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Leonard Woolf Archive

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1. LW's life in Ceylon

a. Account books 1906-1912
(i) One bound account book (190 numbered pages)containing:
journal entries in LW's handwriting of personal financial transactions from April 1906 (pages 1-73) in Ceylon, 73-87 in U.K.; figures on "capital" of VW at pages 85-87
accounts of the Hogarth Press (pages 88-190) described at IQ1a below.
(ii) A second bound book (173 numbered pages) of ledger entries made in LW's handwriting reflecting the transactions recorded in the first book.12.04.06-11.12.12. (accounts relating to VW at pages 120, 131, 141)
b. Personal correspondence 1904-1913
(i) Letters (155) to LW from English and other European residents of Ceylon, giving a picture of the social life of a colonial civil servant with occasional references to official duties.
(ii) Letters (30) from servants and other local residents including greetings, acknowledgement of gratuities, compliments, complaints.
c. Official papers
(i) LW diaries in Hambantota district (1908-11); typed copy as published. Actual diary for May 1911 from which May 18 entry was deleted in published version. (not photocopied)
(ii) Letter and formal reprimand for LW's failure to show proper respect for superior officer (1911).
(iii) Printed documents, including:- Papers relating to the Maldive Islands, 1887; Instructions to Governors of Colonies, 1895; Civil Service Commission Open Competition Table of Marks, 1904; Colonial Secretary's Office Circulars, nos. 23, 50, 102, 135, 183, dated 1892, 1906; Proceedings of the Durbar of Native Chiefs held at Colombo in June, 1908; Ceylon Financial Orders, 1910. (Title pages only photocopied)

d. Resignation in 1911: six letters and clippings.

e. Miscellaneous: Notebook B dated Jan. 1901 used for language exercise book, including clippings from Ceylon papers relating to local crimes; photos of LW and staff in Ceylon (pictures used in Growing); a few clippings; a 1904 letter from a ship's captain relating to a drowning; a map of Ceylon and a 1958 guide book of Ceylon.

See also notebooks C and E at IIA2d for civil service exams and E for scores of games with F.G. Tyrrell.

f. Miscellaneous: Papers, including:- Administrative documents relating to food supplies, 1907; Extracts from Ceylon Government Gazette on paddy cultivation, 1869-1883; Hambantota plan; Inventory of monuments by district; Letter from Assistant Government Agent to his superior reporting on a water scheme, 16.11.1887; Letter from Surveyor General to Colonial Secretary on supply of land boundary documents, 11.12.1906; Letter from S. Chinejee to Government Agent about shop rental, 26.3.1907; Letter from District Engineer, Hambantota to Provincial Engineer re Maha Lewaya scheme, 28.01.1910; Petition to F.H. Price, Government Agent, Jaffna, from fishermen of Karaiyoor; Tamil prescriptions for fever.

2. Ceylon Riots 1915; Government Reform; Ceylon Daily News

a. Copies of 55 letters, etc. principally from E.W. Perara and D.B. Jayatilika to LW 1915-1918, with descriptive list of contents. (LW presented the originals to the Ceylon Government Archive in 1961).

Letters (18) from E.W. Perara and D.B. Jayatilika 1918-19.

Correspondence (9 letters) in 1961, 1969 relating to the above letters. See also correspondence with Shelton Fernando in IA3e.

b. Opinion (8 pp.) by Eardley Norton, 23.08.15 on regularity and procedure of Field-General Courts Marshall held in Ceylon ex parte Arthur Dias.

c. Printed petition (7 pp.) signed by Perara and Jayatilika as "Sinhalese Delegates", 03.12.17, asking for an independent inquiry into shooting and other actions taken without trial after riots.

d. Letters (5) 1918-19 relating to writing by LW and others for the Ceylon Daily News and receipts for payments. (See also reference to such writing in a. above.)

e. Letter from P.V.J. Jayasekara, 06.11.66, relating to Ceylon Riots.

3. LW's associations with Ceylon 1922-1969

a. Hambantota district. Letters (3) from native officials reporting on affairs of the district (1922-7).

b. Letters (19) to and from individuals who knew LW in Ceylon or who were there at about the same time (1941-67).

c. Ceylon visitors to U.K. 1947-67. Letters (71). Largely social correspondence dealing with assistance or entertainment LW provided for these visitors.

d. Chena cultivation. Letters (13) to and from Lal Jayawardena (1960-62) and (2) to and from Michael Roberts (1966).

e. Ceylon visit 1960. 25 letters re arrangements; itinerary, timetables, bills, receipts, etc. (29 items). (not photocopied) Consequent correspondence: 232 letters. These include correspondence with individuals LW met on his 1960 trip to Ceylon; persons familiar with Ceylon who had read LW's books on Ceylon; and the Ceylon Historical Journal about their publication of LW's Ceylon diaries.

The major item consists of 100 letters from Shelton Femando* and 59 letters from LW to Femando (1960-69), which discuss LW's career in Ceylon (including the several attacks made on him in the Ceylon papers in the 1960s); LW's Ceylon diaries and other writings on Ceylon; various individuals in the Ceylon Civil Service; current events and political history of Ceylon; and the proposed filming of The Village in the Jungle, as well as the personal affairs of the correspondents. Clippings referred to in the correspondence are in f. below.

*(Fernando, a life-long civil servant and native of Ceylon, was Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Industries, Home & Cultural Affairs until 1962).

See also Additions 13 and 22.

f. Clippings from Ceylon newspapers 1960-69 relating principally to LW.

g. Publication of LW's writings in Ceylon. (12 letters) 1959-62. See also IL.


1. 1918 proposal:

2 letters from M.M. Green explaining the Seven Universities Democratic Association and asking LW to allow his name to be considered.

2. 1921-22 candidacy:

6 letters. These include letters from M.M. Green inviting LW to stand; letters to Sidney Webb regarding treatment of LW as Labour candidate; LW's printed statement of policy (4 pp.); and letter from the successful candidate, Sir Martin Conway.

3. 1927 and 1934 proposals:

3 letters from London University Labour Party regarding possibility of LW as candidate.

4. Letter from Manchester University Socialist and Labour Club. [n.d.]


1. The National Whitley Council for the Administrative and Legal Departments of the Civil Service.

Notices of appointment 1938, 1941, 1943, 1946, 1949, 1952, and related correspondence.

Treasury Circular accepting the principle of arbitration; and one 1944 decision of the Tribunal.

Correspondence relating to LW's retirement (3 letters)

2. Armed Forces Lectures October 1941 and June 1942

Formal notices only.

3. Offer of wartime service

Letter to Sir William Jowitt offering services for work on international side of reconstruction and Jowitt's reply (1942).

4. London County Council Arbitration Tribunal

Notices of appointment, 1950, 1953, and related correspondence.


1 . Advisory Committee on International Questions (LW resignation accepted Jan. 1946).

a. Papers relating to the establishment of the Committee in 1918 (LW secretary), and its re-establishment in 1944 (LW chairman), with a small amount of material on the work of the committee in 1919-20 and 1944.

Memorandum (3 pp.) from Ramsay Macdonald to Arthur Greenwood on proposed changes in Foreign Office (1925). Letters between LW and William Gillies on German Socialist Party (1942). Letters from Arnold Toynbee, A.E. Zimmern, M.A. Zahra, C.R. Buxton, David Mitrany, E.W. Dallas, Hugh Dalton, Ivor Thomas, P.J. Noel-Baker, H.R.G. Greaves, J.S. Middleton, H.D. Hall.

b. List of committee memoranda from June 1918 to Sept. 1920. (We do not have copies of such memoranda).

c. Minutes of the meetings of the committee and of International Relations Sub-Committee, with certain working papers, set forth in Appendix A.

2. Advisory Committee on Imperial Affairs (LW resignation accepted Nov. 1945)

a. Papers relating to the duties of the committee and a small amount of material on the work of the committee including letters (2) from the Burma deputation relating to questions to be asked in parliament of the Secretary of State for India (1919); a paper (4 pp.) of T. Drummond Shiels on changes in the Ceylon constitution (1939); and letters (2) on the purchase of a railway by the Southern Rhodesian Government (1942). Included are letters from A. Creech Jones (2).

b. List of committee memoranda from Feb. 1924 to July 1939. Copies of memoranda of this committee which we have are set forth in Appendix B.

c. Minutes of the meetings of the committee as set forth in Appendix C.

3. Leeds Conference 1917

Printed notice (3 pp.) of Leeds conference and four proposed resolutions "to hail the Russian Revolution and to organize the British Democracy. to follow Russia".

4. The General Strike of 1926

Copy of appeal of the Archbishop of Canterbury urging resumption of negotiations and petition to Prime Minister supporting appeal signed by several prominent citizens. File includes letters (2) from E.M. Forster supporting petition and a letter from J.L. Garvin of The Observer refusing to sign.

Manchester Guardian Bulletins, nos. 1-3, 7. May 5th-7th, 12th, 1926.

Official Communiqué No. 1. H.M.S.O. May 9th 1926.

Various newspapers, listed but not photocopied. For details see list.

5. The Labour Book Service

Letters (5) to and from Daily Herald relating to formation and initial activities of the Labour Book Service (1938).

6. Miscellaneous letters

R..H. Tawney on a united front for foreign intervention in Spain (1936).

Bertrand Russell on interview between Ramsay Macdonald and the Advisory Committee, enclosing letter showing Macdonald in "a very bad light".

Ramsay Macdonald and replies by LW (2) re Committee on Imperial Defence (1926)

Hugh Dalton (3) on 1935 election and John Parker's continued service as secretary of NFRB; resolutions to be acted on at 1935 Brighton convention of Labour Party; and on importance of work of Advisory Committees.

To Douglas Jay (2) and reply regarding 15.03.38 meeting of individuals in Labour Party to agree to conscription, form coalition government with Churchill, and warn Hitler that further aggression would mean war (1963).

T. Reid on appointments in Foreign Office (1942)

John F. Naylor (2) on work of Advisory Committee. (1962)

Miscellaneous correspondence relating to access to Labour Party papers (8 letters)

7. Lewes Labour Club

Letters (9) relating to loan and contributions.



Executive Committee elections: individuals elected and not elected 1939, 1941, 1942, 1944, 1947-49, 1951-57, 1959-64, 1966. (LW did not stand in 1944 or in later years).

Clipping from Listener 07.11.46, Laski: "Sixty years of Fabianism".

Handbill announcing the History of the Fabian Society by Edward R. Pease.

2. International Political Authority

Work of Fabian Research Department, International Agreement Committee 1915. Papers, memoranda, notes, etc. by LW and Sidney Webb on Supernational Authority. File includes letter from the Librarian of L.S.E. to Sidney Webb 22.12.1914; letter from Beatrice Webb to LW 17.04.1915.

Work of Fabian International Bureau in 1944: papers include plan of work proposed by LW; memoranda discussing pros and cons of an international political authority, types of such an authority, the need for international economic organisation, the reasons for the failure of the League of Nations, and a report arising out of the discussions of the Eastern and Central European Group. Also included is an unidentified piece entitled "The War, the Peace and Gennany".

Authors of papers include T. Balogh (article from Highway for Jan-April 1944), Richard Greaves, Dr. Mandelbaum, P.J. Noel-Baker and A. Loveday.

3. Miscellaneous letters

R. Palme Dutt 05.08.19 asking LW to serve on committee to govern work of Labour Research Dept.; 21.08.51 on conference on Anglo-Russian relations.

Leonard Barnes 14.01.35 agreeing to attend meeting for discussion of Colonial policy pamphlet.

Margaret Cole 25.1.40 re unidentified document that should have been censored before it was sent out. Letters (2) from LW to MC and her replies about disagreement with Monk and Ann Whyte and LW's intention to resign as Chairman of International Bureau and from executive 1946.

John Macmurray 15.07.43 regarding meeting of a committee including Gollancz, Maynard and LW.

H. Laski 11.10.43: his disagreement with Zilliacus on Anglo-Soviet unity.

Doreen Warriner and Andrew Filson regarding contributions to fund for secretarial services for Fabian Internation Bureau conferences 1947-48. Letters (14) relating to covenants to Dartmouth Street. Trust 1946, 1952.

Congratulations to LW on 80th birthday from A. Creech Jones and secretary of Fabian Commonwealth Bureau.

Letters (9) other business.


1. League of Nations Society: organisation and constitution (1918)

Letters from Dominick Spring Rice (2) and Oliver Strachey (1).

2. League of Nations Union

a. Letters (8) relating to membership and meetings of Council and International Research Committee (1919-20).

b. Papers relating to meetings of Committee on Amendments to the Covenant, held April and May 1921.

c. Copy of the Covenant of the League of Nations.

3. League of Nations

a. Letters from E.M. Lloyd (4), Gilbert Murray (1), Mary Murray (1), C. Delisle Burns (1), P.J. Noel-Baker (1).

Gilbert Murray letter 20.09.19, reports conversations with Lord Grey on Irish policy, Persian Treaty, League of Nations and Lord Curzon.

b. LW's handwritten outline (2 pp.) entitled "Labour's Policy towards the League".

c. Report (5 pp.) by G. Ador of "The Provisional Economic and Financial Committee of the Council" 03.12.20.

d. Poster announcing a national pilgrimage in support of League of Nations, 25 June 1921.

e. Materials relating to League of Nations Mandates (except where noted, these have not been photocopied).

Official documents:

Command Papers 1201-1204, 1226, 1284, 1350, 1500 (1921)

Report of Permanent Mandates Commission C395, M294 (1921)

Two documents containing Constitution of Permanent Mandates Commission

Memo on the Colonial Question addressed by Germany to the League of Nations

Excerpt from Hansard 14 Dec. 1920 (1 p)

Report by Hymans, Belgian representative 5 August 1920

Drafts of Class A Mandates

Drafts of Class B Mandates

News clippings


"The Scope of Mandates" by a Fellow of King's College from The New World (10 pp.).

"The Black Army" from L' Humanité.

"The Mandates and the Mandated Areas (Tropical Colonies)" typed paper (7 pp.).

Typed paper beginning "The Canadian representative ..." (25 pp.).

League of Nations Union papers on Mandates

*Letter by Norman Leys to LW 02.07.20 proposing clauses for B Mandates.

* Letter by Leys to Bardon Turner 03.05.21 about forced labour in Africa

* Memo by Leys on form of mandates for Africa (18 pp.)

Memos of League of Nations Union transmitting revised draft 16.02.21; commenting on report on form of government for S. Africa protectorate 25.05.21 ; Minute 4637 of Executive Committee 14.04.21 ; printed report of meeting in London (29 pp.).

Lectures of LW; *Outlines for two talks

(*These alone of the above materials have been photocopied).

4. League to Enforce Peace (USA)

Letters from Theodore Marburg (2) discussing plan for court of conciliation (1917), and from Hamilton Holt (3) regarding his English visit with Judge Wadhams (1918).

5. International Law Association

Memorandum by Dr. Ernest J. Shuster (16 pp.) on international cooperation for economic, social and legal objects, with copies of two draft reports of the association on that subject and miscellaneous related papers (1921).

6. Fight the Famine Council

Report (8 pp.) by M. Sheepshanks of meeting in Geneva "Nov. 11" to secure hearing of FFC deputation by representative of the assembly.

Memo (12 pp.) headed "The League of Nations Assembly: points for speeches bearing on the policy of the FFC".

7. Irish War Aims Committee

Letters (2) from K. Leys about staff requirements (1918).

8. The Union of Democratic Control

Leaflets nos. 4, 6, 12, 14b-20b, 22 and 23 (not photocopied).

Letter E.D. Morel to LW re Leys - see also III Norman Leys.

Letter concerning the sending of a delegation to Moscow 1943.

Letter listing U.D.C. Executive names 1958.

Miscellaneous papers (3).

9. Miscellaneous papers

a. brochure (2 pp.) entitled "Perpetual Peace by Immanuel Kant 1795".

b. brochure (4 pp.) "A short Peace and War Bibliography".

c. brochure (4 pp.) "Representative Peace Conference Convened by The Society of Friends", signed Horace G. Alexander (1915).

d. brochure (19 pp.) "International Financial Conference at Brussels. Resolutions of the Commissions October 1920".

e. Peace Proposals (not photocopied).

"Jane Addams' Account of her Interviews with the Foreign Ministers of Europe" (19 pp.).

"Towards Permanent Peace" (24 pp.).

"War - An Alternative" (16 pp.).

"War and the possibilities of a Satisfactory Settlement" (16 pp.).

An Appeal by Umano for a Scientific International Conference (4 pp.).

"A Suggested Draft Statement of the Allies' War Aims in the Form of a Standing Offer of Peace to the Central Powers" (15 pp. ts with numerous inserts in an unidentified hand).

f. Causes of the War, responsibility, etc. (not photocopied)

"Correspondence Respecting the European Crisis"

Command Paper 7467 (1914)

"The French Yellow Book", Supplement to The Times 19.12.14.

News clippings: 1913 (1), 1915 (4), 1917 (3), 1918: Jan. (6), Feb. (15), Mar, April & May (19).

g. TheStar. 11.11.1918.


1. Organisations concerned with labour problems (including female employment) during the 1914-18 war. (Not photocopied).

a. The General Federation of Trade Unions

Copy of The Federalist Dec. 1915 and Feb. 1916

Sixty-sixth quarterly report Dec. 1915

"How to Make the Movement Effective" by W.A. Appleton 1916.

b. War Emergency: Workers' National Committee

Nine reports of executive 1915-16 and four other printed pamphlets or notices.

c. Union of Co-operative Employees, Womens' Co-operative Guild, The British Association and other organisations concerned with the replacement of men by women. MSS, pamphlets, reports, notices and news clippings.

d. Command Papers 8113, 8132, 8133, 8151, 8185 (1915-16)

e. Other miscellaneous papers (4 brochures)

2. Anti-conscription organisations in 1916

Proposals that LW take over work of Non Conscription Fellowship and the National Council for Civil Liberties.

Letters from Clifford Allen (1), B.N. Langdon Davies (3), Adrian Stephen (1), Catherine Marshall (1).

3. The Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society

Letters (4) from John H. Harris including one on opposition of white settlers in Africa to government supervision 23.04.19 and one reporting Harris' trip to S. Africa in 1938. Letter on contribution (1964).

4. The World Association for Adult Education

Letters (2) relating to annual subscription 1919.

5. London Society for Women's Service

Letter from Philippa Strachey asking LW to join advisory council 1919.

Letter from Margaret Hills and reply by LW recalling early days of suffragette movement 1965.

6. Comité de Vigilance des Intellectuels Antifascistes

Letter from Charles Mauron 20.10.35 and 2 pages of information on Comité.

7. Letter from Eric Cook 05.07.37:

proposing press campaign in defence of collective security and civil liberties.

8. Anglo-Soviet Public Relations Association

Letter from A. Creech Jones 05.10.41 allowing name to be used as Committee member

Letter from Dorothy Nicolson.

9. Workers Educational Association

Letter proposing LW waive fee 1941; corres. Barbara Wootton regarding qualifications of J.E.D. Bradfield (1942)

Letters (4) on contributions, 1961, 1964.

10. Political Students' Union

Request that LW join consultative panel 1942.

11. War Resisters' International

Letters (8) concerning LW's objection to false information in organisation's publications. 1946-47.

12. Marriage Law Reform Section - Progressive League

LW opposes "compulsory civil marriage"; correspondence with R.S.W. Pollard 1946.

13. United Nations Organisation

Letter from LW to Denis Healey and W. Arnold-Forster about UN pamphlet for discussion groups. 1946.

14. Symposium on Soviet Jews

Letters (2) and memorandum. 1961.

15. Congress of Peace and Friendship with the U.S.S.R.

Form letter from Earl of Listowel proposing an international gathering on the 20th anniversary of the U.S.S.R. 1937.

16. Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding

Letters (7) concerning sponsorship and resignation. 1965, 1966.

17. International Labour Office

Copy of report 21.10.20: "The I.L.O., a comparison" (10 pp.).

18. School of Oriental Studies, London Institution

Announcement of series of 10 lectures by Alice Werner on "European expansion in Africa". [n.d.]

19. Association for Intellectual Liberty

Letters (2) between LW and Mrs. Huws Jones re organisation. 1964.

See also III Enid Huws Jones.

20. Royal Institute of International Affairs

Letters (2) re early history. 1958.

21. Requests for contribution or endorsement

from Anti-Apartheid Movement; Artists' Protest Against Viet-Nam; Connolly Association; Council for Freedom in Portugal and Colonies; Manuscript Exhibition Appeal Committee; Rationalist Press Association; World Campaign for the Release of South African Political Prisoners.


(see also New Statesman Archive: SxMs60)

(LW's association with the New Statesman is studied in a University of Kent Ph.D. thesis by Adrian A. Smith - The New Statesman 1913-31: a study of intellectual attitudes. 1980).

1. General

See letters to and from Kingsley Martin in III.

Letters from J.C. Squire (8) including statement that he cut LW's article because it was contrary to paper's policy on the war, Clifford Sharp (4) and Desmond MacCarthy 1918-1920. Letters (3) re appointment of Paul Johnson as editor. 1965. Letters from: Janet Adams Smith 1960 (1 ), John Freeman 1962 and 1965 (2), Margaret Gardiner [n.d] (1), J.M. Keynes (1) with LW reply 1945. Letters (2) between LW and Edward Hyams 1962. News clippings about NS and its editors and one on anti-American policy of NS.

2. Election; fees; share holdings

a. LW's election to Board in 1941; qualifying shares.

b. Exchange of letters between LW and Geoffrey Keynes regarding disposition of John Maynard Keynes' shares in NS. 1946.

c. Directors' fees.

d. LW's retirement.

3. Issues before the-Board

a. J.H. Roberts compensation for 1942

b. Proposed pension system 1943

c. Memos on proposals for American edition

d. V.S. Pritchett loan. 1957.

e. Notices of meetings.

4. Financial statements of NS

31 March 1942 to 31 March 1952 with occasional explanatory notes of the manager.


1. Relations with superiors

a. Letters H.W. Massingham (4) and LW (1) about LW's appointment to succeed H.N. Brailsford as writer of foreign articles. 1922.

b. Letters John Maynard Keynes (4) and LW (7) re acceptance of post as Literary editor by LW April and May 1923; letter from J.L. Hammond; change in LW's responsibilities Sept. 1924; space allowed literary subjects in Nation Dec. 1924, Mar. 1925; complaint on tardiness of pay July 1925; LW's resignation 24.03.25.

c. Letters Hubert Henderson (4) and LW (4) relating to disagreements between them in Sept. 1923 and Aug. 1926 concerning reviews accepted by LW; space to be assigned literary topics Jan. 1924; LW's resignation 1929.

d. Letters Harold Wright (2) and LW (2) regarding LW's resignation as Literary Editor in 1929 and writing 48 columns of reviews for £100 in 1930.

See also III Richard Aldington, Edmund Blunden, Robert Graves, J.M. Keynes, Eden Philpotts, V. Sackville-West, Hugh Walpole.

2. Relations with authors, publishers:

a. Letters (2) H.M. Tomlinson re unfavourable review 1924-5.

b. Complaint by Jonathan Cape of review of American books and reply by LW 1926.

c. Letters (3) relating to threatened legal action as a result of LW's review of The Autobiography of Lord Alfred Douglas 1929, and clipping from the Border Standard of Galashiels.

d. Letter from Cecil Gray 10.07.28 complaining of review of his book.

3. Relations with reviewers, fellow employees

a. Letters relating to.l923 controversy between NS and Nation regarding signed contributions in both periodicals by the same authors.

Circular (apparently signed by Clive Bell, Bertrand Russell, F.L. Lucas, F. Birrell and R. Mortimer) to Clifford Sharp, with reply by Desmond MacCarthy; Letters to LW from Bell (1), F. Birrell (2), R. Mortimer (1), D. MacCarthy (2).

b. Letters (2) from Herbert Kahan seeking review work 1926.

c. Two lists in LW's hand of what appear to be reviewers 1923-25.

d. Controversy with Alice L. Jones over some missing gramophone records.

4. Miscellaneous

Location of marked set of Nation, 1907-21; letters (4) with F. Havighurst re Massingham.


Letter A. Rowntree to LW 06.02.19 re change of printers.

Letter Alfred Bonwick to LW 29.05.19 re proposal that C.S.I.R. close their work if it could be continued in International Review.

Letter Alfred Bonwick to LW 25.09.19 re students' supplement and reply of LW 27.09.19 (in VW's handwriting).

See also III G.L. Dickinson, Norman Leys.


1 . Organisation

Letters (2) on solicitation of funds in 1927; letter from J.L. Hammond rejecting Harold Laski as co-editor 1928; letter from Laski opposing A.L. Rowse as director 1939; letters (10) principally between LW and W.A. Robson regarding management and policy, 1965-1967.

Articles of Association 1930.

Financial affairs.

2. Articles

A.L. Rowse article on Baldwin; letters from Rowse (3) and from LW (2) accusing Rowse of abusive, libellous language. 1941.

H.N. Brailsford letter submitting report on Germany and LW reply with extensive comments 1943.

3. Miscellaneous

Memoranda of evidence submitted to the Royal Commission on the Press. 1947. Contains (pp. 156-159) LW's reply to the Commission's questionnaire as editor of PQ.

Newspaper clippings; reviews of PQ articles.

Letters (10) relating to editorial staff.

Letters from employees and contributors.

Letter from J.L. Hammond on death of J.M. Keynes 1946.

see also III Isaiah Berlin, John Bullard, W.A. Robson, Ernest Simon.


1. Requests for books to be written by LW

Letters (3) from Philip Snowden asking LW to write book for Indepandant Labour Party library on international question or cooperative movement 1919.

Letter from LW to E.D. Morel 01.03.24 declining to write book. Letters from P. Redfern (2) and replies by LW (3) re writing pamphlet A Road to Peace for Co-operative Wholesale Soc. 1928.

Letters from G.D.H. Cole (3) and Hutchinson & Co. about book on international government for a new series 1946. Letters from Harold Laski (2), Margaret Cole (2), and Professor Carr-Saunders about life of Sidney and Beatrice Webb 1949.

2. After the Deluge (vols. I (1931) and II (1939) and Principia Politica (1953))

Letters (14) of appreciation and comment from St. John Ervine, E.D. Simon (2), Ernest Jones, Barbara Wootton (4), G.D.H. Cole, Franklin Wentworth and several others.

Submissionof Principia Politica for Atlantic award. 1953.


see also III G.L. Dickinson; G.E. Moore.

3. Barbarians at the Gate (1939)

Letters (36) concerning publication in England by Left Book Club, including controversy with Club judges (Harold Laski, Victor Gollancz and John Strachey). File includes 27 page criticism by Strachey. Letters (10) concerning publication in U.S. by Harcourt Brace under title Barbarians Within and Without.

Letters (3) of appreciation and comment from Barbara Wootton, Norman Angell, and Mr. Williams of Bank Officers Guild and others; and a letter of apology from Aneurin Bevan for review of book by Pat Sloan in Tribune.


see also III Dora Sanger

3A. Calendar of Consolation (1967)


4. Co-operation and the Future of Industry (1919)

LW's outline of book; 11 ts pages; advert and order form. Letters (3) about cheap reprint and condensation of book, and several miscellaneous letters.


5. Diaries in Ceylon and Stories from the East (1963)

Five page ts and another of two pages representing LW's draft of Preface

Manuscript of "A tale told by moonlight", last page of which starts, 'I never saw Reynolds again'.

Miscellaneous papers and letters.

5A. Economic Imperialism (1920)


6. Empire and Commerce in Africa (1920)

Notes of LW and various materials used by him (including notes in VW's handwriting and work performed by Alix Sargent-Florence with 5 letters from her to LW) have not been photocopied.

Letter from Margery Perham and reply by LW 1955.

Agreement 23.02.17 with Sidney Webb and E.R. Pease for writing the book; inquiry from Pease regarding its progress 13.12.18; letter from Margaret Cole about page proofs 10.09.19.

LW's record of words written per day from October (1917?) to February (1919?); replies by A.E. Zimmern, J.M. Keynes and others to solicitation of orders for book.

Letters (12) relating to American reprint. 1967, 1968.

Miscellaneous letters (5).


See also III G.L. Dickinson, Norman Leys, Webbs

6A. Essays in literature, history etc. (1927)


6B. Foreign policy: the Labour Party's dilemma. (1947)


6C. The framework of a lasting peace (1917)


7. Future of Constantinople (1917)

Royalty account. 31.12.18.

Letter from J.L. Baty re Lorimer on internationalization of Constantinople.


8. The Hotel (1939)

Letters (17) about efforts to produce The Hotel 1939-1967.


See also III Lyn Newman.

9. Hunting the Highbrow (1927)

Request 20.06.26 that LW read paper to Heretics Society.

See also III R.B. Braithwaite, Clive Bell, Norman Leys.

9A. Imperialism and civilization (1928)


10. International Government (1916)

a. Notes of LW and various materials used by him including notes in VW's handwriting. (Not photocopied)

b. Letters from Fabian Research Department in 1915 regarding commissioning the book and statement of sales 1918. Letters to LW from various individuals asked to supply information, including Richard Acland (2), L. Oppenheim, E.W. Rowntree and Graham Wallas.

Letters (33) from Sidney Webb concerning research, writing and publication and a letter from Beatrice Webb (21.01.15) recording decision of Fabian Research Dept. Executive to undertake the report.

Letters (10) to S. Webb in reply to request for information to be used by LW, including one from Sidney Olivier.

c. LW's record of words written per day-presumably for part II of book.

Letters (15) between LW and George Allen & Unwin and League of Nations Union in 1922 regarding publication of proposed revised edition of book.

Copy of Foreign Office Confidential Report PC./019, Jan. 3rd 1919, acknowledging LW's book as the source of facts used in part I of report.

Miscellaneous letters (7).

d. Letters (10) from Hugh and Lewis Richardson containing suggestions and comments.

e. Reviews.

See also III Harold Laski, F.J. Osborn.

10A. The Labour International Handbook (1921)


11. Quack, Quack (1935)

a. Letters from S. Radhakrishnan (3), Stanley Unwin and Lady Cecil.

b. Miscellaneous letters of appreciation and comment and a request for permission to quote.

c. Reviews.

See also III Dorothy Bussy and A. Susan Lawrence.

12. Socialism and Co-operation (1921)

Letter of appreciation from J.S. Reynolds 07.11.60.


13. Village in Jungle (1913)

a. Photocopy of MS (original in Sri Lanka; our files include letters relating to gift of MS to library of University of Ceylon).

b. Photocopies of letters (16) with publisher, Edward Arnold.

c. Requests to reprint and serialize, dramatise.

d. Letters (4) of appreciation and comment including those from Edward Thompson and Dorothy Woodman. Clipping, Ceylon Daily News, 27.05.39 on book.

See also IIB5, Belia Woolf letter 08.04.30; III Vanessa Bell, Roger Fry, C.P. Sanger, Alec Waugh.

e. Reviews.

14. War for Peace (1940)

a. LW's record of words written per day from January (1939?) to May (1940?).

b. Correspondence relating to commissioning and publishing book for Labour Book Service, including one from R.H. Tawney.

c. Letters of appreciation from Philip Noel-Baker and Lord Cecil.

d. Reviews.

14A. The Wise Virgins (1914)

a. Photocopy copies of letters (8) with publisher, Edward Arnold.

b. Reviews.

See also IIB5, Marie Woolf letters 1913; IIB5 Bella Woolf letter 12.08.1913.

15. Sowing (1960)

a. MS.

b. LW's record of words written per day from March to October 1953 and from Feb. to Dec. 1959.

Memo of sales in 1960-1.

Copy in LW's handwriting of what appears to be code used for diary.

Typed summary of diary entries in LW's diary May 24, 1911 to Sept. 8, 1913; typed summary of cypher entries in diary Dec. 8, 1911 to Oct. 17, 1913.

Three page summary of VW diary.

c. Letters (3) relating to Goronwy Rees' article "Strachey's World".

Several letters of appreciation and correction with one reply from LW.

d. Reviews.

See also III Noel Annan, Christopher Hassall, Dorothy Henley, , C.P. Sanger, Marjorie Strachey, Charles Tennyson, Judith Waterlow.

16. Growing (1961)

a. Ms.

b. LW's record of words written per day from 06.06.60 to 12.03.61.

c. Miscellaneous correspondence including letters of appreciation and correction.

d. Reviews (Ceylon reviews in 1A3).

See also III Alice Cameron, Richard Church, Harriet Cohen, G. Costigan, David Garnett, Kay Gibberd, M.M. Green, R. Hart-Davis, Richard Kennedy, Francis Partridge, V.S. Pritchett, George Rylands, Sylvia Townsend-Warner.

17. Beginning Again (1964)

a. MS.

b. LW's record of words written per day from 14.01.62 to 30.06.63.

c. Letters (18) concerning preparation and publication.

d. Letters (15) of appreciation and correction including replies by LW.

e. Reviews and letter from LW re religion and VW income.

18. Downhill all the way (1967)

a. MS.

b. LW's record of words written per day from 08.11.64 to 31.07.66.

Typed blurb for Downhill...

Notes presumably used by LW: Hogarth Press profits 1924-5; list of employees; dates of VW books; records of income and expenditure 1924-1939 used at p.142 Downhill, but with some modifications and a break-down of LW income.

c. Letters (9) concerning preparation and publication.

d. Letters (24) of appreciation and correction including correspondence with Dan Jacobson and a letter from LW to editor of the Jewish Chronicle,. a letter from Andrew Rothstein about his father Theodore Rothstein; a letter from Leonard K. Elmhirst about liquidation of Kulaks in 1930 and about Douglas Cole and the Webbs.

e. Reviews.

See also III Margaret Cole, George Rylands, Julian Vinogradoff.

19. The Journey Not the Arrival Matters (original title: The Weariest River) (1969)

a. MS.

b. LW's record of words written per day from 29.08.67 to 16.02.69.

Diary summaries: 1920-21; July 24, 1939-July 10, 1941; and May 1, 1941 to Feb. 5, 1946.

VW diary summary Jan. 24, 1920-1937 (1924 and 1935-6 missing) and from Jan. 3, 1940 to March 8, 1941.

Summary of travel 1921-1964.

Summary of travel 1919-1953 with names of doctors, dogs and cats (Freshwater 18.01.35).

Annual car mileage 1927-66.

Medical and dental expenses 1962-67.

To the Lighthouse sales 1965.

Summaries (3 pages) comparing space in New Statesman and Nation devoted to literary subjects vs. political and financial subjects.

c. Letters (5) concerning preparation and publication.

d. Reviews.


1. "Press cuttings from 1903 to March 13th 1913" -

a bound volume in which these cuttings have been pasted, with index in VW's handwriting. One cutting, a review of Life of Voltaire by S.G. Tallentyre appeared in The Independent Review in 1903 (manuscript in Notebook B filed at IA1e); all the others were published from 1910 to 1913.

2. Press cuttings from April 1913 to January 1916.

A bound volume formerly owned by Herbert Duckworth and used by him to record family dates. The cuttings have been pasted in, with index in VW's hand.

Four reviews from New Statesman, Feb., Mar., 1916.

3. Reviews and articles subsequent to 1916

a. Autobiographical articles and sketches of LW's acquaintances including Nancy Cunard; Aldous Huxley; S.S. Koteliansky (NS); Kingsley Martin (PQ); G.E. Moore (Listener, Encounter, DNB); Bertrand Russell (NS); E.D. Simon (PQ); and early editors of Nation and New Statesman.

Reviews of Holroyd's Lytton Strachey (NS); Russell's Autobiography (PQ); Keynes' Two Memoirs (Listener); Harrod's Life of John Maynard Keynes (Listener); MacCarthy's Memoirs (Listener); K. Muggeridge's Beatrice Webb (NS and Listener); St. John's Ethel Smith; B. Wootton's In a World I never made (NS); Spender's World within world (Listener); Church's The voyage home (NS); Bell's Bloomsbury (NS).

Letters requesting or concerning various other biographical articles and comments by LW.

For further biographical material see Broadcasting, IR; Letters to editors for James Strachey and Dorothy Bussy obituaries in IM6.

b. Reviews or articles (in some cases with related correspondence) on public figures with whom LW was not personally acquainted: Machiavelli; John Stuart Mill, Marx, Tolstoy, Smuts, Hitler, Sir George Goldie, Lord Lugard, Dean Inge, Rudyard Kipling, Lady Cynthia Asquith, Harold Macmillan.

c. Women's rights (c. 1914-18): "Principles of Divorce Legislation", "Women in war time", "War and Population". See also unclassified MSS of LW IP.

d. History and politics

Tension in Ruhr; Reparations: the Near East question (c. 1922-24)

Fascists in Italy and Germany

After WWII - the UN, Israel, Disarmament

Colonialism: "Tangier, a Study in Internationalisation" (Round Table 1920); "What is politics" (Current Affairs 1950); "The Colour of Our Mammies" (Encounter 1959); "A Challenge to Us All" (Listener, 1943); "After Fifty Years" (Ceylon) (NS 1960); The British Empire "Something New Out of Africa" (PQ).

General: "What is History" (PQ). "The Politican and the Intellectual" (NS 1940); "Thou Shalt Not Kill" (capital punishment) (NS 1955); Common Market (Encounter 1962), First year of Labour government (NS 1965); Ceylon 50 years after (Forum 1966).

e. Miscellaneous. Includes: "The Economic Determination of Jane Austen" (NS); "Yala Game Sanctuary"; TS on Ceylon, first page missing of six.

See also IP.

4. Correspondence relating to LW's articles

a. Readers' comments

E.S.P. Haynes to Sydney Waterlow about Clive Bell's pacifism and "Woolf's article". 1915.

Lady Wolseley about LW's obituary of Lady Ritchie that appeared in The Times 1919.

Henry Holt (8), Arm Watkins (2) and LW (3) relating to publication in America of LW's "Pearls and Swine" 1922.

G.P. Gooch commending LW for his work on the Contemporary Review. 1922.

Sir Harry Stephen on defence of insanity in criminal cases. (LW review of Trial of Ronald True in Nation). 1925. Philip Noel-Baker on LW's article in PQ "From Sarajevo to Geneva" assessing LW's contribution to the League of Nations. 1930.

Gore Graham attacking LW's article in Daily Herald on the subject of freedom, and reply by LW stating that freedom of thought for a socialist is not a crime. 1937.

Lord Crewe on men of the late 19th century; "scholars" vs. "intellectuals". 1940.

VictorGollancz (2)on publishing costs. 1951.

W.W. Gottlieb about "Nemesis of Being Too Late" (NS 1958).

Hugh Dakin and reply by LW on "The Colour of our Mammies" (Encounter 1959).

