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David Ruebain: Inclusive Sussex update
Posted on behalf of: Internal Communications
Last updated: Monday, 26 June 2023
![David Ruebain, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Culture, Equality & Inclusion)](/broadcast/images/uploads/2023/06/17079.item.jpg)
David Ruebain, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Culture, Equality & Inclusion)
On Friday 23 June, David Ruebain, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Culture, Equality & Inclusion) emailed all staff. You can read the message below:
Dear Colleague,
This month, I would like to consider:
- Pride month, Brighton Pride and Trans Pride
- Welcoming new members of our EDI Unit
- Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month and our pledge to students from these communities
- Supporting accessibility on campus and reasonable adjustments
- Podcast on disability, protest and the law
- Nominate for the EDI in Research Award by 27 June
- Could you chair the Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team?
Pride month, Brighton Pride and Trans Pride
As I’m sure many of you are aware, (although celebrations and parades happen over several months). Since the first marches - in 1970 in New York and elsewhere in the US, and in 1972 in London - Pride has been a key event in LGBTQ+ liberation and a wonderful celebration of LGBTQ+ life and culture in many places around the world.
Brighton has its time to shine on Saturday 5 August when the annual Pride Community Parade takes place. As in previous years, the University will have a visible presence on the march and there is still time for to be part of the University’s walking party. Please register by 30 June to join us. for a taster.
As well as being an official partner, the University is sponsoring a community bus to enable anyone on the march with mobility difficulties to take part, whether from the University or elsewhere.
Trans Pride Brighton is also coming up on 14 - 16 July, its 10th anniversary! The LGBTQ+ Staff Network is working closely with Trans and Non-Binary and LGBTQ+ networks and societies at Sussex to showcase the work and talents of our Trans and Non-Binary students, staff, alumni and allies in an . Contributions to the showcase are welcome by Monday 26 June.
Welcoming new members of our EDI Unit
I am delighted that two new colleagues have joined the EDI Unit:
- Sarah Law has joined as EDI Consultant with lead responsibility for the Advance HE Race Equality and Athena Swan Charters.
- Allison Pitcher has joined as EDI Consultant with lead responsibility for the Black at Sussex programme.
Sarah and Allison are already engaged in their programmes and I wish them both the best in their new roles. Find out more about the EDI Unit and equalities work underway at Sussex.
GRT History Month and our pledge to students from these communities
As well as being Pride month, June is Gypsy, Roma, Traveller (GRT) History Month. The University has signed up to a Pledge supporting Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showman and Boater students into and within higher education alongside our widening participation aims and our commitment to race equality. The GRT flag is flying from Sussex House throughout June.
Chris Derbyshire in the Widening Participation team has been integral to securing our commitment to the pledge. .
Supporting accessibility on campus and reasonable adjustments
Accessibility on our campus is a key concern and priority for me and the University. I hope that you saw the from the Better Campus team about progress towards making our campus more accessible, including improving and maintaining our existing facilities, and building accessibility into the West Slope development.
Meanwhile, we are currently updating the Workplace Adjustment Toolkit. The toolkit includes guidance for managers, staff and information on types of adjustments. In addition, a new Disability Essentials eLearning will soon be available on LearnUpon. The course includes content on the social model of disability, types of impairment and language.
All staff also have access to the Business Disability Forum’s resources through our University membership, and using your Sussex email address.
Podcast on disability, protest and the law
If you’ve an interest in disability inclusion and change, you might be interested in where Ben and I discuss the disability rights movement and protest.
Nominate for the EDI in Research Award by 27 June
The EDI in Research Award, part of our new Research Culture Awards, recognises contributions made to strengthen and grow our positive research culture at Sussex. It celebrates the efforts and achievements of those addressing EDI challenges to make Sussex a more equal, diverse and inclusive place to do research. You can nominate yourself or a colleague for the award, and the winner will receive £1,500 to use towards training or capability-building activity. Find out more and submit your nomination.
Could you chair the Athena Swan Charter Self-Assessment Team?
The University takes part in the Athena Swan Charter to address gender inequality and we currently hold an institutional Bronze award, alongside School-level awards for all of our STEM Schools. Our aim is for all Schools to hold an Athena Swan award by 2025. At University level, the work is overseen by a Self-Assessment Team (SAT) currently chaired by Prof. Kelly Coate. As has recently been announced, Kelly will shortly be leaving the University, and we are looking to recruit a new Chair. The role is crucial and is responsible for:
- being an ambassador and advocate of the SAT
- driving momentum and encouraging people through the charter framework
- ensuring that all members of the SAT take responsibility for completing tasks and are given proportionate responsibility
- ensuring that everyone is able to have their say.
If you are interested and would like to find out more, please contact Sarah Law at:
Work is underway across the University to tackle gender equality, and you can take a look how the School of Engineering and Informatics are .
With good wishes,
David Ruebain
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Culture, Equality and Inclusion)