sept 1953

10 Shop Check forms, Fortune Green Road, Apr-Sept 1953

2 pages Ms notes, Fortune Green Road, 21.4.53

4 pages Ms notes, Fortune Green Road, 5.5.53

10 pages Ms notes, Fortune Green Road, 19.5.53

3 pages Ms notes, Fortune Green Road, 18.8.53

2 pages Ms notes, Fortune Green Road, 1.9.53

2 pages Ts notes, Fortune Green Road, 29.9.53 & 30.10.53, (IP)

15 sheets Ms general analysis notes, Shop Checks, Apr-Sept 1953

69/4/E: Coronation Decorations

3 pages Ms notes, newsagents' window, London, no date

3 pages Ms notes, residential decorations, Revell Road, Cheam, Surrey. 24.5.53-29.5.53

2 pages Ts notes, summary report of M-O study of Coronation Decorations, no date

2 pages Ts comments on decorations, no location, no date

2 pages Ts comments on decorations, Central London, 18.6.53

1 pages Ts notes, 'unofficial' street decorations, Cowley Gardens, no date

1 page Ts comments on decorations, no location, 19.6.53

2 pages Ts comments on decorations, Central London, 25.5..53 and 30.5.53

10 pages Ts comments on decorations, Central London, 30.5.53, (DLD)

2 pages Ts notes, decorations in Central London 1.5.53 and 6.5.53 (PV)

69/4/F: Coronation Decorations, Central London Questionnaire

5 pages Ts letter and Code Sheets, decorations qq, 5.10.53

1 page Ms list of interviews and invoice, 12.6.53 (EMP)

1 page Ms notes, responses to survey, no date

3 pages Ms notes, decorations qq, no date

99 sheets, qq responses 0001-0173, Central London, no date [June 1953?]

69/4/G: Residential Street Check and Poster Checks

10 pages Ts and Ms notes, Upper Phillimore Gardens, Phillimore Gardens, Kensington, Apr-Aug 1953, (PV)

1 page Ms notes, posters, Fulham Broadway Station, 21.5.53, (MT)

4 pages Ts notes, posters, London, May 1953 (PV)

Observations of posters recorded on "Poster Check" forms:

5 forms, 1 Ts note, Earls Court, Apr-Aug 1953, (AS, IH)

1 form, Norbury, 7.4.53, (LE)

1 form, Barnes, 7.4.53

6 forms, Finchley Road, Apr-Aug, (IP)

1 form, Whitechapel, 29.5.53, (PV)

2 forms, Stepney, Apr 1953, (AS)

2 forms, Cheam, Apr 1953, (MT)

3 forms, Bexley, Erith, Kent, May-Jun 1953, (EG)

8 forms, Kensington Church Street, Notting Hill Gate, Apr-Aug 1953, (PV)

5 forms, Fulham Palace Road, Apr-Jul 1953, (JS)

5 forms, Victoria, Apr-Jul 1953, (DLD)

69/4/H: Analysis of Overheards April-July 1953

Forms recording subject, sex, age and class, various locations around London:

3 forms, 7.4.53, (IP, MT)

3 forms, 19.4.53, (IH, IP, AS, PV)

6 forms, 21.4.53, (PV, AS, IP, MT)

5 forms, 5.5.53, (IT, IH, AS, PV, MT)

5 forms, 29/30.5.53, (PV, MT, IT, AS)

2 forms, 8/9.6.53, (AS, PV, IP)

4 forms, 21.7.53, (PV, IP, AS)

Box 5: Pre-Coronation Observations and Accounts

69/5/A: The Coronation and the Press

2 pages Ts letter from Daily Mirror to MT, 3.7.53

1 page Ts memo re Coronation and Press, 26.4.53

1 page Ms notes, Coronation articles in Economist, Apr-Jun 1953

22 pages Ms notes, Coronation articles in unspecified newspaper, no date

Ts letter, 1.7.54, and Draft Ms, "The Coronation in Papers of Mass Appeal (Summary)"

Varsity, 23.5.53 [included because of its lack of Coronation references]

Analysis of newspaper coverage of Coronation recorded on "Press Check" forms:

1 form and cutting, Manchester Recorder 30.4.53

5 forms, Manchester Recorder, 9.5.53-4.6.53

1 form and cutting, Harrogate Herald, 25.3.53

1 form and cutting, Harrogate Advertiser, 21.3.53

1 form, Harrogate Advertiser, 28.3.53

5 forms, News Chronicle, 4.5.53-9.5.53

1 form, Yorkshire Illustrated, Apr 1953

2 forms, Spectator, 20.3.53-27.3.53

1 form and cutting, Manchester Guardian Weekly, 26.3.53

69/5/B: The Coronation, Broadcast Media and Music Hall

1 page Ts song from 'Donald Peers programme', 29.3.53

1 page Ts song from 'Show-band Show', 12.6.53 (PV)

2 pages Ts notes, radio programme: 'Commonwealth Gala', 31.5.53, (MT)

19 pages Ts script extracts, radio programme: 'Take It From Here', Jan-May 1953

5 pages Ts and Ms notes, Coronation on radio and TV, Apr-May 1953, (LE, JF, MT)