Sam Rosenberg crediting LW with discovery of similarities between Moby Dick and Ulysses. 1969.

T.C. Worsley commending LW for his article on Tolstoi. [n.d.]

b. Communications with editors and publishers 1916-1950

Harold Wright (4) about LW's articles for War & Peace 1916-17.

Anna Wicksell (2) about an international review to be published in Sweden on problems to be dealt with at end of War 1916.

P.E.B. Jourdain (2), Sydney Waterlow and LW relating to dispute over payment for LW's article in the International Journal of Ethics 1916.

Laurence Hogg requesting article on Co-operation. 1919.

Manchester Guardian (2) requesting article on League of Nations 1919.

J.C. Squire requesting contribution to London Mercury; comments on Eliot's Poems. 1919.

H.B. Lees-Smith (5) about articles by LW on "The Subject Races" and "Oil" for the Encyclopedia of the Labour Movement published in 1928.

Bonamy Dobree thanking LW for agreeing to do article on Tom Paine 1935.

American Mercury and Forum asking for articles as a result of Quack Quack! 1935.

Ministry of Information (3) requesting article on Sir John Maynard 1943-4.

Rosamund Lehmann (3), Cecil Day Lewis and LW about publishing Dutton and Miss Beeching and Memoirs of an Elderly Man in Orion 1944.

David Mitrany asking for article on "The New Political Dross" as part of a series on trends of our time. 1945.

National Council of Labour Colleges asking for article on world peace and San Francisco Conference for Plebs 1945.

Chambers Encyclopedia (8) about article by LW on Imperialism and replies (5) by LW 1946-8, 1960-61. Margaret Cole (2) and reply by LW on "Political Thought of the Webbs" as part of a collective book The Webbs and their Work 1948.

Adprint Ltd. (8) and replies by LW (3) about article on Bloomsbury to appear in British Travel Association book on London 1948-9.

Central Office of Information (3) on reprinting LW's "Music in Moscow" from Political Quarterly. July-Sept. 1949.

W.E. Williams, Bureau of Current Affairs (2) and replies by LW (2) regarding article on "The Claim of Politics" for General Election of 1950.

Miscellaneous requests for contributions.

c. Communications with editors and publishers 1940-1969, including letters from R.W.G. Mackay (6); Cyril Joad (2); Irving Kristol, John Lehmann (2), Stephen Spender, Ranjee Shahani (3), Alan Pryce-Jones (2), Paul Johnson, John Freeman, Melvin Lasky (6).

d. Miscellaneous payments for articles.

5. Correspondence relating to LW's reviews, including following letters:

Mabel Baker (2) on LW's review of a book on Herbert Spencer. 1917.

F.A. Simpson thanking LW for review of his book on Louis Napoleon. 1924.

Havelock Ellis 01.04.26 thanking LW for review and stating that he sells better in U.S.; is more interested in facts than theories; scientific work is not thought amateurish by experts. Maurice Hutton thanking LW for review of his The Greek point of view. 1926.

Bertram Newman thanking LW for review of his life of Burke. 1927.

Romer Wilson expressing distress over LW's review of her book on Emily Bronte. 1928.

JulianHall (2) thanking LW for review of his Alma Mater. 1928-9.

Roger Clark 19.01.31 whose mother was "Dear Helen" in John Bright's diaries.

Lord Eustace Percy 26.07.31; LW 02.12.31 re debate on BBC about differing views of history and politics.

Francis Hackett to Harold Wright 21.08.[1929 or 1930?] re LW's review of Henry the eighth.

Archibald Marshall 12.11.30 alleging bias against the well-born (Memoirs of Lord Montagu).

H.M. Swanwick 04.01.31 commending LW for his criticism of Powys' book; letters in 1937 from Mrs. Swanwick (2) and replies by LW (2) arising from his review of her book Collective Security. LW expresses regret for referring to her "self-satisfied complacency"

Arnold Toynbee 29.08.34 thanking LW for review and admitting his "mystical attitude".

Harry Roberts [1936?] thanking LW for review.

J.A. Spender (2) critical of LW's review; LW accuses Spender of reflecting on LW's competence and honesty. 1936.

Dr. Erich Eyck 09.01.39 thanking LW for review of book on Gladstone, who is now eulogized by German newspapers.

Donal O'Sullivan thanking LW for review of his Irish Free State 1941.

Ernest Barker (3) on review of his Ideas and Ideals of the British Empire and reply by LW 1941.

W.R. Dunstan for vindication of Sir Charles Warren in LW's review of The Life of General Sir Charles Warren by Watkin Williams. 1942.

Porcupine Press (3) asking LW to criticize book by Louis Adeane on Herbert Read with LW's report including a long discussion on the work of Jung who has "written more nonsense than other remarkable men". 1949.

Frank Waters thanking LW for review on Nationalism and Internationalism. 1952.

Herman Finer thanking LW for review of his Governments of greater european powers. 1957.

Controversy with L.P. Hartley over LW's review of Lady Cynthia Asquith's Diaries: LW's letter to editor of Listener 25.05.68; LW letter to Hartley 27.06.68; Hartley letter 09.07.68; letter from Lady Asquith, sister-in-law of Lady Cynthia, supporting LW's position 29.06.68; LW to Lady Asquith 03.07.68. See also (1) III Arnold Bennett regarding LW's review of his Lord Raingo (1926) and (2) threatened legal action by Lord Alfred Douglas regarding LW's review of his autobiography (1929) in 1I2C.

6. Letters to Editors, and correspondence relating thereto

These materials include the following:

The Publishers' Circular 17.02.34 about selling books through cooperatives.

The New Statesman 18.10.41 for nagging government for not taking the offensive in the war.

05.10.46 reviewer who said VW was "almost silent" in the thirties.

14.10.51 reviewer who implied Hogarth Press poetry did not sell.

Controversy with A.L. Rowse over his claim that England's plight was due to over-population, trade unionism and social services 1952.

31.01.53 use of Christian names.

10.10.53 defending LW's review of Vocabulary of Politics by Weldon.

14.11.53 Shaw's role in developing the "gentler type of socialism" in England.

Encounter March 1954. Comment on Koestler article "A guide to political neuroses".

The Times Literary Supplement 07.09.58 objecting to review of book published by Hogarth Press: The Twice Born by G. Morris Carstairs.

Venture 08.02.61. Importance of Sir John Maynard's work for Labour Party.

The New Statesman. Controversy with A.J.P. Taylor over his remark "all Ireland was a Belsen" 1962. This file includes 9 letters not directed to the Editor.

The New Statesman controversy with Paul Johnson over his statement that Pope John had revolutionized the Vatican 1963-4.

The New Statesman 22.03.63 arguing that journalists should not have the right to withhold the source of their information.

Encounter March 1964: Max Beerbohm liked VW's criticism.

Times 26.10.64 on Smethwick.

Times Literary Supplement 25.02.66 on facetious headings.

Times Literary Supplement 29.12.66 on reviews of books on Greek literature.

Times 27.11.67 Wellington on the French.

Controversy with Lord Fisher of Lambeth and Lady Fisher over Arab attacks on Israel including nine letters between the contestants not directed to the Editor, and related materials: three letters from Arthur Goodhart, three from Morris Linder, Editor of Israel Today, clippings and several other letters. 1968.

The Times two letters attacking changes in the postal system 1968.

Times Literary Supplement 02.01.69 denying that Bloomsbury disliked J.C. Squire.

New Statesman 10.01.69 setting forth Labour Party's policy on Africa.

Fabian News 06.05.69 attacking Margaret Cole's account of appointment of Kingsley Martin as editor of New Statesman.

Times 09.05.69 on Bishop of Southwark.

The Times attacking Lord Robins' statement that the blacks must learn how to behave from the whites [n.d.]

Obituary notices of James Strachey 03.05.67; of Dorothy Bussy [1960].

7. Correspondence about Prefaces written by LW

Introduction to pamphlet on International Labour Legislation: three letters between LW and Henry J. Stone, Athanaeum 1919.

Introduction to Letters on India by Mulk Raj Anand with four letters between LW and Labour Book Service, copy of the introduction and letter from LW to the Editor of the Tribune attacking Orwell's review which commented on introduction 1942-3.

Letter re preface to a pamphlet on Kenya. 1943.

Introductory note to Dr. Franz Borkenau's Socialism National or International.. letter from Labour Book Service and copy of note 1942.

Request for special foreword to Hebrew edition of Common Reader 1959.

Request for foreword to Complete Works of Rupert Brooke 1965.

Foreword to Letters of Charles Trevelyan, and related correspondence 1969.

N. LW's POETRY (* signifies first line)

Old Age MS

Damned; Immortality TS;

Damned MS

When I am dead and you forget*; Is it thy soul my soul has struggled after* MS

Two tables off across the red* MS

Alive they raised her to the skies* MS

Transit [balance torn] MS

Sentimentality ? 2 pp. MS

Khallas MS

Shadow & light* MS

Rugged thou art with the mystery of years* MS

Making a Night of It, or Sobrius Inter Ebrios MS

To Ponanoma (?) MS

The Purple Hat MS

7.50-8 AM Any Husband to Any Wife MS

Excelsior MS

Life MS

How long how long ago it is since I* MS

At a Dinner Party MS

A Dinner Party MS

Notebook containing a number of poems in LW's handwriting at one end. At other a series of cynical aphorisms with two sketches, "Aristophanes" and "Linnaeus" suggestive of Aspasia paper, 11D7a. (not photocopied)


1. LW's notes for a series of 12 lectures on "Causes & Issues of the War" -

apparently given to WEA in Rodmell 1941-2.

2. LW's notes for talk on Socialist Foreign Policy.

3. LW's notes on talk on Trade of Literature.

4. 31 page MS - lecture on Conrad.

5. Miscellaneous correspondence (47 letters) relating to lectures and proposed lectures.

See also talks to Ceylon ladies - 1A3c; Other government service 1C2; League of Nations IF3e.

P. UNIDENTIFIED MSS OF LW (* signifies first line)

War and the Birthrate 8 pp. MS

The Mills of Men 4 pp. MS

A Steep Place 17 pp. TS

A Steep Place 37 pp. TS

The wheat had been cut and carried* 1 p. MS

Criticism. Futility of present criticism* 1 p. MS - an outline

The Enforcement of International Law 1 p. TS.

In'l Re'ns, (?) embody it in general precepts called In'l Law* 21 pp. MS in VW's handwriting

Envelope addressed to L.S. Woolf Esq., Trinity College containing poems entitled "Sonnet" [ Shakespeare's sonnet 130] and "Hymn to Phoebus" in unidentified hand with communications from The Gentlewoman's literary critic to P.D. Ainsworth Nov. 7 and 18, 1902

The State 2 pp. MS - an outline

The State 3 pp. TS

Royal Commission on the Press - 4 pp. memeograph list of questions and 9 pp. TS reply signed "Joint Editor, Political Quarterly"

An Anthology of Human Wisdom Collected and Arranged by Virginia Woolf author of The Voyage Out and Leonard Woolf author of The Vilage [sic] in the Jungle, The Wise Virgins, International Government, with 160 pages of notes in LW's handwriting or typed, mostly related to politics, history or philosophy (no indication of what, if any, may have been contributed by VW).

Bloomsbury 9 pp. TS.

Economics 7 pp. MS

Circumstances 7 pp. MS, 4 pp. TS

No, it's not good - one contracts habits* 4 pp. MS

A Tale Told by Moonlight See IL5

I never saw Reynolds again* See IL5

The Story of Miss Gulbranson's Dog 15 pp. MS

Half the vileness of men is due to the fact that in childhood their values are moulded in the hands of women* 5 pp. MS

There is a quality almost peculiar to women* 2 pp. MS

The wise man will not state as a certainty* 1 p. MS

Even time itself has recognised that she is a lady* 2 pp. MS

In every foreigner there is of course something which is incomprehensible 7 pp. MS

The Cat 4 pp. MS In notebook B filed in IA1e

The Life of Voltaire (a review) 6 pp. MS In notebook B filed in IA1e

Doubt 5 pp. MS In notebook B filed in IA1e

Studies in Shakespeare (a review) 10 pp. MS In notebook B filed in IA1e

Vagitus infantis 6 pp. MS In notebook B filed in IA1e


(The Hogarth Press Business Archive is at the University of Reading Library Manuscripts Section. A handlist is available on request)

1. Financial affairs

a. Accounts in a bound account book (190 numbered pages) containing, on pages 88-190, information relating to activities of the Hogarth Press from 1917 to 1923, including capital account, expenses, revenues, profits, purchasers, subscribers. There are also several loose sheets with computations by LW, estimates from the Pelican Press April 1918 and letter from Edward Marsh 08.05.19.

The balance of the book relates to other matters, principally LW's personal finances 1906-1912 described at IA1a above. The original of the account book is filed in IA1a.

For further account books and Hogarth Press material see Addition 14

b. Correspondence (12 letters) about the tax affairs of Hogarth Press 1939, 1948-9.

c. 9 pages of notes of LW on profits and losses - apparently for 1937.

d. Miscellaneous communications.

2. Other internal communications

a. Correspondence with John Lehmann. From J.L.: 11.09.41; undated note re Sonnets to Orpheus etc.; 16.09.43; 14.10.43; 15.10.43. From LW: 18.09.43; 13.10.43; 23.10.43; Pictures of LW and John Lehmann from article about publishing in Picture Post of 25.03.44.

b. Miscellaneous. Including Duncan Grant's illustrations for Nurse Lugton's Golden Thimble.

3. History of Hogarth Press

a. Anniversary announcement with list of publications and description of A and B subscriptions 1922.

b. Materials and inquiries regarding early history. Miscellaneous external communications (45 letters) about Hogarth Press including letters from J.C. Squire 23.08.18; Stanley Unwin 31.07.19; and Roberta Rubenstein (2).

c. Letters about specific authors or books. These include Dorothy Bussy (Olivia); Nancy Cunard (Parallax); Mary Stella Edwards*; T.S. Eliot (Poems, The Waste Land and the MS for Ash Wednesday); E.M. Forster; S. Freud; Christopher Isherwood; C.L.R. James*; Dorothea Kett about "Allen Havens", pseud. for Maud Allen; S.S. Koteliansky*; Katherine Mansfield; Lord Olivier (The Empire Builder); Michael Roberts; The Amberly Papers edited by Bertrand Russell; C.P. Sanger (The Structure of Wuthering Heights); Gertrude Stein; Adrian Stephen (The Dreadnought Hoax); K.E. Swinstead-Smith (i.e. Kay Thomas); Laurens van der Post.

* file contains letters from authors themselves.

d. Correspondence with and about employees and prospective employees:

Mervyn Arnold-Forster [n.d.]

Marjorie Beach Cooke 08.09.60

Francis Birrell [n.d.]

Aline Burch 03.04.67

Peter Calvocoressi 02.06.65

Catherine Carver 31.05.68

Miss C.K. Cumming 2 letters and 1 reply from LW 1928

Nancy Dixon 2. letters 1958, 1967

Constance Edwards 3 letters 1961, 1965

Barbara Gee 1 letter and 1 reply 1946

Barbara Hepworth 6 letters and 1 reply 1940-66

Marjorie Scott Johnson 17.02.42

Richard Kennedy 7 letters and 4 replies including letters to and from members of the Kennedy family about R.K.'s employment 1928-1962

Belinda Keown 14 letters and 7 p.c.'s 1965-9

Hilda Matheson 2 letters 1932

Norah Nichols 6 letters and 3 replies 1940-1963

Louise Porter 2 letters and 1 reply 1932

Piers Raymond 10.04.61

George Rylands 1 letter from LW to Rylands (?) 30.09.24

Gay Smith 1 letter and reply (plus wedding invitation) 20.02.67

Annabel Trench [n.d.]

Joan Weaver 30.08.56

Janet Woods 17.02.64

e. Reviews of Hogarth Press books

On Human Finery by Q. Bell - BBC 1948

Reminiscences of Tolstoi translated by LW and Koteliansky.

London Mercury 1920.

4. Books read by LW for Hogarth Press, many with his comments.

These include books by A.L. Barker, Elizabeth Robins, William Sansom, Richard Sorge, Dorothy Wellesley.

5. Chatto & Windus

Miscellaneous business papers 1952-66.

6. International Psycho-Analytical Library

Miscellaneous business papers 1957-69.


1. Letters (175) between broadcasting organisations (mainly BBC) and LW

about the following broadcasts and related correspondence 1927-1969.

Are too many books written and published? 1927 (joint effort of LW and VW?)

Can Democracy Survive? 1931

Clear Thinking 1937

Red on the Map 1943

Christopher Isherwood 1945

Virginia Woolf 1945

E.M. Forster 1945

Editorial Opinion 1947

Thomas Hardy 1954

An Editor Looks Back 1956

J.M. Keynes 1956

Mecklenburg Square 1958

G.E. Moore 1959

Portions of LW Autobiography 1959

G.L. Dickinson 1959

The World of Books: interview on Beginning Again 1964

Interview with Joanna Richardson 1964

Bertrand Russell 1964

J.M. Keynes 1964

E.M. Forster 1965

Bloomsbury Set 1965

New Release 1965

Woman's Hour Programme 1966

Malcolm Muggeridge interviews 1966-7

The Lively Arts 1967

Interview, including review of Quentin Bell's Bloomsbury 1968

E.M. Forster 1968-9

Ceylon, Australia, Canada and miscellaneous local radio and TV interviews 1964-7

Note: LW script is not in our files in all cases; some may be found in IM3a.

2. Clippings relating to 1966-7 interviews.


Three letters and two notices accompanying payment for external examinations at University of London 1943 and 1948.



1. St. Paul's School

(sorting assumes "L.S. Woolf" papers belong to St. Paul's and that "L. Sidney Woolf" papers belong to Trinity College).

a. Translation exercises (about 100 papers)

Notebook A dated July 17, 1894 with school exercises. Also used at Cambridge and later.

Filed at IIA2b below.

b. Essays (19 papers)

c. Miscellaneous

Tace. Notebook listing Latin prep. c. 1891. 3½" x 2½"

Address of High Master 27.07.98

Report of High Master on LW's work Jan.-July 1898

Letters 1962 and 1966.

2. Cambridge

a. Translation exercises (about 20 papers) and examination questions (60 papers)

b. Essays (* signifies first line)

Monarchy 34 pp. MS

Myself when young did eagerly frequent* 6 pp. MS

Mysticism 22 pp. MS

Socrates 6 pp. MS

'A Poet hidden in a cloud of thought' * 7 pp. MS

A Fallacy of History 7 pp. MS

Classical Education & Literature 6 pp. MS

Pastoral Poetry 9 pp. MS

The Agamemnon of Aeschylus 7 pp. MS

The Ideal King 5 pp. MS

'Words, Words, Words'* 8 pp. MS

Lucretius 7 pp. MS

'Vermin', says the German philosopher, 'is the rule all over the world' * 2 pp. MS (possibly part of another paper)

Byron 44 pp. MS in five parts

Notebook A dated July 17, 1894 including thirty-odd page essay on Government, Act 1 Scene 1 of a play and scores of games played with Saxon Sydney-Turner including note from S-T about chess, /vi/15.

c. Book review - 11 pp. TS - Studies in Shakespeare by John Churton Collins.

d. Miscellaneous

List of tenants M3 Old Court Trinity College 1814-1901

Seating list of dinner Commemoration of Benefactors Trinity College 11.12.11

Rules and standing orders of the 'X' Society of Trinity College March 1902

Programme and members of Trinity Sunday Essay Society, Michaelmas Term 1901

Two lists of Classical Books Read

Syllabus for a work "dealing exhaustively with the subject of Mysticism" signed Leonard Sidney Woolf with list of contributors and one page of notes

Printed brochure "Compulsory Chapel" 8 pp. Author presumably was Thoby Stephen

Trinity College Shakespeare Society. Photograph. Reproduced in LW's Sowing

Civil Service Competition. 1904. Tables of results. From Oxford Magazine Supplement, Oct. 26, 1904. 4 pp. Notebook B (filed at IA1e) containing poetry copied by LW

Notebook C with LW's ratings of authors and notes on mysticism

Notebook D with poetry copied by LW

Notebook E with various notes including those relating to preparation for Higher Civil Service Examination Trinity College Appeal Fund, 1966

Trinity College Commemoration dinner (letter) 1967

See also The Apostles IIO; III Arthur Gaye 1901.


