
Photo of Gordon HaroldGordon Harold
Honorary Title Holder (Brighton and Sussex Medical School)


My primary research interests focus on (1) examining the impact of family and wider social adversities (e.g. inter-parental conflict, negative parenting, parent mental health, family stress and transition) on child and adolescent mental health (e.g. depression, anxiety, conduct problems), (2) the interplay between genetic factors, pre-natal, post-natal rearing experiences and children’s mental health, (3) utilising advanced statistical methods to examine longitudinal data/cohort longitudinal resources, and (4) promoting research-led practice/policy recommendations focusing on early rearing influences on child and adolescent mental health.

Recent Research Grant Awards (2015 - Present)

Harold, G. T., Livingstone, S., Perez-Vallejos, E., Ford, T., Sonuga-Barke, E., Hollis, C. (2018-2022). The Nurture Network: Promoting Young People’s Mental Health in a Digital World. UKRI-Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (£1,249,969).

Harold, G. T., Hampden-Thompson, G., Watters, C., Cassell, J. (2017-2022). Developing an Integrated and Interdisciplinary Practice-Based Training Model aimed at Improving Mental Health Outcomes for Children, Parents and Families. Rudd Family Foundation (£1,500,000).

Horwood, J., R., Boden, J., O’Donovan, M., Harold, G. T., (2016-2021). The Christchurch Health and Development Study – Birth to 42 years. Health Research Council of New Zealand ($NZ 3,914,157).

Sellers, R., Harold, G. T. (2015-19). Underatanding how family processes affect children's mental health: Implementing an international and interdisciplinary programme of research. The Economic and Social Research Council (£135,000)

Harold, G. T., Thapar, A., Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. (2015-17). Utilising adoption-based research designs to examine the interplay between family relationship processes and child developmental outcomes. Economic and Social Research Council, (£199,605).

Harold, G. T., Hampden-Thompson, G. (2015-16). An evaluation of the AdOpt parenting programme. National Implementation Service (NIS) and Department for Education (DfE), (£202,000).

Harold, G. T. (2015-16). Implementing a parent support programme aimed at improving psychological outcomes for child witnesses of domestic abuse. Barnardos Wales (£80,000).

Harold, G. T. (2015-16). Inter-parental relations and child mental health outcomes: A policy-based evidence review. Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Early Intervention Foundation (EIF), £33,000.