14 pages Ms notes, BBC TV news, Mar-Jun 1953

3 pages, Ts notes, Cinema newsreels, Apr-May 1953, (JF, AS)

5 pages, Ts and Ms notes, Cinema newsreels, Apr-May 1953, (DLD, MT)

2 pages, Ts notes, Music Halls, May-Sept 1953, (LE)

1 page Ms notes, Coronation and record companies (IGH)

69/5/C: Religious Services

2 pages Ts notes, Order of Service, and letter, United Service of Prayer and Dedication, Royal Albert Hall, 1.6.53, (LE)

1 page Ts notes, 'TV Epilogue', 30.5.53, (LE)

3 pages Ts notes, St Margaret's Westminster, 31.5.53, (DLD)

2 pages Ts notes and Order of Service, Open-air service, Streatham Common, 30.5.53, (LE)

2 pages Ts notes and Church Missionary Society leaflet: 'Prayer for the morning of the Coronation', Immanuel Church, Streatham Common, 31.5.53, (LE)

69/5/D: Unpublished Letters to Newspapers

2 pages Ms notes re unpublished letters

21 Ts letters, copies of unpublished letters to News Chronicle, Mar-May 1953

69/5/E: Accounts of Pre-Coronation Activities 1, Panel and Public

28 Ms and Ts letters/accounts of pre-Coronation activities from panel members and general public

69/5/F: Accounts of Pre-Coronation Activities 2, Investigators' Reports

2 pages Ts notes, early Coronation activities, Coronation clothing, London, Apr-May 1953 (LE)

3 pages Ts report, account from West London teacher, Mar-May 1953, (PV)

1 sheet Ts report, account from West London teacher, 8.5.53, (PV)

1 sheet Ts report, Ely, Cambridgeshire, 3.5.53, (PV)

3 sheets Ts report, Stepney, London, April-May 1953

2 pages Ts report, Bawdeswell, Norfolk, 24.5.53, (PV)

1 page Ms report, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, 11.5.53, (DM)

2 pages Ts report on Coronation decorations, 19.5.53, (LB)

6 pages Ms report on crowd outside Westminster Hall, 27.5.53, (BG)

2 pages Ts report on street decorations, Whitechapel Road, 29.5.53, (PV)

2 pages Ts comments to Investigator, Central London, 30.5.53, (DLD)

4 pages Ts report, general observations, The Mall, London, 25[?].5.53, (AS, MT)

69/5/G: Coronation Plans Reported to Investigators

3 pages Ts comments, Coronation plans, 10.4.53

4 pages Ms notes, Coronation conversations, May 1953, (MT)

1 page Ts notes, Coronation plans, 11.4.53, (RE)

4 pages Ts, comments to Investigator, May 1953, (DM)

1 page Ts notes, Coronation conversation, 1.6.53, (AS, PV)

5 pages Ts notes, Coronation conversations, May 1953, (DLD)

5 pages Ts notes, pre-Coronation feelings, May-Jun 1953, (CG)

4 pages Ts notes, Coronation plans, May 1953, (PV)

69/5/H: General Observations

3 pages Ms observations, London, Apr-May 1953 (MT)

1 page Ms observations, Finchley Road, London, 19.5.53 (IP)

8 pages Ts observations, London Apr-May 1953 (AS)

19 pages Ts observations of clothes, shops, posters, Central London, Apr-May 1953, (PV)

2 pages Ms observations, London Apr-[May?] 1953 (JS)

3 pages Ms misc. observations, various locations

69/5/I: Reports of Days Leading up to Coronation

2 pages Ms notes of observations/overheards, Notting Hill Gate, 30.5.53 and 1.6.53

9 pages Ts notes, "The Night Before the Coronation", Oxford Street - Marble Arch, 2.6.53, (CG)

6 pages Ts notes of observations, The Mall, 30.5.53, (MT)

1 page Ms notes of observations, Rievaulx Abbey and other locations, N Yorkshire, 31.5.53 [GST]

7 pages Ts notes of observations, Coronation route, Central London, 1.6.53, (PV)

2 pages Ts notes of observations, Kensington - Oxford Street, 1.6.53, (AS)

7 pages Ts notes of observations, Central London, 1.6.53, (AS, PV)

3 pages Ms notes of observations, Central London, 1.6.53

69/5/J: Overheards

2 pages Ms overheards, Stepney, London, 6.4.53 (DS)

1 page Ts overheard, Central London [Jun 1953?]

4 pages Ts overheards, Central London, (DD)

10 pages Ts overheards, Central London, Apr-May 1953, (LE)

9 pages Ts overheards, Central London, Apr-May 1953, (AS)

13 pages Ms and Ts overheards, Central London, Mar-May 1953, (MT)

4 pages Ts overheards, Central London, May 1953, (DM)

22 pages Ts overheards, Central London, Apr-May 1953, (PV)

13 pages Ts and Ms overheards, various locations, Apr-Jun 1953, [misc. contributors, some Panel members]

2 pages Ms overheards, Central London [?], Apr- May 1953, (JS)

3 pages Ms overheards, Kensington and Hampstead, 19.5.53, (IP)

1 page Ms overheard, Richmond, 3.3.53, (JC)