1. Copy of LW's birth certificate.

2. List of three books written by LW's father 1874-1891

3. Memo about LW's parents and grandparents (written by Bella Woolf ?)

and a family tree of the Woolf family compiled by George Spater.

See also letter to Cecil Woolf 26.07.62 at IIB6.

4. Letters (38) about the family

5. Letters to and from members of the family - mother, sisters, brothers

Marie Woolf (LW's mother) 4 letters 1913-14

Bella Woolf (LW's sister) m. (1) Lock, (2) Southorn 56 letters 1913-1960, 1 letter Southorn and 8 LW letters

Cecil Woolf (LW's brother) 5 letters 1914

Edgar Woolf (LW's brother) m. (1) Sylvia, (2) Zosia 27 letters 1913-1969, 1 letter Zosia and 3 LW letters

Flora Woolf (LW's sister) m. George Sturgeon 26 letters and 2 LW letters

Harold Woolf (LW's brother) m. (1) Alice, (2) Muriel 3 letters, 1 letter Muriel

Herbert Woolf (LW's brother) m. Freda. 9 letters 1913-1941, 2 LW letters.

Philip Woolf (LW's brother) m. Babs. 52 letters 1913-1961, 4 LW letters including one to Bella.

6. Letters from members of family - nieces and nephews

Betty (daughter of LW's sister Clara) - 2 letters

Marie (daughter of LW's brother Philip) - 6 letters, 4 LW letters

Clare (daughter of LW's sister Clara) - 39 letters including one from her daughter Marilyn, 6 LW letters

Philippa (daughter of LW's brother Philip) - 28 letters including 5 from her children, 6 LW letters. See also letter from VW to Philippa IID5a

Cecil (son of LW's brother Philip), sometimes called "Buzz" - 18 letters and 9 LW letters.

7. Letters from members of family - collateral relatives

Sybil Lowis (first cousin) - 3 letters, 2 LW letters 1959-61

Douglas Woolf (first cousin) - 25 letters, 11 LW letters 1961-7

Thomas H. Fleming (second cousin) - 2 letters, 2 LW letters 1950-62

Lilly de Jong Osborne - 2 letters, 1 LW letter 1965

Gertrud Melamede - 2 letters, 1 LW letter 1914-65

Florence Abrahamson - 1 letter, 1 LW letter 1964

Agnese Lichtenberg - 1 letter, 1 LW letter 1961

Edgar Mannheimer - 1 letter, 1 LW letter 1965

Ellinor Okkels - 2 letters 1964

Sidney de Jong letter 1967

Gabriel and Zara Woolf - 1 letter

Ivy Chandler - 1 letter.

8. Juvenilia

a. The Leonard Paper 04.08.89.

b. 19 letters 1885-1891 written by LW and siblings.


1. Original marriage certificate and copy made in 1913

2. Congratulations from Violet Dickinson, Walter Lamb and Jean Thomas 1912

3. Letter from George Duckworth proposing marriage settlement 08.08.12.


1. VW's writing -

a. Correspondence with agents

Jacques Chambrun - 12 letters, 1939-41

Ann Watkins - 14 letters, 1939-43

b. Correspondence with publishers

Macmillan - 4 letters 1919, including 2 VW letters

Cass Canfield, Harper's - 1 letter 1923

Harper's Bazaar - 13 letters 1939-41 including 3 VW letters

Gerald Duckworth - 2 letters 1948

Harcourt, Brace - 5 letters 1941-3

C. Textual corrections

The Common Reader - 4 letters

A Writer's Diary - 6 letters

Granite and Rainbow - 3 letters

To the Lighthouse - 3 letters

d. Copies of VW articles

Complete Works of Lewis Carroll. NS 1939

Conrad's Nostromo. TLS 1918

Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke. TLS 1918

The Women Novelists by R. Brimley Johnson. TLS 1918.

e. Copies of Manuscripts (we do not have originals)

Photostats of MSS of Mrs. Dalloway in British Museum.

Add. MS 51044, 51045 and 51046 and negative photostat of Mrs. Dalloway MS in Berg Collection, New York Public Library.

5 pp. notes on Joyce's Ulysses

1 p. note on Pendennis

1 p. note on Life and Letters of William Thompson

3 pp. draft of article beginning "This little book, entitled 'Romance' contains two lectures".

f. Letter LW 14.06.42 (addressee unknown) describing VV's practice of revising her work.

g. Source of quotations in VW's work - 12 letters, 1950, 1967-68.

See III Elizabeth Boyd for article in Englishwoman. written by VW under Marjorie Strachey's name; III V. Sackville-West 1941 for unpublished passages of Orlando.

2. Broadcasting

a. VW's broadcast in 1937: 6 pieces

b. 1969 T.V. broadcast about VW: 21 letters and outline of interview with LW.

See also tape recording of 1970 BBC 1 broadcast about VW: "A night's darkness, a day's sail: Virginia Woolf". Speakers include Quentin Bell, Elizabeth Bowen, David Cecil, Angelica Garnett, Duncan Grant, George Rylands, Leonard Woolf. Removed from Audio Visual stock for foreseeable future to comply with copyright regulations.

3. Bibliography of VW's works

Principally correspondence with B.J. Kirkpatrick - 137 letters 1947-67. (See her TS in Monks House Books)

4. Letters, articles and books about VW's writing, or, from correspondents proposing to write a life

a. Correspondence

Jill Abbott - 1 LW letter 1967

Joan Bennett - 3 letters 1944

Celia Bertin - 3 letters and enclosure 1949

Dorothy Bevis - 2 letters, 2 LW letters, 1951-52

Bernard Blackstone - 3 letters, 2 LW letters, 1957, 1969

Harold Brooks - 2 letters, 1 LW letter, 1968

David Cecil on Common reader - 1 letter [n.d.]

Clemence Dane as quoted by Robert Speight - 2 letters and enclosure 1966

Bonamy Dobree on Collected essays - 1 letter, 1 LW letter 1967

Aenne Gausebeck - 1 letter, 1 LW letter 1948

John Graham on The Waves - 13 letters, 6 LW letters 1956-68 (see also III John Graham)

Jean Guiguet - 3 letters, 4 LW letters, 1963-66

Peter Havard-Williams - 11 letters, 8 LW letters, 1950-59

Ursula Heinemann - 3 letters, 2 LW letters, 1963-64

Suzanne Henig - 14 letters, 10 LW letters, 2 Q. Bell letters, 1966-69

Charles G. Hoffmann - 1 letter, I LW letter, 1968

Florence Howe - 4 letters, 2 LW letters, 1963, 1965

Jennie Huie - 2 letters, 1 LW letter 1964

John Hulcoop - 2 letters, 2 LW letters, 1964-65

Susan Kenney - 3 letters 1966-67

Jacqueline Latham - 14 letters, 12 LW letters, 1964-68

Mitchell Leaska - 7 letters, 5 LW letters, 1967-69

Sylvère Lotringer - 10 letters, 11 LW letters, 1961-66 (includes interviews with LW and T.S. Eliot)

Inez Macdonald - 1 letter 1942

Stella McNichol - 8 letters, 5 LW letters, 1968-69

Frank Morley - 1 LW letter 1941

Aileen Pippett - 6 letters, 8 LW letters and 7 others, 1952-68, including those dealing with controversy over publication of her book The moth and the star

Irma Rantavara - 13 letters, 10 LW letters, 1948-60

S.P. Rosenbaum - 5 letters, 2 LW letters, 1966-68

John Rosselli - 3 letters, 1956

Roberta Rubenstein - 14 letters, 1 LW letter 1968-69

Tadanobu Sakamoto - 2 letters, 2 LW letters 1967

Vittoria Sanna - 4 letters, 2 LW letters, 1950-51

Josephine Schaefer - 3 letters, 1 LW letter, 1960, 1965

Robert Spira - 3 letters 1953

N.C. Thakur - 5 letters, 4 LW letters 1962-63

Margaret Thwaites - 4 letters, 1 LW letter 1943-44

See also IID5 letters to and from VW: III Edward Albee, David Cecil, T.S. Eliot, John Lehmann, Stephen Spender, Angus Wilson, Edmund Wilson.

b. Articles about VW writing

Review by E.M. Forster of The Voyage Out, Daily News and Leader. 1915.

Review of To the Lighthouse, Irish Times [1927]

"Dayspring of Virginia Woolf", R.G. Haworth, Southerly, 1942

"The isolation of Katherine Mansfield", J.M. Murry, The Adelphi, 1947

"Virginia Woolf ou la visionnaire du "maintenant", Nathalie Sarraute, Les Lettres Françaises, 1961.

"The "caricature value" of parody and fantasy in Orlando", John Graham, Toronto Quarterly, 1961

The Earl of Arran in Evening News of 17.05.67

"Sexual revolution", Angus Wilson, Listener, 1968

"From short story to novel: the manuscript revisions of Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway", Charles G. Hoffman, Modern Fiction Studies, 1968

"Fact and Fantasy in Orlando.. Virginia Woolf's Manuscript Revisions", Charles G. Hoffman, Texas Studies, 1968

"Virginia Woolf's Manuscript Revisions of The Years", Charles G. Hoffman, PMLA, 1968

5. Letters to and from VW (see III James Strachey re-editing VW - G.L. Strachey letters)

a. Letters to VW

Richard Aldington (2) 1923

Helen Anrep [n.d.]

Will Arnold-Forster 07.06.38.

Maurice Baring 29.08.25 (including correspondence with Julian Jeff about Baring letters, 1963)

Max Beerbohm 30.12.27 (typed copy)

Vanessa Bell 27.04.[35]; 08.05.[35]; 20.03.[41]

Charles W. Berry (2) 1931

Elizabeth Bowen (3) 1939

W. Bryher 23.08.40

George Duckworth 21.03.24

T.S. Eliot (5) [n.d.]

E.M. Forster 24.08.23

Roger Fry 04 or 05.09.21

"Thomas Gage" 12.12.22

Florence Hardy 08.08.26

Thomas Hardy 20.01.15 (typed copy)

W.S. Lewis 19.04.39 (typed copy)

See IID5b for VW to W.S. Lewis

Desmond MacCarthy 23.07.38 (typed copy)

Alan McGlashan 29.09.30

Katherine Mansfield (15) [n.d.]

Hope Mirlees (4) 1918-23

F.S. Oliver 06.11.26

F. Pollock 10.08.25

Berta Ruck 08.12.22

George Rylands [n.d.]

E. Sackville-West (5) [n.d.]

Siegfried Sassoon (2, with enclosures) [n.d.]

Edith Sitwell 15.10.35

Osbert Sitwell [n.d.]

Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge - 4 letters, 2 statements of account and a list in VW's handwriting of the letters and MSS sent to Sotheby for sale in 1918

Stephen Spender (3, one a typed copy) [n.d.]

Olaf Stapledon 09.03.37

Saxon Sydney-Turner 09.02.19

J.R. Turner 14.02.41

Susan Tweedsmuir 10.04.37

Hugh Walpole 31.07.35

Octavia Wilberforce (6) 1941

b. Letters from VW

Dorothy Bussy - bookseller's catalogue offering 5 A.L.S., 5 p.cs. and 2 autograph cards 1930-39

Pamela Diamand [1934?] with letter from Pamela Diamand to LW

Jane Findlater, October 1927 (including correspondence with Eileen Mackenzie)

W.S. Lewis 30.04.39 (typed copy and photocopy, with letter from Lewis 1944)

See IID5a for W.S. Lewis to VW

G.B. Shaw, 13.06.40 (typed copy; including letter to Stephen Winsten)

Marie Stopes [n.d.] - typed extract (including correspondence with Keith Briant)

Lytton Strachey 21.01.10, 13.02.12, 23.02.22 (typed copies; first two not in VW Letters edited by Nigel Nicolson)

Su Hua Chen - 3 letters, 1938 (typed copies)

Bessie Trevelyan 04.09.40 (typed copy)

LW "Dearest M" [n.d.] - holograph letter

Philippa Woolf 29.09.39 (typed copy)

See also IID1b Correspondence with publishers;

III V. Brittain for text of a letter from VW to VB 1940;

III P. Hutchins for photocopies of 2 letters from VW to Thomas Hardy, 1915, 1923.

6. Material relating to VW's childhood and family

a. "Notes of Virginia's Childhood" - Memoir Club paper by Vanessa Bell - 8 pages, typed copy.

b. Correspondence
(i) about childhood.. brothers, sisters (26 letters) See also paper by Thoby Stephen on compulsory chapel in IIA2d; III Ann Stephen (Synge) 1964
(ii) about parents and ancestors (27 letters) including typed copy of letter from G.F. Watts to Leslie Stephen 02.04.96. See also letter F.S. Oliver to VW in IID5a; III Ermengard Maitland.
(iii) about Julian Bell (9 letters to and from Peter Stansky and William Abrahams 1962-66)

7. LW on Virginia

a. "Aspasia" paper (36 pages):

Aspasia (5 pages), Sophia (3), Lady Dorothea (3), Lady Mary Robinson (2 sides of 2 pages), Eurnproktos (3), The Olympians (3), Namus (2 sides one page), Lysistra (1), Kymon (4), Aristotle (4), Elistos (2 sides one page), Demos and Alicibiades (1), "Does death add to or diminish our knowledge of the dead" (1), "And what about myself." (2)

Also a fragment from what appears to have been a typed copy of "Aspasia" paper

b. Transcript of BBC interview 01.02.65

c. Page 1, galley proof of LW's article for Listener 04.03.65

d. Description of "author" for Penguin A Room of One's Own and Between the Acts

e. Interview of LW by Nicholas de Jongh: Manchester Guardian 27.12.68

f. Correspondence and transcript relating to BBC interview, 1955

g. Transcript of part of LW - Muggeridge broadcast 1966-7

h. Correspondence with Mrs. Leavis (3) 1965

i. Miscellaneous letters (92) to and from LW relating to VW's writing, life, etc.

8. Clippings on Bloomsbury and its associates

Two Rupert Brooke Obituary notices, unsigned (1915)

T.S. Eliot interview New York Sun 22.04.33 which mentions VW broadcast of Beau Brummell

"The Intellectuals and their Role in Society" by A.L. Rowse Time and Tide, July 20 and 27, 1946 with replies by Rose Macaulay, Stephen Spender, etc.

"People who Write Books", includes pictures of Desmond MacCarthy, John Lehmann etc. Picture Post 19.02.49

Article on C. Day Lewis, The Observer 07.10.51

Sussex Daily News article 20.12.52 on will of Elizabeth Robins

Reviews of Memories by D. MacCarthy, Truth 18.03.53

Articles about Strachey and G.E. Moore TLS 28.08.53

Review of Clive Bell's article on Bloomsbury in the Twentieth Century, Manchester Guardian 05.02.54

Paul Roche on Bloomsbury, Commonweal 05.04.57

E.M. Forster profile in New Yorker 1959

Eric Newton on Roger Fry, Guardian 27.04.61

Spender: "Remembering Eliot", Encounter, Apr. 1965

"La casa de Virginia Woolf" by Victoria Ocampo La Prensa 08.01.67

W.S. Taylor on paintings of Fry, Grant and Vanessa Bell at Rye Gallery, Sheffield Telegraph 21.08.67

Leon Edel: "Henry James and Sir Sydney Waterlow" TLS 08.08.68

Denis Brogan review of Holroyd's biography of Strachey, Spectator 27.12.68

"Virginia Woolf: the shimmering darkness", by Patricia Craig Observer 27.03.71

"A Boy at the Hogarth Press", by Richard Kennedy Sunday Times Magazine 17.10.71

Review by T.S. Eliot in French of Jean Schumlberger's "L'Enfant Qui S'Accuse et Cesaire" La Nouvelle Revue Française [n.d.]

Cyril Connolly: "Oh Young Men Oh Young Comrades", with pictures taken by Giselle Freund, including those of VW and Vita Sackville-West (The Observer?)

9. VW's Health

a. Account of VW's fainting attack on 11 August 1932

b. Correspondence

Miyeko Kamiya (43 letters) 1966-69

Frank Fish (6 letters) 1966

Dr. Dorothy Speed (2 letters) 1965

Maria Lamp (2 letters) 1960

c. Prescriptions (3) 1913?-32

10 Honours

Femina Vie Heureuse & Bookman Prizes - notice of award for 1927-28

British Institute of University of Paris - request by Harley Granville-Barker for lecture by VW.

11 Parody

Copy of "Mrs. Woolf Attends the Proceedings of the British Psycho-Analytical Society" 1930 and correspondence relating thereto (17 letters)

12. VW's Death (See also Condolences, IID13 below)

Holographic note of LW (presumably written 28.03.41)

Letter from Octavia Wilberforce 29.03.41

Letter LW to W.A. Robson 29.03.41 and letters from Robson to Mrs Parsons 28.01.75 and 07.01.76 recalling conversations with LW

Letter LW to The Times 01.04.41 and reply

Clippings and letters re comments of Kathleen Hicks, wife of Bishop of Lincoln on VW's death

Proposal for stone tablet costing £11.15.0.

Coroner's inquest; form dated 19.04.41 (photocopy)

Text of memorial tablet to VW in the garden of Monks House

Letters (3) about place of burial, 1968

13. Letters of condolence received by LW on VW's death (208)

14. Disposition of VW's MSS, letters, etc.

a. Manuscripts, letters and diaries. (379 letters) 1941-74.

Includes correspondence with Curator, Berg Collection, New York Public Library, Hamil & Barker. With abstract of correspondence between LW and Hamil & Barker relevant to VW copyright drawn up by Mrs. A.O. Bell. ff.19.

Valuation of selected VW manuscripts by Sotheby & Co. 1972. With letter from Curator, Berg Collection, New York Public Library to Mrs. Parsons 15.02.73.

"Pritchard Papers". Correspondence, inventory and other legal papers relating to letters, etc. belonging to. VW and LW alleged to have been a gift from LW to his solicitor George Pritchard. (22 letters) 1973-74.

The manuscripts are now in the Berg Collection, New York Public Library.

b. Books, signatures, art objects (50 letters) 1944-67

c. Portraits and photographs (58 letters) 1949-68

d. Recording of VW's voice (3 letters) 1967-68

e. LW correspondence relating to typing of letters and diaries (56 letters) 1945-68.

15. VW Property (including her estate) and taxes

(See also IIH4, IIJ7 below)

For VW's capital at time of marriage see Account books at IA1a.


