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How can I obtain a Personal Copy of EndNote for use on my own or home computer
How can I make Word reference my EndNote Online (web) library when I want to insert citations?
Can I import (copy) references from Word, Access or Excel into EndNote?
The EndNote tab is not showing in my version of Word, what should I do?
What happens to my EndNote Online references when I leave the University?
Is there a mobile version of EndNote?
When using EndNote to cite a book, how can I add a page number to an individual citation?
I want to use the same EndNote library on PCs using different versions of EndNote. Can I do this?
Is there an EndNote Style for use by Sussex Students?
How do I transfer references between EndNote on my PC and EndNote Online account/Web?
Can I copy references from the Sussex Library catalogue to my EndNote library?
Are there any manuals or tutorials available for EndNote?
Can I use EndNote on a Mac?
How can I sign up for EndNote Online?
What is EndNote Online?
What are the EndNote Find Full Text settings for use by Sussex staff and students?
Can I share my Endnote Library with others?
I want to use my Library on two machines, what is the best way to do this?
Can I use/install the EndNote Online plug-in to Capture/copy a reference to my EndNote Library?
How can I remove the EndNote codes from a Word document?
I can't find the style I need in EndNote?
What software is EndNote compatible with?
Can I Create a quick text bibliography from my EndNote references?
My EndNote Online and EndNote library on PC have gone out of synchronisation. What can I do?
Nvivo displays a License Expired Message
Access your Microsoft Office Apps through OneDrive
Updated on 25 September 2024