
Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research (CHEER)


April 2022

Developments in Doctoral Education and Training Conference: 7 April 2022CHEER colleague and recently graduated PhD researcher, Yasser Kosbar, presented at the 5th International Conference on Developments in Doctoral Education & Training hosted by the UK Council for Graduate Education UKCGE on 7 April 2022. The presentation “They say ‘it is safe here’: On visibility, safety and belonging” drew on narratives collected from 24 semi-structured interviews with Egyptian women postgraduates in the UK. The findings suggest that institutional racism and racial discrimination do not operate in a vacuum, and it is closely tied with other frameworks of exclusion such as gender, age, religion, disability, class, and hostile policies toward international students. Understanding the intersectionality between these different forms and frameworks of exclusion can help policymakers, practitioners, and universities reframe their policies for inclusion, equity, and diversity.

December 2021

  • The CHEER research project, 'Internationally Mobile Female Scholars', officially ended in the summer of this year having been running since October 2020. This Humboldt Foundation-funded project was led by Professor Louise Morley and supported by recently graduated doctoral researcher, Yasser Kosbar, who worked with  in Köln, Germany on the project aimed at attracting more excellent women scientists to the Humboldt Network.
    Dossiers for all six countries included in the project are now complete and can be seen on the Research projects web page.

  • CHEER's research on internationalisation in Japan is now available in a special issue of Higher Education (82.4) on academic mobilities: .

  • Congratulations, Dr Kosbar!
    Yasser Kosbar successfully passed his PhD viva on 8 December for his study: Sticky Objects and Cruel Desires: Exploring the Journeys of Egyptian Women Postgraduates into and out of UK Higher Education. This was the first study of its kind to focus on the experiences of Egyptian women postgraduates in the UK, and to deploy queer feminist theory in its design, analysis, and conclusions.  
    Many thanks to Professor Rebecca Boden from Tampere University, Finland, for her work as the external examiner, and to Professor Valerie Hey, for her work as the internal examiner. Thanks also to who did a splendid job chairing and co-ordinating a viva which took place across 3 countries! was Yasser's first supervisor, and was the second.  

November 2021

Another CHEER PhD!

Many congratulations to Lisa Blatch who passed her PhD viva on 11 November for her study: What are the values and beliefs that are enacted in entrepreneurship teaching in higher education? Lisa was examined by , and Professor . Senior Lecturer in Education, , chaired the online viva. CHEER Director, , was Lisa's first supervisor, and Senior Lecturer in Management, from the Business School, was her second supervisor. 

Lisa's research was initiated by an awareness of divisions between practice and theory in entrepreneurship teaching. Using eight interviews and classroom observation, she explored the neoliberal restructuring of higher education, the nature of entrepreneurship research and who it is for, the relationship between professional and cognitive knowledge, the status of practice and commerciality within entrepreneurship teaching, and how these issues (and others) relate to the beliefs and understandings of participants, and are enacted in teaching. 

Well done, Lisa!

October 2021

Louise Morley made the keynote presentation Covid-19 and Higher Education: Never let a good crisis go to waste! [PPTX 10.49MB] at The 2021 International Conference, 'Changes and Challenges Encountered in the Development of Education Globally in the Post-COVID-19 Era' hosted by Tainan University, Taiwan (online webinar) on 29 October 2021.

Covid-19 and Higher Education: Oct 2021 

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