2 pages Ms overheards, London, May 1953

69/5/K: Central London Observations and Overheards

4 pages Ms, Piccadilly Circus, 29.5.53

3 pages Ms, Piccadilly Circus, 30.5.53

4 pages Ms, Piccadilly Circus, 7.4.53

2 pages Ms, Piccadilly Circus, 21.4.53

3 pages Ms, Piccadilly Circus, 8.5.53

3 pages Ms, Piccadilly Circus, 19.5.53

5 pages Ms, Parliament Square, 30.5.53

9 pages Ms, Regent Street - Piccadilly Circus, 26.5.53

2 pages Ms, North End Road, Fulham, no date

2 pages Ms, Piccadilly Circus, 5.5.53

1 page Ms, Hyde Park Corner, 8.5.53

69/5/L: Interviews regarding Coronation Souvenirs

8 pages Ms interviews, Havant, Hampshire, 11-12.5.53, (MT)

4 pages Ts interviews, standholders, BIF [British Industrial Fair ?], Kensington Olympia, 4.5.53, (AS)

10 pages Ts observations and interviews with standholders, BIF [British Industrial Fair ?], Kensington Olympia, 2.5.53, (MT)

5 press cuttings; 3 pages Ts interview, 16.5.53 (AS); 21 pages Council of Industrial Design: 'Articles Approved by the Coronation Souvenirs Committee'; 3 pages Ts rules of Council of Industrial Design Photographic Library

1 page Ts interview, employee of 'Gloriana' [souvenir shop], Central London, 2 advertising leaflets, 12.5.53

69/5/M: Pre-Coronation Diaries

10 pages Ts Investigator's diary, Apr-May 1953, (MT)

6 pages Ts Investigator's diary, Apr-Jun 1953, (DLD)

5 pages Ms Panel diary, Mar-May 1953

2 pages Ms brief Panel diary of observations/overheards, Mar-May 1953

2 pages Ms Panel diary of 'References to Coronation', Apr-May 1953

3 pages Ms Panel diary and Ts note, May 1953

10 pages Ms Panel diary and Ts note, Morecambe, Lancashire, 21-30.4.53

1 page Ms Panel diary and Ts note, May 1953

3 pages Ts Panel diary and Ts note, Mar 1953

2 pages Ts Panel diary, May 1953

8 pages Ts Panel diary and Ts note, Apr 1953

2 pages Ts panel diary and Ts note, Apr 1953

2 pages Ts assorted notes [detached from diaries?]

1 page Ms extract from diary

69/5/N: Hour-by-Hour Panel Diaries, April 1953

Details of daily activities recorded on specially produced forms:

37 Hour-by-hour diary forms, alphabetical order

69/5/O: Hour-by-Hour Panel Diaries, May 1953

See note for 69/5/N above

40 Hour-by-hour diary forms, alphabetical order

69/5/P: Hour-by-Hour Panel Diaries, June 1953

See note for 69/5/N above

Ts Code sheet and 1 page Ms analysis notes

32 M-O Hour-by-hour diary forms, alphabetical order

Box 6: Coronation Day Observations and Accounts

69/6/A: Investigators' Notebooks

Notebook, observations in Central London, 2.6.53 [MT ?]

Notebook, observations in Central London, 2.6.53 (and preceding days) (IH)

69/6/B: Coronation Day Accounts (investigators)

21 pages Ts report, Coronation Day events, Central London, 2.6.53, (PV)

19 pages Ts report, Coronation Day events, Central London, 2.6.53, (PV)

13 pages Ts report from schoolteacher, Coronation eve & night, Central London, 2.6.53, (PV)

2 pages Ts report, Coronation Day party, London, June 1953, (LE)

20 pages Ts report, Coronation Day, Central London, 2.6.53, (MT)

69/6/C: Coronation Day Accounts (investigators)

4 pages Ts, Coronation Day observations, London, June 1953

16 pages Ts report, Coronation Day events, Piccadilly Circus, London, 2.6.53, (IP)

6 pages Ts report, Coronation Day events, Central London, 2.6.53, (DLD)

3 pages Ms notes, Coronation Day (and after), Notting Hill, London, 2-6.6.53

3 pages Ms notes, Coronation Day (and after), on train to Leeds, 3.6.53

11 pages Ms report, Coronation Day events, Bexley and London, 2.6.53, (EG)

2 pages Ts interview with Coronation guest, 2.6.53, (LB)

3 pages Ts report, 'Television at 44 Finsbury Drive, Bradford', 2.6.53, [GT?]

69/6/D: Coronation Day Accounts (public)

1 page Ts, Coronation and Everest

1 Ms Coronation on TV, Coronation feelings, London

1 page Ms Coronation on TV, Coronation feelings

3 pages Ms, 1 page Ts, Coronation Day feelings, Chiswick, London, 3.6.53

3 pages Ms, "How I spent Coronation Week", Llantwit Vardre, Pontypridd, 8.6.53

1 page Ms, Coronation feelings, retired spinster

5 pages Ms, Coronation Day in Havant, Hants, grocer, 4.6.53

1 page Ts, Coronation on TV, Coronation night

5 pages Ms, Coombe Hay ox-roasting, Bath, Somerset; news cutting, Bath and Wilts Chronicle and Herald, 3.6.53

