The rankings, published by, are based on, which only includes papers and citation values for an examined discipline. The ranking includes scientists with D-index of at least 30 for academic publications made in the area of Ecology and Evolution.
Dave Goulson is Professor of Biology at the 名媛直播, specialising in bee ecology. He has published more than 300 scientific articles on the ecology and conservation of bumblebees and other insects. Prof Goulson said about his recent ranking:
“It is an honour to be ranked so highly among UK and global scientists, but the credit must go to my hard-working PhD students and Postdocs. I hope that in the coming years we can continue our research into insect declines and find ways to better protect these vital creatures.”
Francis Ratnieks, emeritus professor of apiculture, also ranked 64 in leading UK scientists. Joseph Alcamo, Professor of Environmental Systems Science and the Director of the Sussex Sustainability Research Programme, ranking 198, and Emeritus Professor of Ecology and Evolution Michael J. Hutchings ranking 242.
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