Correspondence, mainly with George Pritchard of Dollman & Pritchard, Solicitors. 1941-42. (78 letters)

Share certificates, etc. (37)

Used cheques (10). 1939

Costs of proving will and distributing the estate. Dollman & Pritchard.. 1942. 28pp.

Statements and Accounts. Dollman & Pritchard. 1942. 14pp.

Communications U.S. Treasury Dept., Harcourt, Brace and LW re VW's taxes in U.S. 1939-46 (13 letters)

Swedish taxes 1946 (2 letters)

Papers relating to J.R. Hill's settlement 1939-40 (7)

16. Rights to use works of VW

a. Rights to publish

Crosby Gaige correspondence about first edition of Orlando (6 letters)

Miscellaneous papers relating to rights to publish for fee (68 pieces)

b. Dramatic and musical adaptations, readings etc.

Correspondence concerning Bella Spewak's interest in dramatic rights in Orlando (1952-56) and related interest of Harold Stemer (1955-56) (67 letters)

Miscellaneous other correspondence (37 letters)

c. Translations

MS of "Les Vagues" - adaptation of The Waves by Yves Gasc

Miscellaneous correspondence (126 letters)

d. Radio and T.V. broadcasts, mainly BBC (140 pieces)

e. Rights to quote or use in anthologies etc. for which no fee was charged (126 letters, including one from Walter de la Mare)

17. Miscellaneous materials relating to VW

a. Notes of VW. "Authorities, The English Kingdom" 33 MS pp. at the rear of bound volume of "Presscuttings from 1903 to March 13th 1913" at IMI

b. Twelve TS pages of unidentified treatises on works of VW

c. Registration of VW under National Registration Act 1915

d. Reprint of "Conversation with Walter Sickert" from Art and Artists June 1967

e. Three itineraries for travel in Greece 1932

f. Notebook labelled "D.M. Fund March and April 1927" recording donations to Desmond MacCarthy Fund

g. Poetry dedicated to VW

h. Certificate appointing LW member of Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques as heir of VW

i. Posthumous fan mail addressed to LW (16 letters) 1941-68

(Many examples of VW's handwriting may be found in copy work she did for LW's Empire and commerce in Africa IL6)


1 Public projects

a. Quality of programmes: correspondence regarding petition to BBC for improved programmes signed by Kenneth Clark, M.S. Amos, Aldous Huxley and others 1936

Other correspondence (4 letters) on programmes 1936, 1939

Censorship: correspondence (6 letters) regarding suspension of Guyatt and discharge of Mrs. Grant over Spanish broadcasts 1945-6

Correspondence (6 letters) with J.R. Ackerley about BBC literary censorship 1941(?)

Employment: Correspondence (4 letters) relating to employment of Robert Spira by BBC including letter from Lady Oxford 1941.

b. Elgin Marbles

Correspondence (13 letters) regarding return of Elgin Marbles to Greece including Hugh Gaitskell (1), Philip Noel-Baker (2), Murry Hicks (2) 1958, 1963

c. Spanish Cortes in Mexico

Correspondence (10 letters) with Noel-Baker and Gerald Brenan about Foreign Office interview with Spanish Government in exile 1945-6

d. Capital Punishment

National Campaign for the Abolition of Capital Punishment including 5 letters

e. Promotion of Air Vice-Marshall Ritchie - letter from A. Creech Jones 01.04.46.

f. Well of Loneliness case: correspondence (9 letters and related papers) relating to litigation over this book.

See also III E.M. Forster.

g. Lady Chatterley's Lover case: Correspondence (12 letters) and proposed statement by LW as witness 1960

h. Count Potocki de Montalk case: correspondence (12 letters) and related papers including list of subscribers to defence fund, counsel's statement of account 1932-6.

See also III Aldous Huxley.

i. Miscellaneous

Request for help to hospital at Caterham: 3 letters between LW and George Pritchard 1946

Intensive livestock rearing systems: 3 letters from LW and replies from Sir Tufton Beamish and from Ministry of Agriculture, etc. 1964

Proposal of Stephen Spender and others to go to Hungary as observers: LW request for Hungarian visa, etc. 1956

Household delivery service by G.P.O., 1965

2. Private Projects (see also LW Lectures IO)

a. Correspondence (20 letters) with Mrs. Lan Freed assisting her with her writing and providing her with a foreword to her book Morality and Happiness 1942-4.

b. Correspondence (10 letters) with Lady Olivier and her daughter Noel Richards, assisting them with book on the work of Lord Olivier 1946.

c. Correspondence (4 letters) with Alfred W.P. Tulip: assisting him with his book The Evolution of Matter 1952

d. Correspondence (19 letters) about the writing of a teacher and student at Varndean School for Girls

e. Reading various manuscripts: discussing writing as a career. (31 letters)

f. Requests for book blurbs (2 letters)

g. Lending money:

R. Brimley Johnson (6 letters) 1924

Miss Flint and Miss Jones (1 letter).

See also III

J. V. Jaya-Tunga (2 letters)

Alice Ritchie (5 letters) 1941

Raschid Doole - See IA3c

h. Advising young people on careers

Marylin Grant and her mother (14 letters) 1967-8

Mrs. Elizabeth Denny (3 letters) 1961

Freda White (1 letter) 1946

i. Recommendations

H.R.G. Greaves (2 letters) 1948

Konrad Mayer (2 letters) 1966

G.H.G. Norman (2 letters) 1958

Dr. Sinsheimer (1 letter) 1939: See also III John Lee, Christabel Sinsheimer

j. Locating housing

H.J. Bartholomew (2 letters) 1949

Margaret Eades (1 letter) 03.04.62

Florence McTavish (1 letter) 13.11.62

k. Medical

Rodmell child (7 letters) 1940-41

Lionel S. Penrose (1 letter) 09.08.49

l. Testifying on behalf of defendant accused of shop-lifting (2 letters) 1966

m. Assistance to Martin Freud, interned as alien enemy (3 letters, including one from Anna Freud, one to Clement Attlee) 1940

n. Efforts of group (Anthony Asquith, Gerald Furze, C. Day Lewis and LW) to raise funds to defray legal expenses of Ben Frankel in action brought against him (1955)

Materials have not been photocopied. They include: notebook with list of contributors, cheque book, bank deposit book, letters (155) from contributors

o. Miscellaneous gifts and donations (19 pieces).


1. Estates of Elizabeth Robins and Octavia Wilberforce, including Backsettown affairs.

a. Correspondence with other trustees and manager (16 letters) 1963-69

b. Correspondence with lawyers of Elizabeth Robins' estate and miscellaneous letters regarding disposition of her property and writing of biography by Leon Edel (187 letters) 1952-69. File includes accounts, inventories, legal opinions, etc.

c. Backsettown accounts, 1962 and 1968

Additional material includes:

Correspondence relating to Robins and Wilberforce estates and operation of Backsettown 1964-69

Accounts of trustees 1964-7 and account of executors under will of Octavia Wilberforce

Backsettown Constitution and printing of brochure "Backsettown and Elizabeth Robins"

2. Roger Fry Estate (12 letters) 1935-6


Letters (82), pedigrees, prizes, notes, receipts, etc. relating to LW's dogs and cats, 1935-67 (not photocopied)


1. Clifford's Inn

Lease agreement flat no. 159 dated 05.11.41 for two year term with prior termination rights

10 letters relating to occupancy 11.11.41-08.05.42

2. Hogarth House

a. Lease

Indenture 25.02.15 with Ida Lavinia Brewer for 5 years commencing 25.03.15

Two letters from Mrs. Brewer during tenancy

b. Purchase

Two survey reports with letter 1919. 9 letters relating to purchase of Hogarth and Suffield houses 1919-1921

c. Sale of Suffield House to C.G. Turner, completed 10.05.21: 24 letters relating to sale, plus statements of solicitors and estate agents.

d. Letter from Saxon Sydney-Turner 20.01.24 agreeing to lease Hogarth House for 3 years.

e. Sale of Hogarth House to Mrs. F.E. Hazle, completed 25.02.27: 4 letters and 2 statements from solicitors.

f. Later occupancy of Hogarth House. 2 letters 1964.

g. Notes on Suffield House prepared by Richmond upon Thames Libraries Department. 4 pp. 1969. Photocopy copy.

Letters (2) from Alan A. Martin to Mrs. Parsons re Woolf occupancy. 1971.

3. 52 Tavistock Square

a. Indenture 04.02.24 by Nathan Woolf Simons and LW for purchase of remaining term of lease (10 years). 3 letters relating to renewal term 1934.

b. Controversy with Imperial Hotel over noise of dance music. 14 letters 1930-38.

c. Tavistock Sq. Garden Committee. 1 letter and 2 reports.

d. Vacating Tavistock Square. 11 letters. 1939.

4. 37 Mecklenburg Square

a. Purchase. 25 letters and solicitor's bill 1939.

b. Preparing premises for occupancy. 22 letters.

c. Move from Tavistock Square to Mecklenburg Square. 11 letters 1939.

d. Problems arising during occupancy.(including war damage, sub-leasing, etc.) 1940 (including removal of effects to Rodmell) 31 letters

1941 31 letters

1942 12 letters

1943 5 letters

1944 14 letters

1945 34 letters

1946 29 letters

1947 28 letters

1948 (including relinquishment of lease 12.08.48) 52 letters

1949 7 letters

5. Victoria Square: 1943-1968 250 letters.


1. Asham:

11 letters, including 7 from J.D. Hoper and his London solicitors 1918-19, 1968, and 2 from J.C. Squire and Mrs. Squire about renting the property

2. Round House, Lewes: 17 letters 1919

3. Monks House, Rodmell

a. Acquisition of house and grounds: 21 letters and sales memorandum. See also letter 12.08.19 in Round House file. Account of solicitors.

b. Purchase of household effects and crops: sale catalogue and purchase slips; valuation of growing crops; 5 letters.

c. Correspondence relating to purchase or lease of other Rodmell property. 14 letters 1925-62.

d. Papers relating to letting of land by Woolfs. 40 letters. 1919-67.

e. Construction and repairs (includes Park Cottages)
period 1919-1931 (87 pieces)
period 1933-1969 (about 400 pieces)

f. Insurance rates utilities and war claims (95 pieces). See also bills for rates, utilities, not photocopied.

g. Monks House help including typists: letters from William Dedman 1919, P. Bartholomew and family 1928-44, Louise A. Everest and others. 32 letters 1919-69.

h. Monks House history

Materials and letters (4) from James Bartholomew of Rodmell 1962-5, letters (2) exchanged between LW and Lord Gage, and letter from Sussex archivist

Miscellaneous letters (25) relating to former occupants of Monks House and of Rodmell and ultimate disposition of Monks House. Letters (6) relating to operation of Tithe Act Photo of VW and LW elms at Monks House.

i. Monks House Garden

Diary maintained by LW 1920-27 (28 pp.) mostly entries relating to garden and weather, but with some occasional references to other matters. (not photocopied)

Garden accounts book maintained by LW 1919-1956 with fruit yields 1946-63. A second garden accounts book 1957-69 at one end and household expenditures 1955-69 at the other (not photocopied)

Notebook listing 115 perennials at one end, and reading on co-operatives at the other (not photocopied)

Cards (3½'x 2") listing cacti with dates of flowering (not photocopied)

The opening of Monks House Garden for National Gardens Scheme. 95 pieces 1950-1969

Contents of garden. 9 pieces

Business aspects of garden: permits, sales of products, etc. 6 pieces 1940-43

Purchases and bills

Tools and equipment, purchases and repair. 87 pieces

Seeds, plants and fertilisers purchased. 23 pieces.

See also orders for plants, not photocopied

Gardeners interviewed and employed. 14 pieces 1956-67 (bulk of material not photocopied).

j. Supplies and services

Wines and spirits 88 pieces

Coffee 42 pieces

Wood, coal and oil 17 pieces

Household goods and equipment 92 pieces

Miscellaneous 13 pieces

k. Meteorological observations

4 books of daily weather observations 1942-66 and 14 loose sheets 1966-9

Miscellaneous newspaper clippings on weather LW's notes on first frost 1949-68; dates of turning central heating off and on 1959-69 (not photocopied)

4. Sussex Village Life

a. Mostly neighbours' property, preservation of scenery, school board, Parish Council, etc. 130 pieces 1928-69.

b. Sewage controversy 1938-1957 with Chailey District Council over location of pumping station 68 pieces.

c. Mostly cricket club, youth club, church, village hall. 28 pieces 1945-68.

d. Rodmell Horticultural Show. 120 pieces. 1955-68.

e. Mostly social correspondence, village amenities, characters. 145 pieces 1950-69.

f. The Monday Literary Club. 60 pieces 1961-68.

See also III Kay Jones, John Lehmann, William Plomer, V.S. Pritchett, V. Sackville-West, Monica Young.

g. Memberships in other local organisations; talking to school children. 12 pieces 1949-68.

h. Clippings and articles about Rodmell and its activities. 12 pieces 1955-65.

i. Minute book of Rodmell Labour Party, 1931-1957. (not photocopied).


See also Ad. 18: Other Property And Taxes

1. Sale of 22 Hyde Park Gate (4 letters) 1919

2. Rental of 3 cottages at Tregerthen (5 letters) 1919

3. Cars and car insurance (105 pieces) 1932-67

4. Shares (38 pieces) 1919-69


a. Art (18 pieces) 1944-63

b. Music. Card catalogue of gramophone records. (not photocopied) See also IIR for Diary of music listened to, 1939-69.

6. Banks and other financial institutions (30 pieces) 1941-66

7. Currency exchange transactions arising from foreign royalties (73 pieces) 1940-9, 1960

8. Taxes. (22 pieces) 1954-68

(Income tax papers 1914-1926 and correspondence with H.M. Inspector of Taxes not photocopied)

9. Miscellaneous, including LW's will, claims of LW, gambling, (38 pieces) 1927-65


1. Books (56 pieces) 1944-68

2. Clothes (38 pieces) 1942-64

3. Gramophone, radio, etc. (84 pieces) 1944-69

4. Jewellery (5 pieces) 1944, 1950

5. Miscellaneous (18 pieces) 1945-63


1. Doctor's certificates and military exemption certificate (8 pieces) 1916-7

2. Rash 1937, 1945, 1954 (12 pieces)

3. Medical charts 1968 and 1969 (2 pieces)

4. Medical and ophthalmic prescriptions (53) 1930-61

5. Miscellaneous (30 pieces) 1950-65


1. Correspondence 1960 and 1965 (5 letters)

2. Correspondence following Muggeridge TV interview in 1967

including letters (3) exchanged with Lord Fisher of Lambeth. (46 letters).

See also III Fan Mail T.V. appearance 1967.


1948-1962 (29 pieces).


1. Correspondence, notes and other materials relating to annual dinners (130 pieces) 1903-1969.

2. Papers read by LW at Cambridge 1903-1904

"What is style?" 24.01.1903. 5 pp. MS

"George or George or both?" 09.05.1903. 4 pp. MS

"Othello or Lord Byron?" 31.10.1903. 5 pp. MS

"The dead man answered thus: 'What good thing shall God give us?'" 06.02.1904. 4 pp. MS

"Embryos or abortions?" 14.05.1904. 4 pp. MS.

See also IL15c Goronoway Rees; III E.M. Forster 1963-4, Roy Harrod 1960, Kingsley Martin 1965, Andreas Mayor 1956, C.P. Snow 1968.


1. The 1917 Club (1 letter)

2. Maximilian Society 1942-9 (4 pieces)

3. Cranium Society: letter from Saxon Sydney-Turner 22.05.27

4. Atheneum (42 pieces) 1955-69 (includes letter from Gilbert Murray and reply 1955)

5. London Library 1941-1960 (5 pieces)

6. Memoir Club. Papers probably read by LW (6) See also III Molly MacCarthy, Frances Partridge.

7. Miscellaneous. 28 societies (119 pieces)


1. Invitation to Thomas Hardy funeral 1928

2. King's College Cambridge Luncheon for E.M. Forster's eightieth birthday 1959 (3 pieces)

3. Offer of Companion of Honour 1960 (4 pieces)

4. 名媛直播 honorary degree 1964 (29 pieces)

5. Clippings re above and various articles about LW

6. Raymond Mortimer birthday luncheon invitation 1965

7. W.H. Smith prize 1965 (29 pieces)

8. Buckingham Palace Garden Party invitation 1967 (2 pieces)

9. Invitations to participate in various projects (30 pieces)

10. Assorted unclassified (16 pieces)


1-63. Diaries 1898, 1910-69. 63 vols.

1898, 1922-69 pocket diaries approx. 5" x 3½" 1910-1921 desk diaries approx. 8" x 5"

Brief, almost daily, entries record details of business and social engagements, friends and visitors received, books read, earnings and investments, personal and housekeeping accounts, garden, holidays, journeys with mileages, outings to concerts, films, theatres, parties, weather, etc.

The diaries for 1911-1913 include transliterations by Mrs. A.O. Bell of passages in Tamil and Singhalese characters which record the courtship of Virginia Stephen and her later illnesses. (not photocopied)

64. Diary of music listened to, 1939-1969. 7½" x 5" (not photocopied)

65. Household Account Book 1914-1953. 7¼" x 4½" (not photocopied)

Includes entries in VW's hand.

66. Address Book. 6¼" x 4" (not photocopied) Loose-leaf address file. ff.25. (not photocopied)

67. Booklist and quotations book. 3¼" x 2½" (not photocopied)


General Correspondence

Letters to LW with some replies

An asterisk before a name signifies letter(s) in the other parts of the archive.

AARON, Daniel 1 letter 1968

*ABERCONWAY, Christabel 3 letters 1965-67. With 1 LW reply

ACHERMAN, Anne 1 letter 1947

*ACKERLEY, J.R. 3 letters 1954-59. With 2 LW replies

ALBEE, Edward 2 letters 1962-65. With 2 LW replies

*ALDINGTON, Richard 6 letters 1924-29. With 2 LW replies

ALMEDINGEN, E.M. 1 letter 1953

ALTOUNYAN, Ernest 2 letters 1956

*ANGELL, Sir Norman 1 letter 1964

ANNAN, Noel; 11 letters 1955-67. With I LW reply

*ANREP, Helen 5 letters [1950s and 1960s]. With 2 LW replies

ARNOLD-FORSTER, Chris 1 letter 1956

ARNOLD-FORSTER, Katherine 1 letter [1913?]

ARNOLD-FORSTER, Mark 3 letters 1953-65

ASHCROFT, Peggy 67 letters [1950s and 1960s] With 2 LW replies.

ASHWORTH, Katharine 2 letters 1952. With 1 LW reply.

BAGENAL, Barbara 12 letters [1960] -67. With 1 LW reply

BAGENAL, Nicholas 4 letters 1957-69. With 1 LW reply

BAGNOLD, Enid see JONES, Enid, Lady

BAIRD, Gavin 1 letter 1965

BAKER, Philip Noel see NOEL-BAKER, Phillip

BAKKER, Nel 4 letters 1947-53

BALCON, Jill see LEWIS, Jill Day

BALDWIN, Norman R. 4 letters 1961-63

BAMFORD, Mildred 1 letter 1968

BARKER, A.L. 2 letters 1967

BARNES, Anne 1 letter [1960?]

BARNES, George 1 letter 1959

*BARTHOLOMEW, H.J. 1 letter [1964?]