1 page Ts, ox-roasting, Idle, near Bradford, Yorks, 2.6.53

4 pages Ms, Coronation Day in Cardiff, Glamorgan, June 1953

4 pages Ms, conversations about the Coronation [no location, no date]

2 pages Ms, "What I did on Coronation Day", youth organiser, Cheam, Surrey

1 page Ms, Coronation Day in Bawdeswell, Norfolk, 10.6.53

2 pages Ts, "An American Account of Coronation Day", 12.6.53

2 pages Ts, "Coronation Day in a Northamptonshire Village"

2 pages Ms, Coronation Day in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire

1 Ts letter, 1 page Ms, Coronation Day in Warrington, Cheshire, 11.7.53

Box 7: Coronation Day Panel Survey

69/7/A: Directive Replies from Panel

2 pages p-copy Directive questions

4 assorted notes and replies, panel members unknown

21 Ms and Ts Directive replies, women, last names A-D

69/7/B: Directive Replies from Panel

Directive questions in 69/7/A

18 Ms and Ts Directive replies, women, last names E-K

Includes attachments:

Newspaper cutting, "The Service in the Abbey", Daily Mail, 2.6.53

Newspaper cutting, local newspaper, Lancaster [no details]

69/7/C: Directive Replies from Panel

Directive questions in 69/7/A

11 Ms and Ts Directive replies, women, last names L-R

Includes attachments:

Leaflet, programme of Coronation Celebrations, Corley, Warwickshire, 2.6.53

Programme, Coronation events, Peaslake, Surrey, June 1953

69/7/D: Directive Replies from Panel

Directive questions in 69/7/A

23 Ms and Ts Directive replies, women, last names S-Z

Includes attachments:

Leaflet, Coronation Festivities, East Clandon, Surrey, 2.6.53

69/7/E: Directive Replies from Panel

Directive questions in 69/7/A

20 Ms and Ts Directive replies, men, last names A-D

Includes attachments:

Programme, Coronation Celebrations, Moreton, Cheshire, 29.5.53 - 7.6.53

File Includes attachments:

69/7/F: Directive Replies from Panel

Directive questions in 69/7/A

25 Ms and Ts Directive replies, men, last names E-L

Includes attachments:

Press cutting and photograph, ox-roasting, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, 2.6.53

69/7/G: Directive Replies from Panel

Directive questions in 69/7/A

12 Ms and Ts Directive replies, men, last names M-Q

Includes attachments:

Souvenir Programme, Coronation Celebrations, Heaton Mersey, Lancashire, 2.6.53

69/7/ H: Directive Replies from Panel

Directive questions in 69/7/A

27 Ms and Ts Directive replies, men, last names R-Z

Box 8: Post-Coronation Accounts, Interviews, etc

69/8/A: Post-Coronation Interviews

5 pages Ts interviews with Willesden Borough Council, Entertainments Dept and Advertising Manager, Willesden Chronicle, report on Willesden street parties, 12.6.53 (LB)

2 pages Ts interview with Selfridges Display Manager

4 pages Ts interview with Selfridges Display Manager, 19.8.53 (MT)

2 pages Ts interview with Coronation Press Officer

4 pages Ts interview with Deputy Public Relations Officer Tottenham Borough, 20.8.53 (AS)

3 pages Ts interview with Director of Libraries, Tottenham, 20.8.53 (AS)

5 pages Ts interview with Public Relations Officer, Boy Scout HQ, 11.8.53 (AS)

1 page Ms interview with Mr D Stephenson, The Wheatsheaf Inn, Ripon, Yorks.

2 pages Ms interview with unnamed representative, Noel Gay Music Publishing

2 pages Ms interview with L Wright, Music City, Denmark Street, London

2 pages Ms interview with Mr Lemon, Brass Band music sales, Boosey and Hawkes Ltd, 29.7.53; 5 price-lists and leaflets, Boosey and Hawkes Ltd

69/8/B: Comments on the Coronation from the Public

23 pages Ts comments, Jun 1953-Jan 1954 [mainly Jun-Jul 1953] (BB/PV, CG, BPG, DD, CT, AS, PV, LE, MT)

3 pages Ms comments

69/8/C: The Coronation and the Ministry of Works

2 press cuttings, Daily Sketch 17.6.53, The Observer 27.7.53

5 pages Ts interview with Chief Information Officer, Ministry of Works, 2.7.53

4 pages Ministry of Works Press Notice, Coronation Press Conference, 1.8.52

4 pages Ministry of Works Press Notice, Coronation Press Conference, 21.11.52

3 pages Ministry of Works Press release, "Queen's Beasts", 6.2.53

8 pages Ministry of Works Press release, "To be Checked Against Delivery", speech by Minister of Works, 17.2.53

1 page Ts notes on panel reactions to "The Queen's Beasts"

Press Cutting, Yorkshire Post and Leeds Mercury, 2.6.53; 2 pages Ministry of Works Press Release, "Flowers for the Coronation Route", 21.5.53

1 page Earl Marshall's Press Release, "Ceremonial Furniture for the Coronation", 31.5.53

69/8/D: Post-Coronation Observations

1 page Ts observation, Metropole Cinema, Victoria, London, 18.6.53 (GST)

14 sheets Ts observations, London, various locations Aug , Oct and Dec 1953 (PV)

1 Ts observation, Oxford Street, London, 13.10.53 (PV, AS)

1 page Ts observation, Regent Street, London, 4.8.53 (AS)

1 page Ts observations, London, 4-8.6.53 (MT)

1 page Ts observation, Bradford [CT?]

