Please look here for current vacancies at Sussex.
Research Fellows
We would like to encourage promising early career scientists to launch their independent research at Sussex. If you are interested in having Sussex Neuroscience sponsor an application for a Fellowship or Career Development Award, please contact Miguel Maravall, Louise Serpell or Chris Bird in the first instance.
Postdoctoral researchers
Our postdoctoral researchers are highly valued members of our community, and potential applicants are welcome to contact group leaders directly. See our Research pages for more details about our major themes and individual research groups. .
Funded PhD studentships
Sussex Neuroscience offers PhD scholarships on an annual basis, including a 4-year PhD Programme that includes a first year of laboratory rotations and training, spanning all of our research themes.
We also regularly advertise supervised by individual group leaders.
See our PhD page for more infomation and how to apply.
Schools, Centres and Groups
Sussex Neuroscience includes researchers who belong to four different academic Schools. Full information about working and studying within each School can be found on these webpages:
There are many well-established areas of collaboration between Neuroscientists across the four Schools, as represented by the following groups:
Taught degrees in Neuroscience
If you are interested in studying for a taught degree in Neuroscience at 名媛直播, please see the main University prospectus: