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Printed Books

1. Editions of Individual works of Shelley

1817 The revolt of Islam, a poem in twelve cantos. London. In volume lettered on spine, Shelley's poems, vol. I. First edition with this title; published in a slightly different form earlier in the year under the title Laon and Cythna, and wrongly dated 1818.

1819 Rosalind and Helen, a modern eclogue. With other poems. London. In volume lettered on spine, Shelley's poems, vol. II. First edition.

1820 Prometheus unbound, a lyrical drama in four acts. With other poems. In volume lettered on spine, Shelley's poems, vol. II. First edition.

1821 The Cenci, a tragedy in four acts. Second edition. London. In volume lettered on spine, Shelley's poems, vol. II.

1824 Posthumous poems. London. In volume lettered on spine, Shelley's poems, vol. III. (Another copy, bound by J. Hayday, 1863). First edition.

1832 The masque of anarchy. London. First edition.

1840 Essays. Letters from abroad. Translations and fragments. Edited by Mrs Shelley. 2 vols. London. First edition.

1859 Shelley memorials, from authentic sources. To which is added, An essay on Christianity, now first printed. London

1827 Adonis. (Noel Douglas replicas). London. Facsimile of the first edition of 1821.

2. Shelley's works in collected editions

1880 The works in verse and prose. Now first brought together with many pieces not before published. Edited with prefaces, note, and appendices by Harry Buxton Forman. 8 vols. London.

1894 The complete poetical works. The text carefully revised, with notes and a memoir by William Michael Rossetti. 3 vols. London.

1904 The complete poetical works. Including materials never before printed in any edition of the poems. Edited with textual notes by Thomas Hutchinson. Oxford.

1927 The narrative poems, arranged in chronological order. 2 vols. Oxford.

3. Shelley: Biography and Criticism

1886 Dowden, Edward. The life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 2 vols. London.
A list of Eton College, taken at election, 1805, showing Shelley's name on page 11.
A holograph letter from W. Godwin to Mr. Gill, dated 31 January 1812.
A holograph letter from Mrs. Boinville to 'my dearest Augustus', dated 17 June 1822.
Five autograph letters from the author to Mme. Catayes concerning her recollections of Shelley, dated 29 October 1883, 11 November 1883, 7 June 1884, 5 September 1884, 15 August 1885.

1903 Locock, C.D. An examination of the Shelley manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, being a collation thereof with the printed texts, resulting in the publication of several long fragments hitherto unknown, and the introduction of many improved readings into Prometheus Unbound, and other poems. Oxford.

1906 Trelawny, Edward John. Recollections of the last days of Shelley and Byron. London.

1909 Thompson, Francis. Shelley. London.

1927 Peck, Walter Edwin. Shelley, his life and work. 2 vols. London.

1933 Wolfe, Humbert. The life of Percy Bysshe Shelley, as comprised in: The life of Shelley by Thomas Jefferson Hogg, The recollections of Shelley and Byron by Edward John Trelawny, Memoirs of Shelley by Thomas Love Peacock. With an introduction by Humbert Wolfe. 2 vols. London.

1958 Taylor, Charles H. The early collected editions of Shelley's poems: a study in the history and transmission of the printed text. New Haven. With a page of the Times Literary Supplement for 21 August 1959 containing reviews of three books on Shelley.

1959 Bigland, Eileen. Mary Shelley. London.

4. Other Books of Shelley Interest

1792 Wollstonecraft, Mary. A vindication of the rights of women, with strictures on political and moral subjects. London. First Edition. On p.452 'End of the first volume'. No more published.

1911 Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Note books. From the originals in the Library of W.K. Bixby. Deciphered, transcribed, and edited with a full commentary, by H. Buxton Forman. 3 vols. Boston.

1926 Shelley, Percy Bysshe. The Shelley correspondence in the Bodleian Library: letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley and others, mainly unpublished, from the collection presented to the Library by Lady Shelley in 1892. Edited by R.H. Hill. Oxford. With a page of typed notes concerning Shelley's seduction of Miss Williams.

1943 Scott, Walter Sidney. The Athenians, being correspondence between Thomas Jefferson Hogg and his friends Thomas Love Peacock, Leigh Hunt, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and others. Edited by Walter Sidney Scott. [London], Golden Cockerel Press.

1944 Scott, Walter Sidney. Harriet & Mary, being the relations between Percy Bysshe Shelley, Harriet Shelley, Mary Shelley, and Thomas Jefferson Hogg as shown in letters between them now published for the first time. Edited by Walter Sidney Scott. [London], Golden Cockerel Press.

1944 Scott, Walter Sidney. Shelley at Oxford, the early correspondence of P.B. Shelley with his friend T.J. Hogg, together with letters of Mary Shelley and Thomas Love Peacock, and a hitherto unpublished prose fragment by Shelley. . Edited by Walter Sidney Scott. [London], Golden Cockerel Press.

1961 Cameron, Kenneth Neill. Shelley and his circle, 1773-1822. [Manuscripts, etc.] edited by Kenneth Neill Cameron. Vols. 1, 2. Cambridge, Massachusetts. With a page of the Times Literary Supplement for 6 October 1961, containing a review of these volumes.

Non-printed material

1. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Notebook taken by him on his last voyage - a photographic facsimile of the forty pages of the notebook, made c.1890.

2. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Letters. 20 numbered photostats of letters from Shelley, with typed transcript of each. With a compliments slip from the Bodleian Library.

3. Grove, Harriet. Diary 1809. A typed transcript of this diary, now in the Carl H. Pforzheimer Library, which contains numerous references to the Shelley family.

4. West, William Edward. Sketch of Shelley. Correspondence relating to the purchase of this sketch by Sir John Shelley-Rolls from Mrs. John Dunn. With reproduction of the sketch.

5. Garnett, Richard. Holograph letter to Lady Shelley, dated 22 June 1898, informing her of the deposit of Shelley's guitar in the Bodleian Library, and introducing typescripts of the original versions of his articles on Shelley and Mary Shelley for the DNB, and of 'an abridged biography which [he] wrote as a preface to an edition of [Shelley's] poetry which ought to have been published nearly three years ago'. In volume lettered 'Shelley. Biographical'.

6. Bodleian Gift, 1892.
a. 4 printed pages: 'Conditions proposed by Lady Shelley and accepted by the Bodleian curators on June 11 1892'.
b. Autograph letter from E.W.B. Nicholson dated 3 July 1893 thanking Lady Shelley for the donation of books and manuscripts.
c. Autograph letter from E.W.B. Nicholson dated 18 May 1894 thanking Lady Shelley for the donation of Shelley relics.
d. Holograph letter from E.W.B. Nicholson dated 2 August 1893 describing to Lady Shelley the case in which her gift is displayed.
e. The Oxford University Gazette for 9th May 1894, the Annual Report of the Curators of the Bodleian Library, in which the Shelley gift is mentioned as 'one of the most important gifts received by the Library for many years'.








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