1 page Ts observation, Notting Hill, 8.6.53

1 page Ms observations, Edinburgh and Inverness, 3-10.8.53

8 pages Ts observations of post-Coronation "Special Bus Tours", London, 2.6.53 (LB); 1 bus ticket

3 pages Ms observations and programme of exhibition of "Coronation Pictures by Finsbury Children", Finsbury Art Group, Jul 1953

1 page Ts observation, Central London, 7.6.53 (LE)

1 page Ts note 1953 events (DLD)

1 page Ms observations of continued references to Coronation, Sep 1953

69/8/E: Post-Coronation Overheards

1 sheet Ms overheards, Jun-Jul 1953

7 sheets Ts overheards, mainly Jun 1953

2 sheets Ts overheards, London, 18.8.53 and 9.10.53 (AS)

3 pages Ts overheard, London, 5.6.53 (PV)

6 sheets Ts overheards, Jun-Jul 1953 (MT, PV, CG)

4 sheets Ts overheards about Coronation Day weather, 3.6.53 and 6.6.53 (MT, CG, PV)

1 Ms overheard, Birmingham

1 Ts overheard [no date, no location]

1 Ts overheard, Regent Street, London, 1.9.53

69/8/F: Economic Effects of the Coronation

4 pages Ts report, "Effects on Trade: Economics"

6 pages Ms notes on Coronation and the economy

69/8/G: Unpublished Letters to the Press

41 Ts letters [mainly to News Chronicle]

69/8/H: The Queen's Drive around London

Various investigator's reports on the Queen's drive around London on 4.6.53:

6 pages Ts report, "The Queen's visit to Hampstead", 4.6.53 (CG)

2 pages Ts report, 10.6.53 (LE)

7 pages Ts report, "Queen's drive through Fulham", 4.6.53 (PV)

5 pages Ts report, "Queen's drive through Fulham", 4.6.53 (AS)

3 pages Ts overheards, Fulham, 4.6.53

69/8/I: The Day after the Coronation

3 pages Ms, 1 page Ts notes, "After Coronation Day - Pubs", 3.6.53 (DM)

3 pages Ts observations and overheards, Central London, 3.6.53 (PV)

1 page Ts panel diary, 3.6.53

69/8/J: Religious Aspects of the Coronation

5 Ts letters to various religious publications, 29-31.7.53

2 letters, Aug 1953; parish magazine, St Christopher's Church, Ellistown, Leicester, Jun 1953

2 letters, Aug 1953; Lord's Day Observance Society booklet, "The Royal Day", journal of the British Israel World Federation, "The National Message", 25.7.53

2 letters, Aug 1953; 6 pages Ts sermon

Postcard and letter, Aug 1953; 4 pages Ms personal account of Church of Scotland minister; cutting from Newlands Church Quarterly

2 letters, The Religious Education Press Ltd, 24.8.53 and 7.9.53

Press Cutting, Manchester Guardian 27.8.53, and letter to Governor, Nottingham Corrective Training Prison, 28.8.53

2 letters, Sep 1953; 2 pages Ts notes, Coronation sermon, Church of Christ, Buckie, Scotland, 31.5.53

Letter from minister, Scunthorpe, Lincs., 15.9.53

69/8/K: The Queen's Homecoming, May 1954

4 pages Ts observations, crowds in Central London, 15.5.54

6 pages Ts observations, London, May 1954 (MT)

5 pages Ts observations, Central London, 14.5.54 (PV)

3 pages Ms, "The Queen's Homecoming - A Report of the scene at Erith in Kent", 15.5.54 (EG)

4 pages Ts observations, Central London, 14.5.53 (DLD)

1 page Ts observations, Constitution Hill and Buckingham Palace, London, 15.5.54 (PV)

2 pages Ts observations, Central London, no date (PV)

Box 9: Coronation 1953 - Fulham Survey

69/9/A: Street Parties

1 page Ms notes, Fulham and Willesden street parties

4 pages Ts list of proposed Coronation functions in Fulham, 30.4.53 (LB)

2 pages Ts list of Organisations in Fulham

2 pages Ms account of organisation of street party, Aspenlea Road, [May ?] 1953

8 pages Ts interview with organiser of street party, Greyhound Road, [Jun ?] 1953 (JS); invitation to Greyhound Road Coronation party; flyer for dance in aid of Greyhound Road street party

1 page Ts interview with organiser of street party, Greyhound Road, 3.6.53 (MT)

2 pages Ts summary of interviews concerning street parties, 3.6.53

3 pages Ms interview, Fulham Borough Council Entertainments Dept.; 3 pages Ms interview, Fulham Chronicle; 2 pages Ms report on Fulham street parties; 1 page Ms report on coverage of street parties in Fulham Chronicle, 10.8.53 (LB)

2 pages Ms report on coverage in Fulham Chronicle, 5.6.53 (LB)

8 pages Ts account of street party, Anselm Road, 2.6.53; 1 page Ms statement of accounts, Anselm Road Coronation Children's party, 11.6.53 (LB)

