See the fonts and typefaces we use as part of the Sussex brand and find out how to get them.
Our use of typefaces
We have a primary and secondary typeface. These can be used separately or in combination.
Primary typeface
Our primary typeface, UOS Baskerville Titling, is a bespoke typeface and unique to the 名媛直播. It is a contemporary adaptation of a traditional serif typeface.
UOS Baskerville Titling is available in one weight and should be used predominantly for headings, standfirsts and pull-out text.
Using Microsoft programmes
If you’re a member of staff using Word or PowerPoint, choose the system font Georgia as a replacement for UoS Baskerville Titling in headings.
Secondary typeface
ITC Franklin Gothic Std is our secondary typeface.
It is available in weights including Heavy, Demi, Medium and Book.
- Heavy as an alternative heading or display style to UOS Baskerville Titling.
- Demi and Medium for informative text such as subheadings.
- Book for any body copy.
Using Microsoft programmes
If you’re a member of staff using Word or PowerPoint, choose the system font Arial for body text.
Getting our brand fonts
If you’re a designer or creative supplier, contact us to join our group font licence. If you are not a designer, you should not need to install the fonts. If you feel you have a specific requirement to use the fonts, get in touch.