BASSETT, R. 1 letter 1958

BEDFORD, Ruth M. 1 letter 1954

BEDFORD, Sybille 2 letters 1965. With 2 LW replies

BEER, Judith de see DE BEER, Judith

BELISHA, Leslie Hore see HORE-BELISHA, Leslie

BELL, Angelica see GARNETT, Angelica

BELL, Anne Olivier 6 letters 1966-69

*BELL, Clive 10 letters [191-] -63. With 2 LW replies

BELL, Julian 6 letters [193-]

*BELL, Quentin 20 letters 1945-69. With 10 LW replies

BELL, Vanessa 15 letters [1913-60]. With 1 LW reply

BENNETT, Arnold 2 letters 1926

BEN-JOSEF, A.C. 28 letters 1952-69. With 8 LW replies

BERESFORD, Janet 1 letter 1964. With 1 LW reply

BERKOFF, Anita 1 letter 1967

BERLIN, Isaiah 3 letters 1953-69. With 2 LW replies

BERLINER, Peter 1 letter 1968

BESTERMAN, Theodore 1 letter 1962

BEVERIDGE, William 1 letter 1960

BIDDLE, Francis 1 letter 1968. With 1 LW reply

BLACKTON, Charles S. 9 letters 1967-69. With 3 LW replies

BLAND, Anthony 9 letters [1967-68]. With 1 LW reply

BLAND, Deirdre 9 letters [196-]

BLOWS, Carole 2 letters 1962. With 1 LW reply

*BLUNDEN, Edmund 10 letters 1924-51. With 2 LW replies

BORCHARD, Ruth 1 letter 1963. With 1 LW reply

BORN, Heidi von 1 letter 1961


BOYD, Elizabeth F. 7 letters 1960-62. With 2 LW replies

*BRAITHWAITE, R.B. 3 letters 1927-61. With 1 LW reply

BRAMWYCHE, Cyril 4 letters 1964-66

BRAUN, Martin 2 letters 1961. With 2 LW replies

BRENAN, Gamel see WOOLSEY, Gamel

*BRENAN, Gerald 6 letters 1943-64. With 2 LW replies

BRIGGS, Asa 1 letter 1964

BRIGGS, Susan 4 letters [196-]

BRITTAIN, Vera 2 letters 1956. With 1 LW reply

BROMBERG, Benjamin 2 letters 1958-59. With 2 LW replies

BROOKSBANK, Monica 2 letters 1967. With 1 LW reply

BROWN, Charles 7 letters 1964-67. With 2 LW replies

BROWNE, Joan 4 letters 1966. With 1 LW reply

*BROWNE-WILKINSON, Virginia 46 letters [1959-69]. With 7 LW replies

BUCHAN, Betty 1 letter 1966

BUCHAN, Susan see TWEEDSMUIR, Susan, Lady

BUCKMASTER, Celia 1 letter 1954

BULLARD, John 4 letters 1958-60. With 4 LW replies

BULLARD, Mary 2 letters 1961. With 1 LW reply

BURDICK, Jacques 1 letter 1958

BUSSY, Dorothy 7 letters 1932-[57?]. With 2 LW replies

BUTLER, Belinda N. 4 letters 1954-[66]. With 2 LW replies

BUTLER, Maida 1 letter 1966

*BUXTON, C.R. 1 letter 1936

CACCIATORE, Vera 1 letter 1959

CAISLEY, Mary 2 letters 1965-[66]

CALVOCORESSI, Mrs. Peter 1 letter 1962

*CALVOCORESSI, Peter 2 letters 1962-67

CAMERON, Alice 1 letter 1962. With 1 LW reply

CAMPBELL DOUGLAS, Leopold 2 letters 1933

CARLETON, Verna B. 1 letter 1965. With 1 LW reply

CARLINE, Nancy 1 letter 1961. With 1 LW reply

CARLINE, Richard 1 letter [1961]

CARRINGTON, Dora 1 letter [1921]

CARRINGTON, Noel 1 letter 1967

CASE, Janet 4 letters 1919

*CECIL, Lord David 4 letters 1952-63. With 2 LW replies

*CECIL, Lady Eleanor 6 letters 1919-58. With 1 LW reply

CECIL, Hugh 2 letters 1969

CHAPMAN, Donald 1 letter 1967

CHEN, Su-Hua Ling see SU-HUA, Ling Chen

CHERRINGTON, Clare 40 letters 1964-68. With 8 LW replies

CHI'EN, Hsiao see HSIAO, Chi'en

CHURCH, Richard 14 letters 1961-68. With 1 LW reply


COGHLAN, Granville 2 letters 1965-67

COHEN, Harriet 3 letters 1962

*COLE, Margaret 13 letters 1953-68. With 8 LW replies

*COLEFAX, Sibyl 2 letters [194-?]

COLLINGRIDGE, Elizabeth 2 letters [196-]

COLTMAN, P.C. 1 letter 1956

CONNOLLY, Cyril 3 letters 1961. With 3 LW replies

CONNOLLY, Deirdre 2 letters [196-]

CORCOS, Masenda 5 letters 1962. With 2 LW replies.

*CORNFORD, Frances 3 letters 1954-59

COSTELLO, Karin see STEPHEN, Karin

COSTIGAN, Giovanni 5 letters 1962-67. With 2 LW replies

COX, Ka see ARNOLD-FORSTER, Katherine

CRAIG, Nonie 1 letter 1956. With 1 LW reply

CREECH JONES, Arthur see JONES, Arthur Creech

CRICK, Bernard 3 letters 1968-69. With 1 LW reply

CROSSMAN, Richard 1 letter 1964. With 1 LW letter

CROW, A.C. 1 letter 1968

CULPIN, Ethel M. 1 letter 1965

CUNARD, Nancy 3 letters [194-]

CURTIS, Lionel 1 letter 1951

DAICHES, David 1 letter 1964

*DALTON, Hugh 2 letters 1929-30

DARWIN, Elinor 1 letter 1944

DAVID, Elizabeth 1 letter [196-]

DAVID, Nora 2 letters [1966?] - 67. With 1 LW reply.

*DAVIDSON, Angus 3 letters 1960-62

*DAVIES, Margaret Llewelyn 27 letters [191-?] - 42

DAVIES, Moya Llewelyn 1 letter 1943

DAVIN, D.M. 4 letters 1967. With 2 LW replies.

DAVIS, Rupert Hart see HART-DAVIS, Rupert

DAY LEWIS, Cecil see LEWIS, Cecil Day

DAY LEWIS, Jill see LEWIS, Jill Day

DE BEER, Judith 2 letters 1964

DE JONGH, Nicholas 1 letter 1969

DE JOUVENEL, Bertrand see JOUVENAL, Bertrand de

DE LESCURE, Pierre see LESCURE, Pierre de

DEWEY, Clive 1 letter 1968. With 1 LW reply.

DE ZOETE, Beryl 2 letters [1957]. With 1 LW reply.

*DIAMAND, Pamela 12 letters 1955-[69]. With 4 LW replies.

DICK, Kay 2 letters 1969

DICKINSON, Ginny 2 letter 1964-67

DICKINSON, G.L. 38 letters [191- -193-?]

DICKINSON, Patric 2 letters 1956-[65]

DICKINSON, Sheila 3 letters [1965]-67

DICKSON, David 1 letter 1968

DIZIKES, John 1 letter 1962. With 1 LW reply.

DOGGART, Jimmy 1 letter 1966

DONOVAN, Gladys A. 5 letters 1964-69

DOUGLAS, Elizabeth 1 letter 1961

DOUGLAS, Leopold Campbell see CAMPBELL

DOUGLAS, Leopold DOUGLAS, Norman 1 letter 1930

DUBIN, M.D. 1 letter 1962. With 1 LW reply.

DUGDALE, Alfred 3 letters 1962. With 2 LW replies.

DUNBAR, Janet 1 letter 1965-66. With 1 LW reply.

*DUNCAN, Beata 5 letters 1963-67. With 3 LW replies.

DYCE SHARP, Rachel see SHARP, Rachel Dyce

EASDALE, Gladys E. 13 letters [1964]-68. With 3 LW replies.

EDE, Harold S. 1 letter 1968. With 1 LW reply.

EDEL, Leon 7 letters 1962-69. With 6 LW replies.

*EDWARDS, Mary Stella 4 letters 1968. With 2 LW replies.

EISSLER, K.R. 3 letters 1962-67. With 3 LW replies.

*ELIOT, T.S. 27 letters 1928-64. With 4 LW replies.

ELIOT, Valerie 4 letters 1965-67. With 2 LW replies.

ELIOT, Vivian 1 letter 1924

ELWOOD, John R. 2 letters 1967-68.- With 1 LW reply.

EPTON, Nina 4 letters 1965-66. With 1 LW reply.

ERICSON, Helen C. 25 letters 1968-69. With 3 LW replies.

EUSTON, Lord 2 letters 1963-64. With 2 LW replies.

EVANS, James Roose see ROOSE-EVANS, James


FANNAN, Katherine 1 letter 1956. With 1 LW reply.

FERRY, W.H. 1 letter 1967

*FILSON, Andrew W. 1 letter 1964. With 1 LW reply.

FINLEY, Moses 1 letter 1963. With 1 LW letter.

FISCHER, Georges 3 letters 1962. With 3 LW replies.

FITZURSE, R. pseud. see PHIBBS, Geoffrey

*FLINT, Julia 20 letters 1966-69. With 2 LW replies.

FORD, Boris 1 letter 1966

*FORSTER, E.M. 109 letters 1923-69. With 5 LW replies.

FREUD, Lucie 1 letter 1967

*FREUND, Gisèle 4 letters 1965-67. With 3 LW replies.

FRY, Joan M. 2 letters 1926

*FRY, Margery 1 letter 1946. With 1 LW reply.

*FRY, Roger 3 letters 1913-24

FULTON, Jacqueline 6 letters 1962-67

FULTON, John 2 letters 1964-66. With 1 LW reply.

FURBANK, P.N. 4 letters [1967-68]. With 2 LW replies.

*GAGE, Viscount 1 letter [195-]

GAITHER, Mary E. 1 letter 1964. With 1 LW reply.

*GAITSKELL, Hugh 1 letter 1955

*GARDINER, Margaret 4 letters 1964-[66]

GARDNER, Paul 2 letters 1967

GARNETT, Amaryllis 2 letters 196- - 68

GARNETT, Angelica 37 letters [1945]-69. With 5 LW replies.

*GARNETT, David 29 letters [194-]-68. With 2 LW replies.

GARNETT, Henrietta 5 letters 1960-69. With 1 LW reply.

GARNETT, Nerissa 7 letters [ 195- - 196-]

GARNETT, Richard 3 letters 1966. With 2 LW replies.

GARNETT, Sebastian 1 letter 1968

GAYE, Arthur 3 letters 1901

GIBB, Euphemia 4 letters 1965-68

GILBERT, Mariana Villa see VILLA-GILBERT, Mariana

GODWIN, George 1 letter 1963. With 1 LW reply

GOLDMAN, Michael 1 letter 1967. With 1 LW reply.

GOLDSMITH, John 1 letter[196-]

*GOLLANCZ, Victor 2 letters 1963-65. With 1 LW reply.

GORDAN, John 1 letter 1968. With 1 LW letter 1966.

GRAHAM, Angela 22 letters [1965]-69. With 1 LW reply.

*GRAHAM, John 4 letters 1965-69. With 2 LW replies.

GRAHAM, Kathleen 1 letter 1969

GRANT, Duncan 3 letters 1963-67. With 2 LW replies.

GRANT, Joy 1 letter 1962

GRAVES, Robert 3 letters [192-] - 61. With 1 LW reply.

*GREAVES, Harold Richard Goring 1 letter 1961

*GREEN, M.M. 4 letters 1961-69

GREENE, Drew Ponder 4 letters 1950-68. With 4 LW replies.

GREGORY, Robert G. 1 letter 1961. With 1 LW reply.

GRUBB, Frederick 1 letter 1967. With 1 LW letter 1960, 1 LW reply 1967.

GRUHL, Helen M. 1 letter 1964. With 1 LW reply.

*GUIGUET, Jean 2 letters 1966. With 1 LW reply.

HANCOCK, Frank 1 letter 1964. With 1 LW reply.

HARDINGE, D.W. 3 letters 1965-67. With 1 LW reply.

HARDINGE, Joan 1 letter 1961

HARDY, Evelyn 4 letters 1950-52. With 1 LW reply.

*HARDY, Florence 1 letter 1927

HARPER, Howard 1 letter 1969. With 1 LW reply.

HARRISON, Royden 2 letters 1966. With 1 LW reply.

HARROD, Roy 7 letters 1947-61. With 5 LW replies.

HART, Eileen 2 letters 1962-63

HART, James 1 letter 1967

HART, Peter 1 letter 1963

HART-DAVIS, Rupert 8 letters 1950-64. With 2 LW replies.

HASSALL, Christopher 4 letters 1960-61. With 1 LW reply.

HASTINGS, Eddie 1 letter [1965]

HASTINGS, Grisell 2 letters 1967-[68]

HAWKINS, Irene 4 letters 1944-54

HEALEY, Barbara 2 letters [1969]

HEFFILL, Audrey 1 letter 1968. With 1 LW reply.

HENDERSON, Judith see STEPHEN, Judith

HENKE, Suzette A. 1 letter 1969

HENLEY, Lady Dorothy 10 letters 1957-62. With 3 LW replies.

HEWER, Charlotte 8 letters 1968-69. With 1 LW reply.

HICKS, F.M. 1 letter 1965

HISCOCKS, Richard 1 letter 1966

HODGES, C. Walter 1 letter 1965

HODSON, Phillip 2 letters 1966-69. With 2 LW replies.

HOLLOND, H.L. 2 letters 1962. With.l LW reply.

HOLROYD, Michael 5 letters 1962-68. With 3 LW replies.

HOLTBY, Patricia 5 letters 1955-57. With 1 LW reply.

HOOPER, Alison 1 letter [195-?]

HORE-BELISHA, Leslie 2 letters 1943

HOWARD, Derek 4 letters 1964

HSIAO, Chi'en 10 letters 1943-48. With 2 LW replies.

HUBANK, Roger 3 letters 1956-63. With 2 LW replies.

*HUIE, Jennie 2 letters 1961-[196-]

HUMPHREY, Dorothy 15 letters [ 1963] - 67

HUMPHREY, William 16 letters 1962-69. With 3 LW replies.

HUNTINGDON, Margaret, Lady 4 letters 1960. With 2 LW replies.

HUTCHINS, Patricia 6 letters 1968. With 5 LW replies.

HUTCHINSON, Eliza 2 letters 1964. With 1 LW reply.

HUTCHINSON, Jeremy 6 letters 1958-61. With 1 LW reply.

*HUTCHINSON, Mary 4 letters 1953-69. With 1 LW reply.

HUTCHINSON, Nick 1 letter 1968

HUXLEY, Aldous 2 letters 1923 - 61. With 1 LW reply.

HUXLEY, Julian 3 letters 1942-64

HUXLEY, Juliette 2 letters 1964-65

ILYISH, Boris 1 letter 1967


JAMES, Betty Barras 1 letter 1953

JAMIESON, Michael 1 letter 1967

*JAY, Douglas 1 letter 1963

*JOHNSON, Paul 2 letters 1965. With 2 LW replies.

JOHNSTON, H.H. 1 letter 1923

*JONES, Arthur Creech 1 letter 1950. With 1 LW reply.

JONES, Dorothy R. 1 letter 1963

*JONES, Enid, Lady 12 letters 1956-69. With 1 LW reply.

*JONES, Enid Huws 2 letters 1962. With 3 LW replies.

*JONES, Kay 18 letters 1965 - 68. With 5 LW replies.

JONES, L.E. 1 letter 1967

JONG, Sidney de see DE JONG, Sidney

JONGH, Nicholas de see DE JONGH, Nicholas

JOUVENEL, Bertrand de 1 letter 1961. With 1 LW reply.

JOWITT, Lesley 2 letters 1958

*KALLIN, Anna 1 letter 1968

KAPLAN, Anne 2 letters 1966. With 1 LW reply.

KELLEY, Julian 1 letter [196-?]

KELVIN, Norman 2 letters 1969

*KENNEDY, Richard 2 letters[1960-62]

KERMODE, Frank 1 letter 1966. With 1 LW reply.

KEUN, Odette 1 letter[193-?]

*KEYNES, Geoffrey 8 letters 1928-69. With 1 LW reply.

*KEYNES, John Maynard 2 letters 1927-43

KEYNES, Lydia 3 letters 1941-68

KEYNES, Margaret 9 letters 1953-[67]. With 2 LW replies.

*KITCHIN, C.H.B. 1 letter 1938

KLEIN, Melanie 1 letter 1957

*KOTELIANSKY, S.S. 7 letters 1929-31

KRISTENSON, Hjordis 1 letter 1962. With 1 LW reply

KYLE, Donald 1 letter 1962

LANCASTER, Marie J. 2 letters 1966 . With 1 LW reply.

LANE, Margaret see HUNTINGDON, Margaret, Lady

*LASKI, Harold 1 letter 1924

*LAWRENCE, A. Susan 1 letter [193-?]

LEACH, Mrs. E.R. see BUCKMASTER, Celia

*LEASKA, Mitchell 1 letter 1969

LEE, John 30 letters 1958-69. With 8 LW replies.

LEE, Kate 75 letters 1959-69

LEE, Laurie 2 letters 1963. With 3 LW replies.

*LEHMANN, John 18 letters 1952-68. With 10 LW replies.

*LEHMANN, Rosamund 2 letters [196-?] - 69

LEIGH-SMITH, P. 3 letters 1960-62. With 2 LW replies.

LESCURE, Pierre de 5 letters 1949-51. With 6 LW replies.

LESLIE, Shane 3 letters 1955

LEVENTHAL, F.M. 3 letters 1968-69. With 2 LW replies.

LEVER, Sir Tresham 1 letter 1960. With 1 LW reply.

LEVINE, Evangeline about 500 letters [195- -196-]

LEVY, Paul 4 letters 1968-69. With 4 LW replies.

*LEWIS, Cecil Day 3 letters 1958-68

LEWIS, Jill Day 7 letters 1955-67

LEYS, Jane R. 1 letter 1944

*LEYS, K. 1 letter 1944

*LEYS, Norman 32 letters 1918-44

LILLEY, George P. 1 letter 1963. With 1 LW reply.

LINDSAY, Kenneth 3 letters 1963-64

LINTOTT, Harry 16 letters [1961]-68. With 2 LW replies.

LINTOTT, John 4 letters 1966-68. With 1 LW reply.

LINTOTT, Margaret 3 letters [1964] - 66. With 1 LW reply.

LIVINGSTONE, Janet 1 letter 1968. With 1 LW reply.

LOW, David 1 letter 1963

LOW, George 1 letter 1967. With 1 LW reply.

LOWE, Victor 4 letters 1965. With 3 LW replies.

LUCAS, F.L. 2 letters 1952-57

LUDBY, M. Cotter 1 letter 1960

LYND, Robert 1 letter 1923

LYON, Mary 68 letters 1954-68. With 9 LW replies.

*MacCARTHY, Desmond 4 letters [194-]-47. With 1 LW letter 1905.

MacCARTHY, Michael 7 letters 1955-68

*MacCARTHY, Molly 8 letters 1941-52

MacDERMOTT, Desmond 1 letter 1961

MacFARLANE, Craig 3 letters [1960?] - 67. With 1 LW reply.

McKENZIE, Nan about 300 letters [195- - 196-]

*MAITLAND, Ermengard 3 letters 1963. With 1 LW reply.