5 pages Ts interviews with organisers of street party, Anselm Road, 12.5.53 (LB)

69/9/B: Interviews

2 pages Ms [street ?] interviews, 14.2.53 (JS)

5 pages Ts interviews with shop traders, 26.5.53 (AS)

6 pages Ts interviews with shop traders, 20.7.53 (AS)

2 pages Ts interviews with shop traders, 20.7.53 (AS)

1 page Ts interview, 19.5.53 (MT)

3 pages Ts interview with Chief Clerk, Fulham Town Hall, 15.5.53 (AS) [and re-typed copy]

69/9/C: General Observations and Overheards

1 page Ts copy of poem published in Fulham Chronicle, "A Tribute to Our Queen"

3 pages Ms observations in pub saloon bar, 1.6.53 (BH)

9 pages Ts, 1 page Ms report on Coronation decorations, Lillie Walk, 30.5.53 (LB)

2 pages Ts general observations of The Jolly Maltsers pub, 2.6.53 (MT)

4 pages Ms, 1 page Ts observations of pub visit, 21.5.53 (MT)

2 pages Ts "Fulham Pub episode", May 1953 (MT)

7 sheets Ts observations and overheards, May 1953 (PV)

1 page Ts observation of Coronation stall, 5.5.53 (MT)

2 pages Ts list of Coronation items in toy shop window, 20.4.53 (JS)

69/9/D: Ephemera

Price List, Osborne and Son Ltd, Wine Merchants, 1953

Programme, Anselm Road Children's Coronation Party, 2.6.53

Invitation, Anselm Road Coronation Party, 2.6.53

Elizabeth II, Borough of Fulham Commemorative Coronation Brochure, 1953

Fulham Chronicle, 29.5.53

69/9/E: Analysis of Fulham Questionnaire Surveys

3 pages Ts report, results of post-Coronation qq [first page missing]

3 pages Ts drafts, pre-Coronation qq, May 1953

2 pages Ts pre-Coronation Fulham qq, May 1953; copy of pre-Coronation qq

1 page Ms draft post-Coronation qq

3 pages Ms analysis notes, pre-Coronation qq

14 pages Ts code sheets, pre-Coronation qq

4 pages Ts code sheets, post-Coronation qq

8 pages Machine Analysis Sheets, post-Coronation qq

69/9/F: Pre-Coronation Questionnaire

6 interview forms, responses from children

Interview forms 001-040

69/9/G: Pre-Coronation Questionnaire

Interview forms 041-080

69/9/H: Pre-Coronation Questionnaire

Interview forms 081-121

69/9/I: Post-Coronation Questionnaire

4 pages Ts post-Coronation qq and code sheets

Interview forms 001-0139

Box 10: Coronation 1953 - Printed Material

69/10/A: Religious and Parish Magazines

BSB [The Bible Speaks to Britain] Everyman's Monthly, July 1953

For Every Land, May-June 1953

Kensington Parish, July 1953

St. James's Porchester Parish Magazine, June 1953, and Ts letter

Aldeburgh Parish Church Magazine, July 1953

St Andrews Bebington Parish Magazine, May, June, July 1953, and Ts letter

Parish Monthly (St. Andrew's Ashingdon and All Saints, South Fambridge), January, March, April, May 1953

The Salt (St John the Evangelist's Church, Lostock Gralam, Northwich), May, June 1953

York Diocesan Leaflet [1 page only] June 1953

All Saints Northallerton with Deighton and Romanby Parish Magazine, June 1953

Hanwell Parish Magazine, St. Mary's, May 1953

Kidderminster Parish Magazine May, June 1953, and 2 letters

69/10/B: General Magazines

The Rochford Rural District Bulletin, June 1953

Drapers' Record, No 3441, 22.8.53

The Key - The Staff Magazine of the House of Selfridge, June 1953

United Empire - Journal of the Royal Empire Society, Vol XLIV, No 4, July-August 1953

Vanity Fair, June 1953

Modern Woman, June 1953

69/10/C: Polemical Pamphlets

Queens by A Ruth Fry, 1953

Coronation (anon) published by the Communist Party, 1953

69/10/D: Maps and Guides

Map (3 copies): route of Coronation Procession and public access, published by London Transport and the Metropolitan Police

CBC Radio Canada, European Programme Schedule, June 1953

The Coronation and the BBC, guide to radio and television broadcast arrangements for the Coronation

Map: Procession route and West End Theatres, published by Odeon and Gaumont Theatres

Map: Procession Route with illustrated Royal family tree on reverse, published by Master Maps

The Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - Approved Souvenir Programme

69/10/E: Ephemera

Coronation Gift envelope

Sample of Coronation sticky tape

Oxo paper crown

United Dairies Coronation paper bag

Smith's Coronation Crisp packet

Coronation paper napkin

Invitation to viewing of TV broadcast of Coronation at the School of Economic Science, London

69/10/F: Songs, Poems, and Orders of Service

Poem: "Blazonry" - Kai Friis Møller

Song: "Coronation Day"- Nat Travers, June 1953

Recommended Order of Service (Church of England), Trinity Sunday, 31.5.53 [3 copies] and 2 sheets accompanying notes

