
Division of General Counsel, Governance and Compliance

Records Management Top Tips

Please see below for some tips to help you navigate the records management life cycle effectively.


  1. UNDERSTAND why you create a record. This is because a meeting invitation, a committee paper, a student record, or financial information all need to be managed differently.
  2. NAME electronic and paper files in a way that is meaningful and easy to retrieve.
  3. Use VERSION CONTROL to minimise confusion when there are various copies.
  4. Include the REVIEW OR DISPOSAL DATE in the folder name or mark it on the physical copy


  1. CLASSIFY all records you create or handle as described in the Information Classification and Handling Policy. Classification should be based on your risk assessment of the record’s sensitivity or value.
  2. Use IT Services supported STORAGE options for collaborative working. This is because shared University systems are better solutions for records than personal folders.
  3. Control ACCESS to your records based on who should be able to view or edit them. It is always better to share links than using email attachments.
  4. Avoid DUPLICATION in different places and versions. This can create issues with multiple versions and confusion about which is the 'right' document.
  1. REVIEW your records regularly and dispose of any that are no longer required. Records that are no longer in general use or replaced or outdated, should be deleted when they are no longer needed.
  2. CONSULT the Master Records Retention Schedule to see how long master records should be retained and what the recommended disposal action is following the end of the retention period.
  3. If you think a record has a historical value and should be ARCHIVED, contact the University Collections team.
  4. DISPOSE of records confidentially and securely, for example using the confidential waste bins.

If you have any queries about records management, please contact the Information Management team. We are also happy to provide face-to-face drop-in sessions.


Last updated October 2022