MANNING-SAUNDERS, Ruth 1 letter [19--]

MANSON, Mary see LYON, Mary

*MARSH, Edward 1 letter 1942

MARSHALL, M.A. 1 letter [193-?]

*MARTIN, Kingsley 84 letters 1935-68. With 31 LW replies.

*MAURON, Charles 2 letters 1951-64. With 2 LW replies.

MAYOR, Alexie 13 letters 1958-68

*MAYOR, Andreas 4 letters 1956-69

MAYOR, Bobo 1 letter 1964

MAYOR, James 1 letter 1968

MEDCALF, Stephen 2 letters 1968

MEREDITH, H.O. 1 letter 1913

MILLER, Karl 1 letter 1967. With 1 LW reply.

MINDLIN, Meir 4 letters 1958-60. With 1 LW reply.

MINDLIN, Murray 3 letters 1965-67. With 1 LW reply.

*MIRLEES, Hope 8 letters 1964-65. With 1 LW reply.

MIRSKY, D.S. 2 letters 1926

*MITCHISON, Naomi 4 letters [193- - 194-]

*MITRANY, David 1 letter 1954

MITRANY, Ena 1 letter 1954

MITTELHOLZER, Edgar 2 letters 1949-50. With 2 LW replies.

MOMMENS, Norman 5 letters 1957-65

MOMMENS, Ursula 4 letters [196-]

MOORE, Dorothy 11 letters 1940-69. With 6 LW replies.

MOORE, G.E. 22 letters 1904-53. With 14 LW letters.

MOORE, Harry T. 1 letter 1958. With 1 LW reply.

MORPHET, Richard 2 letters 1964

*MORRELL, Philip 1 letter [193-]

MORRISON, Barbara 5 letters 1963-68. With 1 LW reply.

*MORTIMER, Raymond 7 letters 1932-66

MUGGERIDGE, Kitty 7 letters 1966-67. With 3 LW replies.

*MUGGERIDGE, Malcolm 5 letters 1966-67. With 1 LW reply.

MUIR, Edwin 2 letters 1941-55. With 2 LW replies.

MUIR, Willa 3 letters 1959-68. With 2 LW replies.

MURDOCH, Iris 2 letters [1966]

MUSGRAVE, Noel 1 letter 1961

MYER, Barbara 1 letter [196-]

NATHAN, Monique 2 letters 1957-62. With 3 LW replies.

NELSON, Betty 1 letter 1967

NELSON, Quentin 1 letter 1966. With 2 LW letters.

*NETTL, Peter 5 letters 1952-57. With 2 LW replies.

NEWMAN, Lyn 15 letters 1934-67. With 5 LW replies.

NICOLSON, Benedict 1 letter [1963?]

*NICOLSON, Harold 2 letters 1932-62

NICOLSON, Nigel 6 letters 1966-68. With 3 LW replies.

NIELSEN, Elizabeth 1 letter 1954

NOAKES, Michael 1 letter 1969. With 1 LW reply.

NOAKES, Vivien 3 letters 1968. With 1 LW reply.

*NOEL-BAKER, Philip 20 letters 1920-69. With 6 LW replies.

NOLAN, Nancy about 600 letters [194- - 196-]

*NORMAN, Gerald 1 letter 1958

*NORMAN, Sylva 2 letters 1965

NORTON, Lucy 4 letters [1967]. With 1 LW reply.

NOVERRE, Beatrice 1 letter 1965. With 1 LW reply.

NOWELL-SMITH, Simon 3 letters 1967. With 2 LW replies.

*OCAMPO, Victoria 8 letters 1941-66. With 1 LW reply.

ODLE, Rose 1 letter 1959

O'MALLEY, Mary 1 letter 1964

OSBORN, Sir Frederick J. 2 letters 1962-67. With 2 LW replies.

PACE, Jean 1 letter [1964?]

PARKIN, Ray 2 letters 1964-68. With 2 LW replies.

PARSONS, lan 3 letters 1944-66

PARTRIDGE, Frances 7 letters 1960-68. With 4 LW replies.

PATERSON, Dorothy A. 1 letter [19--]

PEARSON, Edward 23 letters 1959-69. With 8 LW replies.

*PERHAM, Margery 3 letters 1966

PHIBBS, Geoffrey 1 letter 1929

PHILIPPS, Rosamund see LEHMANN, Rosamund

PHILIPPS, Wogan 1 letter 1940

PHILLIMORE, Reginald H. 1 letter 1963

PHILLPOTTS, Eden 1 letter 1924

PICKVANCE, Ronald 1 letter 1963. With 1 LW reply.

PIPER, David 1 letter 1965

PIZER, Laurette 2 letters 1964-67. With 1 LW reply.

PLAYFAIR, Eddie 1 letter [195-]

PLOMER, William 49 letters 1926-68. With 7 LW replies.

POSS, Stanley 1 letter 1967. With 1 LW reply.

POWELL, Dilys 3 letters 1955-61

POWERSCOURT, Sheila, Lady 1 letter 1960. With 1 LW reply.

PRICE, M. Philips 1 letter 1964

PRIESTLEY, J.B. 1 letter 1967. With 1 LW reply.

PRITCHETT, V.S. 5 letters 1961-65. With 1 LW reply.

PROCTOR, Barbara 2 letters [195-?]

PROCTOR, Dennis 4 letters 1959-64

PRYOR, Sophie 2 letters 1960. With 2 LW replies.

RAE, John 1 letter 1965. With 1 LW reply.

RALEIGH, Sir Walter 1 letter 1919

*RANTAVAARA, Irma 2 letters 1964-67. With 1 LW reply.

RAPHAEL, Chaim 4 letters 1965-68. With 2 LW replies.

RATCLIFFE, S.K. 1 letter 1954

RATHBONE, Annabel 1 letter [196-?]

RAVERAT, Gwen 2 letters [194-?] - 53

*RAYMOND, Piers 1 letter [1965]

READ, Herbert 1 letter 1935

READING, Stella, Lady 1 letter [196-?]

REEVES, James 1 letter 1967

RENDALL, Lesley 3 letters 1957-65

*RICHARDS, Noel 1 letter 1948

*RICHARDSON, Joanna 3 letters 1964. With 2 LW replies.

RICHMOND, Bruce L. 2 letters 1927-[195-?]. With 1 LW reply.

RICKMAN, John 1 letter 1937

RIDING, Laura 2 letters 1929. With 2 LW replies.

*RITCHIE, Alice 6 letters [193-]

RITCHIE, Margaret 2 letters 1966. With 1 LW reply.

RITCHIE, William D. 4 letters 1959-61. With 2 LW replies.

ROBERTSON, Ainslie J. 1 letter 1932

ROBINS, Elizabeth 4 letters 1941-48

ROBINSON, E. Stanley 1 letter 1965

ROBINSON, Pamela 2 letters 1965

ROBSON, Elaine 11 letters 1952-69

*ROBSON, Juliette 10 letters 1952-[67]

ROBSON, Marion 1 letter 1961

ROBSON, Philip 2 letters 1952

ROBSON, Ronald 14 letters 1952-69

*ROBSON, W.A. 12 letters 1941-69. With 1 LW reply.

ROERICH William 1 letter 1969

ROOSE-EVANS, James 2 letters 1965

ROSE, Tania 1 letter 1964

ROSS, Alan 1 letter 1964

*ROSSELLI, John 1 letter 1965

*ROTHENSTEIN, William 1 letter [1917?]

*ROTHSCHILD, Barbara 1 letter [193-?]

*RUSSELL, Bertrand 4 letters 1917-64

*RYLANDS, George 7 letters 1956-67. With 3 LW replies.

*SACKVILLE-WEST, Edward 4 letters 1955-64. With 3 LW replies.

*SACKVILLE-WEST, Vita 28 letters [1923? ] - 62. With 6 LW replies.

SALAM, Esther 18 letters 1955-64. With 3 LW replies.

SALGADO, Gamini 1 letter [196-]

SAMUEL, Edwin Herbert, Viscount 1 letter 1965. With 1 LW reply.

SANGER, C.P. 1 letter 1913

SANGER, Daphne 1 letter 1960

*SANGER, Dora 4 letters [1932?-53?]

SANSOM, William 2 letters 1961-65. With 2 LW replies.

*SARTON, May 4 letters 1955-67. With 1 LW reply.


*SCHAEFER, Josephine 4 letters 1960-61. With 1 LW reply.

SCHULKIND, Jeanne 1 letter 1968. With 1 LW reply.

SCHURMAN, Don 5 letters 1967-68. With 2 LW replies.

SCHWARZ, Cornelia 1 letter 1968. With 1 LW reply.

SCOTT, Barbara 22 letters [196-]. With 2 LW replies.

SCOTT, Margaret 2 letters 1968

SEGAL, Sheila 3 letters 1969

*SHARP, Rachel Dyce 4 letters 1941

SHIBATA, Tetsuo 1 letter 1967. With 1 LW reply.

SHONE, Richard 2 letters 1964-67. With 2 LW replies.

*SHRAGER, Rose 2 letters 1954-65

SHULMAN, Sheila 2 letters 1968. With 1 LW reply.


*SIMON, E.D. 5 letters 1956-60. With 1 LW reply.

SIMON, Ruth 30 letters 1962-65. With 6 LW replies.

*SIMON, Shena, Lady 15 letters 1941-68. With 1 LW reply.

SINSHEIMER, Christobel 1 letter 1966

SMALLWOOD, Norah 7 letters [196-]

SMITH, Grover 3 letters 1965. With 3 LW replies.

*SMITH, Janet Adam 2 letters [1954?]-65

SMITH, Josepha Aubrey 1 letter 1968. With 1 LW reply.


SMITH, Simon Nowell see NOWELL-SMITH, Simon

*SMYTH, Ethel 2 letters 1928-41

SNOW, C.P. 1 letter 1968. With 1 LW reply.

SOURBUTTS, Leonard 2 letters 1956. With 1 LW reply.

SPARROW, John 2 letters 1964-69

*SPENDER, Stephen 23 letters [1940?] - 69. With 5 LW replies.

*SPIRA, Mela 1 letter 1950. With 1 LW reply.

*SPROTT, Sebastian 1 letter 1961

STANGROOM, Peggy 2 letters 1960-65 With 1 LW reply.

STEFATOS, Cornelia see SCHWARZ, Cornelia

STEPHEN, Ann 10 letters [194-] - 66. With 2 LW replies.

STEPHEN, Judith 20 letters [194-] - 67. With 2 LW replies.

*STEPHEN, Karin 1 letters [194-]. With 1 LW reply.

STEWART, Mary 1 letter 1964

STONE, Janet 12 letters [1966]-69. With 2 LW replies.

STONE Wilfred 4 letters 1965. With 2 LW replies.

STOPES, Marie 1 letter 1943

*STRACHEY, Alix 2 letters 1967. With 1 LW reply.

*STRACHEY, James 19 letters 1948-67. With 5 LW replies.

STRACHEY, Julia 4 letters 1962-64

STRACHEY, Marjorie 4 letters 1932-60. With 1 LW reply.

*STRACHEY, Philippa 8 letters 1941-62

STRANGE, Kenneth 2 letters 1954. With 1 LW reply.

*SU-HUA, Ling Chen 85 letters 1952-69. With 17 LW replies.

*SYDNEY-TURNER, Saxon 1 letter 1942


SYNGE, Jane 14 letters 1963-68. With 1 LW reply.

SZLADITS, Lola 8 letters 1966-69. With 2 LW replies.

TALBOT, Rose see SHRAGER, Rose

TAWNEY, Jeannette 1 letter 1926

*TAWNEY, R.H. 4 letters 1918-61. With 1 LW reply.

TAYLOR, Adrian 1 letter 1964. With 1 LW reply.

*TENNANT, Stephen 1 letter 1942.

TENNYSON, Sir Charles 2 letters 1958-61

THORNTON, Roy 2 letters 1966. With 2 LW replies.

TINDALL, Gillian 1 letter 1961. With 1 LW reply.

*TOYNBEE, Arnold 2 letters 1954

*TREVELYAN, Elizabeth 2 letters [195-] - 54

TREVELYAN, Geoffrey 3 letters 1967-68

*TREVELYAN, R.C. 1 letter 1944. With 1 LW reply.

TULIP, Athene 1 letter[196-]

TULIP, Gillian 17 letters 1963-68. With 3 LW replies.

TULIP, Tony 1 letter 1961

TURNER, Saxon Sydney see SYDNEY-TURNER, Saxon

*TWEEDSMUIR, Susan, Lady 1 letter[194-?]

TYSON, Esmé Wynne see WYNNE-TYSON, Esmé

*UNWIN, Stanley 7 letters 1953-68

UTLEY, Freda 2 letters 1933-35

VAN DER POST, Ingaret 7 letters 1951-68

VAN DER POST, Laurens 21 letters 1950-68. With 1 LW reply.

VAUGHAN, Janet 4 letters 1937-54

VILLA-GILBERT, Mariana 8 letters 1964-68. With 2 LW replies.

VINOGRADOFF, Julian 2 letters 1955-67. With 1 LW reply.

VON BORN, Heidi see BORN, Heidi von

VON BOROWSKY, Lisa 1 letter 1956


WALEY, Alison 6 letters 1966-69

WALEY, Arthur 1 letter[191-]

WALEY, Sir David 1 letter 1960. With 1 LW reply.

*WALPOLE, Hugh 1 letter 1925

WARNER, Sylvia Townsend 21 letters 1957-67

WATERLOW, Angela 1 letter 1958

WATERLOW, John 1 letter 1963

WATERLOW, Judith 14 letters 1960-64

WATERLOW, Margery 1 letter 1925. With 1 LW reply.

*WATERLOW, Sydney 9 letters 1915-42

WATSON, Bertie 2 letters 1967. With 1 LW reply.

WATSON, D. Newall 1 letter 1964

WAUGH, Alec 1 letter 1965

*WEAVER, Joan 4 letters 1965-68. With 1 LW reply.

*WEBB, Beatrice 21 letters 1914-42. With 1 LW reply.

WEBB, Marian 1 letter 1960. With 1 LW reply.

*WEBB, Sidney 24 letters 1915-43. With 1 LW reply.

*WEDGWOOD, C.V. 1 letter 1967

WEINTRAUB, Stanley 7 letters 1967-69. With 4 LW replies.

WELLESLEY, Dorothy 1 letter 1934

*WELLS, H.G. 2 letters 1941-42

WELLS, Marjorie 2 letters 1955


WESLEY, John 1 letter 1936

WESLING, Donald 4 letters 1968. With 1 LW reply.

WEST, Kitty 1 letter 1968

WEST, Rebecca 1 letter [193-?]

WIGHT, Martin 1 letter 1964

*WILBERFORCE, Octavia 33 letters 1941-63. With 8 LW replies.

WILKES, Lyall 1 letter 1968. With 1 LW reply.

WILKINSON, Virginia Browne see BROWNE-WILKINSON, Virginia

WILLARD, Barbara 1 letter 1965. With 1 LW reply.

WILSON, Angus 2 letters 1962-65. With 2 LW replies.

WILSON, Edmund 1 letter 1952

WILSON, Francesca M. 1 letter 1967

WILSON, Geoffrey 1 letter 1964. With 1 LW reply.

*WINSLOW, Donald J. 2 letters 1961. With 1 LW reply.

WISDOM, John 1 letter 1959

*WISKEMANN, Elizabeth 18 letters 1957-68. With 2 LW replies.

WOOD, Alan 4 letters 1956-57. With 1 LW reply.

*WOODMAN, Dorothy 6 letters 1969

WOODWARD, Winifred 1 letter 1964

WOOLSEY, Gamel 1 letter[194-?]

WOOTTON, Barbara 2 letters 1960-66 with 1 LW reply.

WRIGHT, Robin 1 letter 1966

WYNNE-TYSON, Esmé letter 1961. With 1 LW reply.


*YOUNG, Martin 1 letter 1963

YOUNG, Monica G. 6 letters [196-]

ZOETE, Beryl de see DE ZOETE, Beryl

ZWEIGBERGK, Evan von 1 letter 1968. With 1 LW reply.

The above sequence of correspondence from named writers is followed by one box of miscellaneous fan mail.


Minutes of Advisory Committee on International Questions

1920 Nov. 19; Dec. 8, 15

1921 Jan. 5, 19; Feb. 2, 9, 23; Mar. 9; Apr. 6; May 25; June 8, 22; July 6, 20; Aug. 26; Sept. 7; Oct. 12, 26; Nov. 3, 9, 23

1922 Jan. 4, 12, 18; Feb. 1, 8; Mar. 8, 16, 23; Apr. 27; May 10, 24; June 15; July 6, 27; Aug, 2; Sept. 25; Oct. 6, 10; Dec. 14

1923 Jan. 10, 18; Feb. 1, 8; Apr. 12, 19; May 3, 14, 31; June 14, 28; July 12, 26; Aug. 1; Sept. 13, 27; Oct. 1, 25; Nov. 8 ,

1924 Jan. 2, 9, 16, 23; Feb. 6, 18; Mar. 3, 12, 26; Apr. 2, 7, 30; May 14, 28; June 25; July 9

Also minutes of meetings of two sub-committees: on the Treaty of Mutual Assistance 19.3.24, and on League of Nations 25.2.24

1925 Feb. 4, 11, 18; Mar. 4, 18; Apr. 1; May 6, 20; June 17, 22; July 1, 15, 29; Oct. 14, 28; Nov. 11, 25

1926 Jan. 20; Feb. 17; Mar. 24; Apr. 21; June 9, 23; July 21; Oct. 6, 20; Nov. 3, 17; Dec. 1, 7, 15

1927 Jan. 19; Feb. 2, 16; Mar. 16, 23; Apr. 6; May 4, 18; June 1, 22; July 6, 20; Oct. 19; Nov. 2, 16, 30; Dec. 7, 21

1928 Jan. 11, 25; Feb. 8, 22; Mar. 7; Apr. 18; May 2, 16; June 6, 20; July 4, 18; Oct. 17, 3 1; Nov. 14, 28; Dec. 12

1929 Jan. 23; Feb. 6, 20; Mar. 6; Nov. 6, 20; Dec. 4, 18

1930 Jan. 22; Feb. 5, 19; Mar. 5, 19; Apr. 2, 16; May 7, 21; June 4, 18; July 2, 16; Nov. 12, 26; Dec. 10

1931 Jan. 28; Feb. 11, 25; Mar. 11, 25; Apr. 22; May 6; June 3, 17; July 1

1932 Jan. 13; Feb. 3,. 17; Mar. 2, 16; Apr. 6, 20; May 4; June 8; Oct. 26; Nov. 9, 23; Dec. 7, 21

1941 June 25

1944 June 27; Oct. 3; Nov. 7

Also following papers: No. 1, Sept. 1944; No. 1a, Oct. 1944; No.2, Nov. 1944; No.2A Nov. 1944; No. 3A, Dec. 1944

Minutes of International Relations Subcommittee

1941 Oct. 3, 20; Nov. 3, 17; Dec. 1, 15, 29

1942 . Jan. 7, 27; June 30; Dec. 14 (the latter was the 17th meeting of the subcommittee. We have minutes for 11 of them)

Also following R.D.R. memos: 5, 7, 47, 65, 84, 122, 123, 125, 129, 183, 204 (from Oct. 1941 to Apr. 1943)

We also have undated minutes of a single meeting of Sub-Committee on General Election Publications filed after 1927 minutes of Advisory Committee.