69/10/G: London Theatre Programmes

Palace Theatre, Chelsea, programme for week commencing 14.9.53

"Ring out the Bells", Victoria Palace

"Ring out the Bells", Souvenir programme

"Chu Chin Chow on Ice", Empire Pool, Wembley

"Out of the Whirlwind", Westminster Abbey, 7.5.53

"The Two Bouquets", Piccadilly Theatre

D'Oyly Carte Opera Company, programme for season at Sadler's Wells Theatre, June-August 1953

Sadler's Wells Opera and Ballet, Coronation Season, 5.6-20.6.53

Leaflet: Royal Opera House, plans for Coronation Night

Leaflet: Programme of Music for the eve of Coronation Day, Royal Festival Hall

"Hiawatha", Royal Albert Hall, 29.6-11.7.53

Leaflet: events at Leighton House, Kensington, June 1953

69/10/H: Advertising Material

Magazine: Design, The Council of Industrial Design, December 1953

Price-list: "The Vintner", pre-Coronation

Full-page advert for British tourism, Time, 15.6.53

Leaflet: Associated Artcrafts, Coronation decorations

Leaflet: "Sparkleneon" window display units and decorative lighting

Brochure: Decca Record Co Ltd, "Recorded British Music", Coronation selection

6 leaflets and booklets advertising book publications Spring-Summer 1953

69/10/I: Local Souvenir Programmes and Leaflets

26 pamphlets, programmes and souvenir brochures:

Variety concert, Ashingdon and East Hawkwell Coronation Celebration Association, no date

Tiffield Coronation Day Festivities 2.6.53

Borough of Pudsey, Coronation Celebrations, June 1953

Yarm Women's Institute, "The History of Yarm in Tableaux", 3.6.53

Holmfirth District Council, Coronation events, June 1953

City of Cambridge, Coronation events, June 1953

Luton Coronation Pageant, 9-13.6.53

Northallerton, Coronation Concert,(and leaflet) 21.5.53

Keswick, Coronation celebrations, June 1953

Borough of Wembley, Coronation celebrations, May-June 1953 [3 copies]

Rickmansworth District, Coronation events, June 1953

Borough of Gosport, Coronation Souvenir Programme, 2.6.53

Lee Celebrations, 2.6.53

Fulbrook, Coronation celebrations, 2.6.53

St Gabriel's Brownie Pack [no location], 15-16.5.53

Wallasey, Souvenir Handbook, June 1953

City of Birmingham, Coronation Celebrations, June 1953

Harrow Civic Bulletin - Coronation Issue, 2.6.53

Winscombe Coronation Celebrations Grand Variety Concert, Souvenir Programme, 30.5.53, and Ts letter

Winscombe Music Festival, Syllabus of Classes, 3.6.53

Borough of Sutton and Cheam, Coronation Programme, June 1953

Portsmouth, Coronation Celebrations, Souvenir Programme, May-June 1953

Boy Scouts Association of South Yorkshire Coronation Pageant: "Send Her Victorious", Souvenir Programme, 20-25.4.53

Finsbury Park Methodist Church, Services, 31.5.53; 1.6.53

Norwood, Coronation Celebrations, 2.6.53

St Andrew's Church, Streatham, Coronation Services, 31.5.53

2 letters:

Northallerton Urban District Council, Coronation Celebrations, "Decorative Gardens" competition

Ashingdon and East Hawkwell Coronation Celebration Association, fund-raising and plans for events, undated cApril 1953

2 memos:

Cossington Coronation Committee, "Leicestershire's Best Kept Village" competition

Cossington Coronation Committee, Interim Report

7 single-sheet leaflets:

Droylsden Urban District Council, Coronation Celebrations, June 1953

Winscombe Coronation Celebration Committee, May-June 1953

Ts Programme, Winscombe Choir, Coronation Concert, 16.5.53

"1066 and All That", Wimbledon Community Association, 3-4.6.53

"A Medieval Coronation", Watford Public Library, 27.5.53

Lostock Gralam Older Residents' Entertainment, 28.5.53

Morecambe and Heysham Coronation Trades Procession, 3.6.53

Box 11: General Material on Royalty, 1942-64

69/11/A: Royalty 1942-53

2 pages Ms, copy of observation of Princess Mary at Coventry Cathedral, 18.6.42 (MS)

1 page Ts observation of King and Queen, Cadogan Pier, Chelsea, London, 8.6.46 (GST)

1 page Ts report, Buckingham Palace, 12.5.47 [panel member/public]; press cutting

18 pages Ts report, News Quota (includes section on Princess Elizabeth's engagement), 14.7.47

1 page Ts questions, News Quota 305, 24.10.47

Souvenir programme, wedding of HRH Princess Elizabeth and Lt Philip Mountbatten, Nov 1947

1 page Ms notes, survey following death of George VI, Notting Hill Gate, London, 15.2.52 (DM)

3 pages Ms accounts and observations on the death of Queen Mary, Mar 1953

69/11/B: The 'Townsend Affair', 1955

3 pages Ms observations, Buckingham Palace and Clarence House, London, 1.11.55

7 pages Ms observations, Nov 1955 (GST)

6 pages Ms observations, Lowndes Square, Lambeth Palace, Buckingham Palace, Clarence House, London, 2.11.55 (LB)

