
Sussex Researcher School

Women's Leadership Academy

Supporting and empowering early career researchers (ECRs) to carve out a research career that fits their own needs

Women ECRs: are you struggling to find a work/life balance in a research system that doesn't seem to meet your needs? 

Do you want to build confidence, work on your mindset, and develop the skills you need to further your career?

If so, the Sussex Women's Leadership Academy is for you.

About the Academy

The Sussex Women's Leadership Academy is a new programme that will empower early-career academics - inclusive of all women and minority genders - to carve out a research career that works for them. 

Sessions are active and participant-led, answering the questions you raise - it's about collaboration, peer support and peer learning, identifying your own leadership style and working out how to do it your way.

Running between April and June 2025, it will include:

  • Two one-day coaching workshops with Fiona Reith, a Designing Your Life coach.
  • Weekly online seminars focusing on common barriers and more practical skills, including time management, collaborating and communicating, research grants, and promotion.
  • Smaller book groups providing space for peer mentoring and support, and building community. This year's set text is Playing Big by Tara Mohr.

The Academy will help address the gender gap in ECR applications for promotion that has been identified at the University. This issue was discussed at the Research with Impact Forum in November. 

The initiative is led by , Associate Professor of Engineering, and , the Director for ECRs, and supported by the Sussex Researcher School and Research Culture.

Benefits of joining the Academy
  • Grow in confidence and develop your leadership skills.
  • Learn how to manage your time and stress more effectively.
  • Connect with other ECRs, and start to build your networks.
  • Build a community of support.
  • Identify a career pathway based on your own personal circumstances and objectives.

How to apply

Applications will open in late February. Further details, including eligibility requirements, will be shared here shortly. 

Programme structure
Applications open Monday 24 February
International Women's Day launch event Wednesday 5 March
Deadline for applications Monday 10 March
Places allocated By Friday 14 March
Coaching workshop: Introduction to the Academy w/c 24 or 31 March
Book groups begin w/c 24 or 31 March
Seminar #1 w/c 28 April
Seminar #2 w/c 5 May
Seminar #3 w/c 12 May
Seminar #4 w/c 19 May
Seminar #5 w/c 26 May
Coaching workshop: Round-up and reflections w/c 2 June
Summer of Research showcase event Wednesday 11 June tbc



Sussex Researcher School

E: researcher-school@sussex.ac.uk