
Experimental Particle Physics Research Group

Trigger & Data Acquisition

One thing all particle physics experiments have in common is the need to have a fast system for collecting data when the detectors record a signature that looks interesting. Sounds simple, until you consider that for example the ATLAS experiment has to choose between 40 million potential events per second!

Benedict is responsible for the ATLAS Debug Stream – when the ATLAS trigger is not able to make a decision (usually because it crashes, or runs out of time) – he looks at what went wrong and recovers the data that would otherwise be lost. This work has helped to improve all of the trigger software – trigger failures of this kind have dropped by three orders of magnitude over the LHC run period.
Simon leads the development of the DUNE data acquisition system for the UK, which is one of the main UK deliverables to the collaboration. This system needs to reduce the very large information stream (34 TB/s) to something more manageable (30 PB/yr) , without losing important information.
Mark, Nicola, Fab T, Marco and Antonella are working in the software development of the Inner Detector Trigger Analysis in order to increase the [efficiency] of the HLT-reconstructed tracks with respect to the offline object reconstruction. Investigating trigger efficiencies using the tag-and-probe method.
Fab S, Mark and Mario G work on the ATLAS inner detector trigger, in particular to characterise and study the performances of the muon and tau triggers.
Alex C, Antonella, Benedict, Tom, and Ioannis are working on the Hardware-based track finding and fitting system for the ATLAS trigger. This relies on developing bespoke digital electronic solutions, which have applications to a diverse set of machine learning and big data problems.
Fab S, Batool, Mario S and Dani work on the characterisation and performance of the ATLAS electron and photon triggers.
Lily and Dan in the jet trigger signatures group on using FTK tracks and jet substructure in the jet trigger.
Fab S and Tom are working on the development of a generic Data Monitoring tool to be used for the R&D of new detector technologies for future colliders. This effort is part of the EU-funded AIDA2020 international R&D project.