
Academic Quality and Partnerships

Mid-term Module Feedback

Module convenors are encouraged to gather informal module feedback from students whilst the module is taking place. This enables staff to to find out how the module is progressing and may lead to implementation of changes that benefit the current students taking a module. Of course, not all amendments will be within reach in a short space of time but there may be some quick wins that can genuinely improve the student experience, helping students to get more out of the module. 

Below are some suggested methods of module evaluation that will allow for both in-class and out-of-class feedback to be given and collected instantaneously so analysis and enhancement can be made quickly and on a basis individual to the teaching staff. It is felt that this format of questionnaires would be best suited to be delivered between weeks 4 and 7 to allow teaching staff time to put any necessary module changes in place. 

We know that there are many staff across the University already seeking mid-module feedback from their students with great benefit. We would love to hear more about those examples and to share your good practice to support colleagues across the University. Please contact Clare Wolstenholme with details if you would like to be included as a case study on this resource page. 


Student Response Systems (Clickers and Poll Everywhere)

The university currently licences two different student response systems (Poll Everywhere; Clickers) which allow for instantaneous feedback both live in-class and after the teaching session has finished via an online link. The major benefit of using a student response system is that you can ensure that the students have anonymously responded to your questionnaire by leaving 5 minutes at the end of the class to ask the students to respond either via a Clicker (which can be obtained at IT Services), a web link/mobile app or a text message (text via Poll Everywhere only). 

Suitable for: Large size classes; multiple choice or short answer questions.

Visit the TEL pages to find out how to use Poll Everywhere or Clickers for module evaluations.

Feedback Tool (Study Direct)

The Feedback activity in Study Direct is a survey tool which allows teaching staff to gather responses, written or numeric, from students. The tool allows students to record their responses anonymously and the teaching staff to choose whether or not students can see other students' (anonymous) responses.The students would be able to respond to the tool via any device that connect to the internet and so can be available for both in-class and out-of class responses.

Suitable for: Medium size classes; multiple choice; short or long answer questions.

Visit the TEL pages to find out more on how to use the Feedback activity for module evaluations.

Journal Tool (Study Direct)

The Journal activity is another tool that can be utilised in Study Direct to gather student responses about their module. The Journal tool can be used throughout the timeframe of the module (or a timeframe selected by the teaching staff) to allow students to comment on a set of questions chosen by the teaching staff or module convenor. The students would be able to respond to the tool via any device that connect to the internet and so can be available for both in-class and out-of class responses

Suitable for: Small sized classes; Open-ended questions.

Visit the TEL pages to find out more on how to use the Feedback activity for module evaluations.

Focus Groups

Focus groups can be a useful method of capturing students' opinions in a structured conversation that can focus in on the specific needs and requirements of a module. Focus groups must be administered by the module convenor and any questions should be offered to all students beforehand so students that may not be able to make the focus group can feed into it through those who can or by other methods. 

Suitable for: All size groups; Modules with specific needs and requirments

Visit the TEL pages to find out more on how to set up focus groups for module evaluations.