69/11/C: Survey 318, July 1956

2 pages Ts report, results of Survey 318

40 pages Percentage sheets

8 pages, Tabulation sheets

69/11/D: Survey 625, August 1958

1 page Ts results of question with relevance to Royalty, August 1958

1 page sample interview form (blank)

2 pages Ts code sheets

8 pages Ts code sheets

8 pages Tabulation sheets

2 sheets tabulated survey data

69/11/E: Late 1950s Ephemera

6 pages Ts extracts from M Muggeridge: "Does England Really Need a Queen?"in The Saturday Evening Post 18.10.57

Programme, visit of HRH Duke of Edinburgh to Sarawak, 26-28.2.59

69/11/F: Survey regarding Duke of Windsor's memoirs, 1960

1 page Ms note re Edward VIII, no name, no date

17 pages Ts responses to interview questions, Harlesden, Paddington, London, 20-23.7.60 (LB)

2 pages Ms report on attitudes to Duke of Windsor [incomplete], Aug 1960

9 pages Ts and Ms analysis of Duke of Windsor's [Daily Express?] memoirs

69/11/G: Surveys 920 and 627, 1960

4 pages Ts code sheets, Survey 920

4 pages Percentage sheets, survey questions 4(b) and 4(c), Survey 920

2 sheets of tabulated survey data, Survey 920

7 pages Tabulation sheets, Survey 627

69/11/H: Survey 907, 1964

2 pages copy of Royalty qq, Apr 1964

15 pages copy code sheet, Survey 907, Oct 1964

6 pages annotated sample interview form, Survey 907, Oct 1964

69/11/I: Miscellaneous material, post 1953

Various material relating to Royalty surveys from 1953 until the early 1960s, much of which consists of extracts from the 1953 Coronation survey. This material may be further notes relating to Britain Revisited (see 69/11/J and 69/11/K).

10 pages Ts and Ms misc. notes on surveys with Royalty questions, 1953-64

2 pages Ms letter to MT, 11.8.60 (LB)

1 page Ms letter to MT, [12.6.?] (GST)

2 pages Ms notes, "Coronation begins at home" [no date MT?]

2 pages Ts comments and press references, "New Elizabethan Age", from 1953 material

2 pages Ts comments and press references, "Coronation Service", from 1953 material

3 pages Ts and Ms comments and press references, "Religious Aspects of Coronation", from 1953 material

1 page Ts list, "Constitutional Aspects"

3 pages Ms and Ts notes on articles in Folk-Lore, Vol LXIII 1952, LXIV 1953

4 pages [page 1 torn] Ts report on Coronations, mainly from 1953 material

69/11/J: Drafts and Notes for Britain Revisited

1 page Ts list of Royal Occasions 1937-1960

Draft versions of Chapter 14 of Britain Revisited (1961), "Royal Occasions"

69/11/K: Drafts and Notes for Britain Revisited

Draft versions of Chapter 14 of Britain Revisited (1961), "Royal Occasions"

Box 12: Press Cuttings, 1953 Coronation

69/12/A: Transport, Traffic

69/12/B: Trade, Economics

69/12/C: Police

69/12/D: The Press

69/12/E: Royal Personalities

69/12/F: Coronation Personalities, Visitors, Gossip

69/12/G: Books about Royalty

69/12/H: Souvenirs and Fashion

69/12/I: Music and Entertainment

69/12/J: Radio and Television

69/12/K: Jokes and Cartoons

69/12/L: Controversial Issues

Box 13: Local Newspaper Cuttings, 1953 Coronation

69/13/A: Local Newspaper Cuttings (General)

69/13/B: Local Celebrations, Parties, Decorations

69/13/C: Local Celebrations

Box 14: Press Cuttings, 1953 Coronation

Apart from the four folders below, this box contains a large amount of loose press cuttings, some of which have been arranged into batches reflecting various themes.

69/14/A: Constitutional Aspects

69/14/B: Assorted Pre-Coronation Cuttings (mainly provincial)

69/14/C: Ritual, Regalia, Troops

69/14/D: Decorations

Box 15: Press Cuttings, 1953 Coronation

69/15/A: Miscellaneous Coronation Cuttings

69/15/B: Miscellaneous Coronation Cuttings

Box 16: Press Cuttings, 1953 Coronation

69/16/A: Souvenir Issues

69/16/B: Miscellaneous Coronation Cuttings

Box 17: Royalty Press Cuttings 1935-60

69/17/A: Duke of Windsor, Daily Express Memoirs, 1960

69/17/B: Daily Telegraph Coronation Supplement, 1937

69/17/C: Death of George V, 1936

69/17/D: Silver Jubilee, 1935

69/17/E: VE Day, 1945, VJ Day, 1946

69/17/F: Royalty 1951, Festival of Britain, illness of George VI, etc

69/17/G: Duke of Windsor, Daily Express Memoirs, 1947-48, 1950

69/17/H: Royalty, 1948, Silver Wedding, birth of Prince Charles, etc

69/17/I: Wedding of Princess Elizabeth, 1947

69/17/J: Miscellaneous Royalty cuttings, 1957-59

69/17/K: The 'Townsend Affair', 1955

Mass-Observation Studies 1937-55

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