Imperial Questions Memoranda

Numbers: 25

135, 139, 140, 141, 142, 149, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 157A, 161 162, 163, 164, 167A, 168, 170A, 171, 171 A, 172, 173, 174, 175 175A, 177, 179A, 179B, 179C, 183, 185, 185A, 186, 189, 194A, 195A, 197

200, 202, 202B, 203, 204, 205B, 206, 208A, 210, 212, 212A, 213 214A, 215, 217, 220, 222, 223, 224, 230, 236, 236A, 237, 238B 239, 240, 242A, 244, 245, 245A, 247A, 256, 262, 264, 267, 270, 270a, 270b, 270c, 271, 272

369 (possibly a typo. It is dated Apr. 1944 and perhaps should have been numbered 269, as 272 is dated May 1944)

Number 25 is undated. The others are dated. They run from May 1934 (No. 135) to May 1944 (No. 272).

The file includes the following unnumbered memoranda:

Leys on Woolf's Memorandum on Colonial Policy 20.02.35

Comments on Memorandum by Mr. L.S. Woolf on the Demands for the Reform of the Ceylon Constitution by Dr. T. Drummond Shiels 06.12.38

A Memorandum on the Position of the Tamils and Other Minorities Under the Present Constitution, 42 pp. signed G.C. Ponnambalam, Member of State Council. Sometirne Acting Minister of Communications and Works. Delegate of the All-Ceylon Tamil Conference to Whitehall [n.d.].

Northern Rhodesia. Report of the Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Disturbances in the Copperbelt in April 1940. 7 pp. plus two of Appendices. Signed Colonial Office February 1941.

Sir John Harris' Visit to Swaziland 2 pp. [n.d.]

Sir John Harris' Visit to Basutoland 2 pp. [n.d.]

Ottawa and Trade Agreements Sub-Committee

The following memoranda: Research no. 345, 349, 341 (June, July and November 1937)


Minutes of Advisory Committee on Imperial Questions

1924 Apr. 16; May 7, 2 1 ; June 4, 11, 18; July 2

1925 Jan. 14, 28; Feb. 25; Mar. 11, 25; Apr. 29; May 13; June 24; July 8, 22; Oct. 21 ; Nov. 4, 18; Dec. 2

1926 Jan. 13, 27; Apr. 14, 28; June 2, 16; Nov. 10; Dec. 8

1927 Jan. 12; Mar. 9; May 11, 25; June 15, 29; July 13, 27; Oct. 12, 26; Nov. 9, 23; Dec. 14

1928 Jan. 18; Feb. 1, 15, 29; Mar. 14, 28; Apr. 25; May 9, 23; June 13, 27; July 11; Oct. 10, 24; Nov. 7, 21; Dec. 5, 19

1929 Jan. 30; Feb. 13; Oct. 30; Nov. 13, 27; Dec. 11

1930 Jan. 29; Feb. 12, 26; Mar. 12, 26; Apr. 9, 30; May 14, 28; June 25; July 9; Nov. 5, 19; Dec. 3, 17

1931 Jan. 21; Feb. 4, 18; Mar. 4, 18; Apr. 15, 29; May 13; June 10, 24; July 8

1932 Jan. 20; Feb. 10, 24; Mar. 9; Apr. 13, 27; May 11; June 1, 15; July 6; Oct. 19; Nov. 2, 16, 30; Dec. 14

1935 Jan. 16; Feb. 6, 20; Mar. 6, 20; Apr. 3, 17; May 15, 29; June 19; July 3; Dec. 11

1936 Jan. or Feb. [n.d.]; Mar. 4; June 10; July 8, 17, 22; Oct. 17, 28; Nov. 11; Dec. 9

1937 Jan. 27; Feb. 10, 24; Mar. 10; Apr. 7, 21; May 5; June 2, 16, 30; July 14; Oct. 27; Nov. 10, 24

1938 Feb. 2, 16; Mar. 2, 16, 30; Apr. 13; May 11, 25; June 15, 29; July 13, 27

1939 Feb. 1, 15; Mar. 1, 15, 29; Apr. 26; May 10; June 14, 28; July 12; Dec. 6

1940 Jan. 17, 31; Feb. 14, 28; Mar. 13; Apr. 3, 17; May 1, 22; June 5, 19; July 3, 17, 31; Nov. 20; Dec. 4, 18

1941 Jan. 22; Feb. 5, 19; Mar. 5, 19; Apr. 2; May 7, 21; June 11; July 9, 23; Aug. 6; Sept. 17; Oct. 1, 15, 29; Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26; Dec. 3, 10, 17

1942 Jan. 21, 28; Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25; Mar. 4, 11, 25; Apr. 15, 29; June 3, 17; July 1, 15, 29; Sept. 9, 30; Oct. 14; Nov. 18; Dec. 16

List of Additions 1978-

Ad. 1 WARNER, Sylvia Townsend

LW to STW 11 tls. 18.02.57 - 04.09.64.

[Ad. 2 ] CHIBNALL, Jennifer

The mark on the wall. 1977. 1 video-casette VC13

On Monks House

[Ad. 3 ] MUGGERIDGE, Malcolm

Looking back. 1967. video-casette VC14

Reminiscences by LW

Ad. 4: 28.06.79 PARSONS, Mrs. Trekkie.

Trekkie Parsons to Leonard Woolf. 241 als 14.10.41 - 10.10.68

Leonard Woolf to Trekkie Parsons. 113 als, tls 19.01.43 - 04.05.68

Ad. 5 WOOLF, Leonard

Diaries and notebooks. See list at IIR1-67 The journey not the arrival matters. Ms. See list at IL19.

Correspondence re pets. See list at IIG

Official documents re Ceylon c.1900. See list at IAlf

Ceylon visit of LW 1960. See list at IA3e

Estate of Elizabeth Robins. See list at IIFlb

Card catalogue of gramophone records. See list at IIJ5b

Political Quarterly. Memorandum of evidence to the Royal Commission on the Press 1947. See list at IK

Ad. 6: 10.12.79

Estate of Leonard Woolf


5 files ms and ts papers

Contain 165 tls (some with enclosures) 11.07.69 - 31.01.75 principally from Adams & Remers, Solicitors, Lewes to Mrs Trekkie Parsons respecting Leonard Woolf's will and the subsequent contesting of it

Legal and financial papers 1969 - 1975

1 file ms and ts papers

Contains accounts, opinions, probate papers, testaments, etc.


1 file printed papers

Contains 5 newscuttings reporting the verdict of the legal case

Ad. 7: 10.12.79


VW'S Health

Medical prescriptions. See II D 9c

Disposition of VW's MSS, letters, etc.

Correspondence and other documents relating to the value and disposal of VW manuscripts. Includes "Pritchard Papers" controversy. See II D 14

VW Property

Correspondence and other documents relating to the estate of VW. See II D 15


Medical prescriptions. See II L

Ad. 8 Mrs Dalloway.

Screenplay by Katherine Coker. Ts. pp. 137.

Ad. 9 Virginia Woolf, novelist: an attempt at appreciation.

By Mihaly Szedegy-Maszak Ts. pp. 157

Ad.10 Pages 68-99 of an unidentified study of Virginia Woolf.

Begins "If as Woolf argues in 'The Narrow Bridge of Art' " Ts. pp. 32

Ad.11 The Journey not the arrival matters.

23 reviews from American newspapers and periodicals, Mar., Apr. 1970.


Ad.12 Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf: a symposium for the centenary of the birth

English Association of Sri Lanka.

Ts. pp. 58.

Ad.13 FERNANDO, Shelton

LW to SF 56 letters 10.03.60 - 16.05.69.


Ad.14 Comprises one entire box of papers presented by the Directors of the Hogarth Press.in 1982

The arrangement and numbering of the papers follows the main sequence:

Part 1


3A. Calendar of consolation

9 letters 01.08.67 - 07.07.69 between LW, Nora Smallwood and Ian Parsons re American edition

4. Co-operation and the future of industry

35 letters 19.04.15 - 08.03.18 between LW and Williams & Norgate

6. Empire and commerce in Africa

5 letters 02.11.66 - 24.08.67 between LW and Stanley Unwin re reprint

10. International government

1 letter 14.07.17 from Margaret Postgate

Statement of sales 1916 - 17. ff.2

12. Socialism and co-operation

20 letters 19.04.21 - 28.02.26 between LW and the National Labour Press

18. Downhill all the way

c. 39 letters 10.01.67 - 21.06.69 between LW and Hogarth Press editors re preparation and publication


1. Financial affairs

a. Accounts books (3): Jan.1922-Jan.1926;

Profit and loss a/c 1934-36; Annual Accounts 1936-37, 1937-38

b. 4 letters 06.02.43 - 08.03.43 re tax affairs

d. 9 letters 22.04.68 - 10.07.69.

2. Other internal communications

a. 116 notes, memos, letters 1939-1945 between LW and John Lehmann

72 notes, memos, letters 1942-1969 between LW, Barbara Hepworth, Norah Smallwood, Annabel Trench, Hugo Brunner and others

3. History of the Hogarth Press

[a.] Seasonal announcements 1923-42, 1944-57; Catalogues 1927, 1928, 1931, 1932, 1934, 1936, 1939, 1951, 1954, 1956, 1957. (Filed in a box at the end of HOGARTH PRESS COLLECTION)

b. Possible sale of Hogarth Press in 1937

7 letters 02.08.37 - 16.12.37 between LW, John Rodker, Martin Seeker

c. Letters about specific authors or books

13 letters 15.02.38 - 12.06.68 between LW and Patricia Russell, Harold Laski, Nancy Cunard, J.P. Mayer, Hubert Waley

d. Correspondence with and about employees

38 letters 18.01.31 - 13.08.40 Includes John Lehmann's letter of acceptance of Hogarth Press post 18.01.31.

4. Books read by LW for Hogarth Press

70 letters 30.08.67 - 19.03.69 Includes letters between LW and G. Trevelyan re Letters of C.P. Trevelyan

6. International Psycho-Analytical Library

15 letters 21.12.66 - 11.11.67 between LW and John Charlton mainly about standard edition of Freud

Part 2


1. VW's writing

a. Correspondence with agents

2 letters 16.03.38, 06.07.38 between LW and Ann Watkins

b. Correspondence with publishers

32 letters 11.05.25 - 20.01.48 between LW, Hogarth Press and various German publishers and translators

55 letters 07.07.67 - 30.07.69 between LW, Hogarth Press and other publishers

h. Reception of VW's writings

New York Herald Tribune Books: What America is reading 24 issues 02.05.37 - 31.10.37 detailing position in American market of The Years

4. a. Letters, articles, books,about VW's writing

Margaret C.H. Lester on The Fate of the Reviewer - 1 letter Dec. 1939 to VW


7. Currency exchange transactions

1 letter 17.10.45 from Banco de Bilbao (No part of Ad.14 has been photocopied.)

Ad. 15 Leonard Woolf's National Union of Journalists Membership Card.

Ad. 16 (04.09.86) 1 letter 19.06.57. from LW to Hamill and Barker re Insuring of VW manuscript diaries

7 letters 15.09.69 - 17.04.70 from Hamill and Barker to Mrs. Parsons re disposal of VW manuscript diaries

Gift of Mrs. Parsons

Ad. 17 (25.03.87) Account of Leonard Woolf's last Illness and death. By Trekkie Parsons. Ts. 5pp.

Gift of Mrs. Parsons

Ad. 18 Comprising 3 boxes of papers presented by Adams & Remers, Lewes, Leonard Woolf's solicitors. The arrangement of the papers parallels the main sequence.

Part 1


2. After the deluge

3 letters 14.07.37 - 10.08.37 between Penguin Books and LW re Pelican edition.

1 letter 18.02.43 from British Council to Hogarth Press re Spanish translation with LW reply.

3. Barbarians at the gate

3 letters 19.05.39 - 29.04.41 between LW and Harcourt, Brace re Amerlcan edition, royalties.

4. Co-operation and the future of Industry

5 letters 12.03.18 - 22.11.18 from George Allon & Unvin to LW re publication.

4 letters 19.08.47 - 09.04.49 between George Allen & Unwin and LW re remaindering of title and royalties.

5A. Economic Imperialism

1 letter 23.06.27 from Goorge Allen & Unwin to LW enclosing royalty statement.

10. International Government

c. 1 letter 17.03.23 from George Allen & Unwin to LW re reprint.

3 letters 25.03.46 - 28.04.46 between W.R.Browne and LW re consent to quote.

11. Quack quack

4 letters 28.12.34 - 25.06.36 between Harcourt, Brace and LW re publication, royalties.

13. Village in the jungle

4 letters 16.06.25 - 25.06.25 between Edward Arnold and LW re American edition of Harcourt, Brace.

2 letters 07.07.25, 16.10.25 from Harcourt, Brace.

4 letters 22.02.31 - 25.02.31 between Edward Arnold and LW re possible reprint

14. War for peace

1 letter 28.04.44 from George Routledge & Sons to LW re remainderlng of title.

Part 2


1. VW's writing

a. Correspondence with agents Curtis Brown - 44 letters, royalty statements 30.06.26 - 03.01.39

File Includes 1 draft letter 25.01.33 VW to Curtis Brown.

Ruth Placzek. - 4 letters 21.06.44 - 11.09.44.

Ann Watkins - 8 letters 07.10.37 - 24.06.41.

b. Correspondence with publishers

Dent: 8 letters 23.02.38 - 28.10.38

1 letter LW to Dent 03.11.45.

Editions Stock - 1 letter 06.01.39

Harcourt Brace - 88 letters, telegrams 20.09.22 - 28.07.47 chiefly between the publishers and LW. File Includes 1 VW draft letter 05.11.31.

Penguin books - 27 letters 20.01.38 - 13.08.46.


5. Victoria Square: 44 letters and related papers 19.01.52 - 20.09.52.


3c. Correspondence relating to purchase of land at Rodmell

36 letters and related papers 15.05.28 - 24.03.29.



(i) LW's listings of Investment Income (25 pieces) 1920-1968.
(ii) Documents of Investment companies: Associated Electrical Industries (AEI), Athenaeun, Birfield, Brighton Equitable Co-operative Society, British Assets Trust, British Motor Corporation, Central Provinces Manganese Ore Company.
(iii) Chatto and Windus, J & P Coats, Commercial Union Assurance Company, Cunard Steamship Company, Darjeeling Company, Debenhams, Dunlop Rubber Company, Electric and Musical Industries, Elliot-Automation, Enfield Cables, English Electric Company, Ford Motor Company, Forestal Land, Timber and Railways Company, Great Universal Stores, Hodge, ICI, Imperial Continental Gas, Imperial Tobacco Company, Independent Investment Company, Investment Trust Units, Lewes Co-operative, Leyland Motor Corporation, London Co-operative Society, Midland Bank, Post Office Savings Bank, Rover Company, Scottish Investment Trust, Shell Transport & Trading Conmpany, Silvertown Services, Slater, Walker Securities, Tate and Lyle, Unigate, Union Castle Mail Steamship, United Dairies, United Sua Betong Rubber.

6. Bank and other financial institutions

(6 pieces) 1945 - 1969

8. Taxes

lncome tax and papers 1923 - 1940. Several hundred pieces. Includes VW tax affairs and LW personal and business tax affairs

(No part of Ad 18 has been photocopied.)

Ad. 19 (27.03.90) Michael Rubinstein/Dollman and Pritchard

Correspondence comprising 32 letters and related documents 1973-74 between Michael Rubinstein, Solicitor acting for Mrs. T. Parsons and Dollman & Pritchard over the disputed ownership of letters once the property of Leonard Woolf.

(See Leonard Woolf Papers main list IID14a "Pritchard Papers")

Gift of Mrs. Trekkie Parsons

Ad. 20 (03.12.90) Leonard Woolf's address book.

Foolscap 16mo volume, with thumb index, gathered in twenty-fours, inscribed on some thirty-three leaves with approximately two hundred and sixty entries, dating apparently from the second and third decades of this century; full morocco. Covers somewhat worn; some dusting and other signs of use, as would be expected. Interesting for the picture it gives of the range of the more regular of Leonard Woolf's contacts, literary , political, social, and business, during the period when it was compiled.

Purchased from Robert Temple, London.

Ad. 21 Waterlow, Sydney to Leonard Woolf

23 als, 1 tls, lpc 29.09.14 - 02.02.22

Woolf, Leonard to Sydney Waterlow 1 tls 18.06.1929

Purchased from Michael Silverman, London

Ad. 22 The village in the jungle.

TV serial rights, Sri Lanka

Correspondence (9 letters), indentures, newscuttings, etc. 1993 The correspondents are Trekkie Parsons, Ruth Rodrigo, Wipula Sumanasekera (5), David Walton (2). Photocopies.

Gift of David Walton

Ad. 23 Spotts, Frederic

2 als. to Trekkle Parsons 29.04.88, 01.05.88

Typescript of his edition of Letters of Leonard Woolf. ff.692

Gift of Trekkle Parsons

Ad. 24 Stephen, Leslie

Mausoleum Book. Carbon ts. ff.152

Gift of Trekkie Parsons

Ad. 25 Woolf, Leonard

Notebook containing, at one end, "Plants in flower at Monks House", 1949-1969, and at the other, birthday details of family members and pedigree details of pets. 8pp.

Gift of Trekkie Parsons

Ad. 26 Photographs and snapshots

9 large photographs of Leonard Woolf at Monks House, with pets

1 large photograph of Leonard Woolf with Malcolm Muggeridge

1 large photograph of Leonard Woolf with Edward Heath

1 large photograph of Leonard Woolf with Virginia Woolf

1 large photograph of Leonard Woolf's cactus collection, Monks House

1 large photograph of Virginia Woolf

1 large photograph of Trekkie Parsons with dog

10 snapshots of Monks House garden

1 snapshot of LW, Ian Parsons, and Shelton Fernando

2 snapshots of various friends at Monks House

6 photographic negatives of items in this collection

Gift of Trekkie Parsons

Ad. 27 Parsons, I.M.

Articles, book reviews, letters to the press, newscuttings etc., with related correspondence. 1932-1977. c.80 items

Gift of the estate of Trekkie Parsons

Ad. 28 Woolf, Leonard

Card index of gramophone recordings owned by LW with dates on which they were listened to

555 cards 9cm x 6cm

Gift of Lady Margaret Lintott

Ad.29 Monday Literary Club


  1. Invited speakers, chiefly to Mrs Lilla Healing, Hon. Secretary. 11 letters 22.7.58 - 20.6.68 from: Ivy Compton-Burnett, Patric Dickinson, E.M. Forster, Duncan Grant, Cecil Day Lewis (to LW), George Rylands, Vita Sackville-West (to LW), Sylvia Townsend Warner, Veronica Wedgewood.
  2. President (Leonard Woolf) to Mrs Lilla Healing, Hon. Secretary. letters 7.10.58 - 27.11.68

Programmes. 1959-60, 1979-91

Gift of Mrs Lilla Healing

Ad. 30 Trekkie Parsons 1902-1995

Obituary notices, memorial pamphlet and related documents marking the death of Trekkie Parsons, donor of the Monks House Papers and the Leonard Woolf Papers

Ad. 31 Trekkie Parsons

16 als c.1964-1982 to Annelisse West, the Parsons' housekeeper, concerning domestic affairs, animals, etc.

34 holiday postcards, 1955-c.1970 to Annelisse West from Trekkie and Ian Parsons

Gift of Annelisse West 29.02.00







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