
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is everyone鈥檚 responsibility at 名媛直播, and we are driven by the University's values of kindness, integrity, inclusion, collaboration and courage. We also have a number of people, networks and departments focused on culture, equality and inclusion.

Our people

David Ruebain

Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Culture, Equality and Inclusion

David Ruebain has strategic responsibility for all aspects of Culture, Equality and Inclusion at the University, including progressing work on race equity, LGBTQ+ advancement and dignity and respect.

See David Ruebain's full leadership biography.

David Ruebain

Isobel Pearce

Assistant Director – Culture, Equality and Inclusion

Within her role, Isobel Pearce leads the 
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Unit which is working to create a University where all members of our community have equal access to opportunities.


See Isobel Pearce's staff profile.

Isobel Pearce

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion champions

Champions support our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion across campus. Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) champions are situated across each of our Schools and Professional Services divisions. The champions disseminate information and best practice, raise awareness of equality and diversity issues, encourage involvement in initiatives and help promote a culture where staff and students are treated fairly and with dignity and respect.

See our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion champions

EDI champions

Dignity champions

A network of Dignity Champions to support staff who want to raise concerns about Dignity and Respect at Sussex.

Dignity Champions provide confidential and informal advice to those who feel they are experiencing difficult working relationships, including bullying or harassment, or who have witnessed such behaviour.

Find out more about our dignity champions.

Staff networks

Our staff networks play an important role in achieving our goals outlined in our equality, diversity and inclusion strategy, Inclusive Sussex.

The networks provide staff with the opportunity to meet with colleagues from across campus and get involved with network activities.

Find out more about our staff networks.

Organisational development team

The Organisational development team supports the professional and personal development of all staff at the University.

They provide equality and diversity courses designed to help staff in their roles and promote respect and dignity for all.

Find out more about what the Organisational Development team offers.